Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1565 Young Xiao's Secret!

In all directions, large groups of adult owls are rushing towards Zhang Yi!

"what's going on?"

Zhang Yi felt a little puzzled.

Do these guys exclude outsiders?

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

Around, those owls have approached.

Zhang Yi was forced to fight.

File a trial by fire.


The golden flame was burning.

Lock on the surrounding enemies and attack!

Boom boom boom!

One after another single skill triggers multiple attacks, which are divided into three parts, transformed into fire dragons, and bombarded on multiple different targets at the same time.

The damage is as high as 150-200 billion, quickly swallowing their blood.

These owls, like the previous ones, have different levels.

Even this time, the lowest level is only more than 170 levels, and the highest level is already 240 levels!

Generally speaking, monsters on the same map should all be kept at the same level.

This huge level of surprise is really hard to understand.

However, if it is time to kill, Zhang Yi will never let it go, no matter the level is low or high.

First use a single skill to consume a wave of different targets.

At the moment when the dozens of owls around were rushing towards him, they were about to collide with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi suddenly rode a minibus and soared into the air!

Those owls didn't have time to brake for a while, and they collided one after another.

At this time, Zhang Yi, who was floating in the low air, waved his staff again.

Activate the set skill Hunter.

Boom boom boom!

The streamer is extinguished, the undead storm, the ice and snow, the dance of demons

In the list of skills, almost all the skills that can be used are thrown out.

In an instant, countless fire dragons swept through the same area of ​​land, swallowing dozens of owls.

The super high damage, the blood strips on the head of the group of owls that hit them fell straight off.

And after three seconds, the Imprint of the Hunter that was applied to them exploded.

All damage received in the first three seconds is superimposed at one time, causing secondary damage.

In an instant, three-quarters of the owls were killed directly.

The remaining seven or eight are relatively high-level, some are about level 240, and they cannot be directly eliminated in seconds.

And they, who only had a trace of residual blood, still did not escape, but continued to make noises towards Zhang Yi, who was floating in the low air!

Fortunately, they did not have the ability to fly before they became dragons.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Yi is in the sky, they will not be able to get close to Zhang Yi.

However, this situation made Zhang Yi feel more and more that the young owl in his hand was not easy!

Obviously, these adult owls all came to this young owl in Zhang Yi's hands.

In order to snatch this young owl, they even paid the price of their lives!

What kind of courage does this young owl have to make them so crazy?

Zhang Yi, who was riding a minibus and floating in the low air, gradually shifted his attention from the group of adult owls on the ground to the young owl in his hand.

I always feel that this young owl is a bit complicated.

Perhaps it really hides a secret about the seal of the gods!

Only the Divine Seal can make the owls in this Divine Realm go crazy!

But, how to crack the secret of this young owl?

If you don't understand, just ask Viana!

After all, Zhang Yi didn't know where this place was before, and it was Weiana who told Zhang Yi that this was the domain of the gods.

Moreover, she also knew about the fact that the dragon clan's predecessor was Xiao.

Maybe, she also knows the secret of Xiao Xiao!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Thinking of this, Zhang Yi used the Dragon Soul Ring to contact Viyana again.

"Nana, do you know what abilities the young owl in God's Domain has?"

After a while, Viana replied: "I don't know either. I just heard that in God's Domain, every young owl is about to be born, or when it is just born, it will be scrambled by a large number of adult owls."

"They scrambled for the newly born owl, and then raised the owl, as if to get something in it that might be born during the growth process."

After grabbing the young owl, raise it up. In the process, what may be born on the young owl is the key for those adult owls to snatch the young owl?

In this way, Zhang Yi seems to know what to do.

Then he asked: "Then what should this young owl feed it?"

"I'll ask Jon about this, and see if he knows."

Zhang Yi said, "Okay, please Nana."

"It's okay." Viana said: "Hold on, you must come out of the realm of the gods!"

After temporarily ending the chat.

Zhang Yi looked at Xiao Xiao in his hand again.

Maybe through exploration, we can find some clues.

Zhang Yi performed a god-level exploration technique on the young owl.

Young Owl (Physics, normal monster).

Grade 1.

Talent: Emergence into a dragon (common level talent. Before becoming a dragon, Xiaoxiao had the ability to devour the same kind. After killing the same kind, he can make himself gain 1% of the growth rate of the same kind)

Physical Attack Power: 5

Physical Defense: 2

Magic Defense: 1

Health: 100

Description: Young owls who are just born are easily plundered by adult owls. In the realm of the gods, young owls seem to be a hot treasure

The newly born 1st-level young owl has the same talent as those adult owls, and it is also a feathered dragon!

However, this young owl's talent for becoming a dragon is relatively low, only the lowest ordinary level.

And those owls before, have reached the epic level!

The role of talent is the same, that is, by killing the same kind, plundering the growth rate of the same kind.

The level of talent level will affect the phagocytosis.

Before the epic feathering into a dragon, the swallowing degree was 60%.

And this ordinary level, only 1% phagocytosis.

Seeing this talent, Zhang Yi suddenly thought: Could it be

, the young owl grows by devouring the same kind?

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

On the land not far ahead, I saw a large group of owls again, fighting fiercely with each other!

There were only three senior adult owls between levels 250-255. They seemed to have formed an alliance to fight against a large group of owls with only about 220-230 levels.

Although the number of those low-level owls is large, their combat power is definitely far less than that of more than 250-level owls.

So soon, the group of low-level owls were defeated by high-level owls.

However, after defeating them, the three high-level owls did not directly kill the group of low-level owls, but severely injured them.

One of the senior owls opened his palm.

In the palm of his hand, a young owl suddenly emerged!

The young owl rushed to the ground and staggered onto a bloody low-level owl who was stepped on by the high-level owl.

Like a chicken pecking at rice, he pecked the low-level owl.

I can only see: -1 point of mandatory damage, directly kill the low-level owl who was deliberately beaten with only 1 point of blood!

After the young owl killed the 220-level low-level owl, its shape immediately began to change.

Compared to before, it has grown a lot!

The level has also grown from level 1 to level 9 at once!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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