Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1570 Fifth-Order G Dragon Emperor

Boom boom boom!

The bursts of thunder and lightning continued to overflow from the magic circle.

Under everyone's attention, an incomparably huge silver-gray dragon leaped out from the purple crack opened in the magic circle!

Above the head, a line of blood-red IDs shocked the audience——

lv255 Black Rock Dragon King: Ancient Road (Fifth-Order Dragon King of Physics Department/Ghost Race)!

Last night in the dark capital, the fifth-order dragon emperor was killed by the ghost king Luo Jia himself!

The ones I dealt with before were all small ones.

The sudden appearance of this big guy shocked the players of the three major families around him.

And this Black Rock Dragon Emperor, who has transformed into the Ghost Dragon Emperor, does not seem to target the players of the three major families.

Leaping out of the magic circle, the Black Rock Dragon Emperor flew straight into the sky!

Seeing this scene, Yiqi Juechen hurriedly ordered: "You can't let it leave here alive, concentrate your firepower and kill it!"

Under the command of Yiqijuechen.

In all directions, countless archers and magicians from the three major families locked onto the Ghost Dragon Emperor and launched a fierce attack!

boom boom boom

Countless sharp arrows orbs, violently bombarded the Ghost Dragon Emperor, causing a large amount of damage in the billions of dollars on the top of his head.

However, such damage is not enough to pose a threat to ordinary ghost dragons.

What's more, to a fifth-order signed Ghost Dragon Emperor!

After several rounds of concentrated fire attacks by the mage shooter, Gulu's blood strips barely moved!

And when the players are ready to continue shooting.

Gu Lu just opened his mouth and let out a fierce roar of "roar".

The next moment, there are countless blue death lights on the land, bombarding from the ground!

Whoa whoa whoa!

In a large area, the mage shooter players who were attacking the Ghost Dragon Emperor were knocked into the air by the death light impacting from their feet.

The damage amounted to more than 300 billion, instantly killing hundreds of players in a large area, making them all fall to the ground and turn into corpses in one place!

The fat man quickly cast a spell and settled on the ancient road.

However, in less than half a second, Gu Lu broke free and continued to leap into the air.

Without the blessing effect of the Fulong Seal, the full-level fifth-order Dragon Emperor is simply invincible!

Except for Zhang Yi, it is estimated that no one can match the fifth-order Dragon Emperor.

Besides, Zhang Yi was not there yet.

Seeing that the Black Rock Dragon Emperor is flying higher and higher, he will soon be out of the attack range of the long-range mage shooter.

A Lonely Boat, Ye Jintianming, and other players with flying mounts, rode their ice dragons, firebirds, or eagles, leaping up and chasing the ancient road.

Flying mounts, one in a million.

Looking at the more than one million people in the three major families, the number of players with flying mounts does not exceed three digits.

There are only a few dozen players with flying mounts, riding around the ancient road, using their skills with control effects to launch violent attacks on the ancient road!

In the world of Apocalypse, mounts seem to be proportional to the player's strength.

Generally powerful people can have flying mounts.

Therefore, those riding on those flying mounts are almost all the top master players of the three major families!

However, because the level of the ancient road is too high and the excessive level suppression, the control of ordinary players does not work for the ancient road at all.

Everyone's attacks can't hinder the ancient road.

Although their damage is not low, they can almost cause a large amount of damage to the ancient road of 30 billion to 40 billion!

The attack of the crowd also angered Gu Lu.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Starting from the abdomen, a cloud of blue energy visible to the naked eye is gradually converging towards the mouth.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the players surrounding the ancient road retreated one after another.

But in the end, it was still a step too late.


Gu Lu suddenly opened his bloody mouth and sprayed out an ice-blue dragon flame from his mouth. He rode a flying mount in front of him, trying to stop his players.

As the ancient road changed direction, Long Yan directly revolved around it, and instantly shot down the players within the range!

Ye Jintianming and Yiye Guzhou, who were lucky enough to survive, gathered together and looked at the Black Rock Dragon Emperor who continued to fly into the sky, with expressions of anxiety on their faces.

"This guy is too strong, with our strength, we can't deal with it at all!"

With the end of the night, the words just fell.

Yi Ye Guzhou said in a deep voice: "It must not be allowed to escape, otherwise, Dawn City will usher in a disaster!"

A full-level fifth-order dragon emperor, plus a six-star ghost king that is close to full-level.

One ghost and one dragon are enough to bring devastating damage to Dawn City!

If you let them join forces to create a ghost beast army, Dawn City will really be over!

Realizing this, Yi Ye Guzhou held the scepter and locked the Black Rock Dragon Emperor Ancient Road in front of him, when he was about to control the ice dragon and launch a pursuit.

Boom boom boom!

In the air, there was a sudden burst of lightning and thunder!

On land, the three family players were shocked.

"what's the situation?"

"Could it be that the ghost king Luo Jia is coming?"

"No way! Isn't the special effect of the ghost king Luojia dark? This is not the ghost king!"

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Under the shadow of the moonlight.

Right above the head of Heiyan Longhuang Ancient Road, a blood-red crack in time and space ripped apart the sky and opened up!

The next moment, bursts of lightning continued to flow from the cracks.


A golden beam of light burst out from the crack, just piercing the left wing of the Black Rock Dragon Emperor below.

The powerful beam actually smashed the left wing of the Black Rock Dragon Emperor into ashes!

With a howl of pain, the injured Black Rock Dragon Emperor's huge body crashed down toward the ground!

At the same time, bursts of golden light continued to appear from the cracks in time and space, and the players of the three major families on the land could not help but arouse their imaginations.

"Good guy! What special effect is this? Could it be that our dragon captain, the king, has returned?"

"True or false, the captain is coming back strong?!"

"So strong!

This power is indescribably strong! "

When people are talking.

I saw a huge feathered dragon with golden light all over its body, leaping out of the golden light beam!

The golden id on the top of the golden dragon's head is shocking—

lv255 sixth-order dawn dragon emperor: Yuan (the sixth-order dragon emperor of the light dragon family of the physics department)!

"My God! The full-level sixth-order Bright Dragon Emperor with the exclusive title of golden id!"

Everyone on the field dropped their jaws in shock.

Only Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others looked at the golden dragon and felt very familiar!

Yet at this moment.

Immediately after that, another blue feathered dragon with an ice-blue breath all over its body leaped out of the golden beam!

The id above his head once again made countless players from the three major families on the land drop their jaws——

lv255 sixth-order ice and snow dragon emperor: Xi Ya (magic light dragon clan sixth-order dragon emperor)!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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