Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1569 Dark recovery, powerful G dragon!

"They're coming!"

Accompanied by a sudden exclamation from the crowd.


A deafening roar came one after another.

Immediately afterwards, in the sight of everyone, a huge purple crack was torn apart in front of the magic formation!

An incomparably huge body, exuding black energy, only a dark dragon with ice-blue cold light in its eyes leaped out of the crack!

On the top of his head, a line of blood-red id is particularly clear in the dark night——

lv255 Dark Battle Dragon (Physics Department, Ghost Race Ordinary Monster)!

With the appearance of the ghost dragon.

The three major clan senior mage shooters who had already been in ambush outside locked on the ghost dragon and launched a fierce attack!

Boom boom boom!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless magic balls and sharp arrows rolled in from all directions, all of which landed on the first ghost dragon that came out of the magic circle.

On top of its head, it brought tens of billions of damage!

I have to say that compared to the time when I first started to prepare to attack the Dark Empire, the overall strength level of the players of the three major families has improved a lot this time.

Without the addition of the Fulong Seal, it can also cause tens of billions of damage to a full-level dragon, which is already very good!

And yesterday, they were only able to deal hundreds of millions of damage to full-level dragons without the Fulong Seal bonus.

It is precisely because after the battle yesterday, the average level of these mage shooters has risen by six or seven levels, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

In addition to facing full-level dragons, the level suppression effect is also much lower than before.

Generally, after players reach the level and strength of rank 8 above level 200, they will basically have a few armor-piercing or penetrating skills on their bodies.

This is also the reason why these players can deal 100 million units of damage to full-level dragons across levels 30 to 40.

That is to say, it is not as good as Zhang Yi's 100% armor-piercing penetration of the god-level killing dragon soul. Most of the armor-piercing skills of ordinary players only have an armor-piercing coefficient of 30-40.

A full-level dragon of level 255 has about 10 trillion blood.

Even if the players of the three major families reach the current level and strength level, the tens of billions of damage caused by a single unit is still not enough to pose a big threat to the ghost dragon.

But as the saying goes, more people are more powerful.

There are hundreds of mage shooters who are within the effective attack range!

So many people attacked with concentrated fire in one round, and instantly wiped out half of the blood of the ghost dragon!

I haven't waited for the ghost dragon to react.

The second round of concentrated fire attack of the mage shooter is striking!

Boom boom boom!

Whoosh whoosh!

Another round of fierce attack, this time, the ghost dragon with the remaining half blood was instantly killed!


With a wailing cry, the huge body of the ghost dragon suddenly fell and fell to the ground!

Coming out of the magic circle, after surviving for less than a second, he was killed.

And it was killed without the bonus of Fulong Seal.

Compared with yesterday, the strength of the three major families is truly amazing!

However, before they had time to wait for everyone to feel joy at the easy killing of this ghost dragon.

next moment.

The purple crack above the magic circle expanded dramatically, and then, one after another, ghost dragons leaped out of the magic circle one after another!

Around, the mage shooters of the three major families quickly attacked.

Only this time, there are too many enemies.

The crowd's attack did not kill a ghost dragon, but only crippled them.

At this time, other warriors and knights who were already prepared around them also started to act.

Just waiting for those ghost dragons to appear, the surrounding knight players launched ridicule one after another, attracting the ghost dragon's hatred!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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hoo hoo hoo!

In a roar, those ghost dragons flew straight towards the three family warrior knight players on the periphery of the circle and flew away!

Use Streamer Slash for a wave of long-distance consumption.

The land is densely packed, and under the concentrated fire of countless groups of soldiers and players, the ghost dragons that have been crippled by the mage shooters before leaping in the forefront are directly killed and turned into one. Corpses fell to the ground!

At the same time, the rest of the ghost dragons that followed closely opened their bloody mouths one after another, spitting out ice-blue ghost fires from their mouths!

Boom boom boom!

Under the attack of ice blue dragon flames, players in a large area on the land were engulfed one after another!

Their attack is very deadly.

The dragon flames leaked down, covering the crowd.

In an instant, the players who touched the dragon flames were killed under the huge damage of up to 200-300 billion!

Such damage can directly cause a fatal blow to any player at this stage!

Even a rough-skinned knight had no chance of being able to withstand an attack.

hoo hoo hoo!

With several dragon flames raging back and forth on the field.

A large number of players in several areas were killed one after another!

The players who died fell to the ground one after another, and the corpses were not refreshed.

And next to their corpses, one after another, gray beads - life beads fell!

While suffering heavy losses, the three family players fought hard to resist.

Millions of players worked together to kill each ghost dragon.

Soon, the first batch of more than a dozen ghost dragons that rushed out of the dark imperial capital were wiped out.

And the casualties on the player's side have already exceeded four digits, at least two or three thousand!

Compared with yesterday, this casualty rate is much lower, but it is still heavy!

Just wait until everyone has just solved this group of ghost dragons.

In the blink of an eye, more ghost dragons leaped out of the magic circle!

The deafening dragon roar resounded through the sky.

Players and ghost dragons start an overwhelming fight.

Xingtian, a ride to Juechen, a lonely boat, the situation rises again.

Everyone is working hard to kill the ghost dragon, not letting go of any ghost dragon that came out of the dark imperial capital.

the only lucky one

The point is: Fortunately, those black dragons were not killed at the same time last night, otherwise they would recover collectively and turn into ghost dragons at one time. If they all rushed out in an instant, with the strength of the three major families, I am afraid it would be really difficult to resist them. .

But now, basically, one or two of them come out every three to five seconds, which corresponds to the time of their death, that is, it must be a black dragon that has been dead for a full 24 hours before it can be transformed into a ghost dragon!

The fierce battle has caused the death rate of both sides to rise rapidly.

It is also that the players of the three major families never dreamed that they had just fought against these dark war dragons yesterday, but today, they have to fight their corpses again!

Can not help but feel emotional:

Asking for the assistance of the ghost king is really not that simple.

Yesterday, the ghost king helped capture the dark imperial capital, and today the three major families will clean up this mess.

Fortunately, the three major families are strong, and in the end, they succeeded in killing all the dark battle dragons that came out of the magic circle!

However, just after fighting for an hour, I could not count how many ghost dragons were killed, only to see that the ghost dragons no longer flew out of the magic circle. Everyone thought the battle was over and they were ready to breathe a sigh of relief.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar.

A 255-level fifth-order ghost dragon emperor with ice-blue light in his eyes leaped out of the magic circle!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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