Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1575 Common enemies, common enemies of the G family!

Along with Xing Tian, ​​the vice-captain of the Dragon Clan, Yi Ye Guzhou, the captain of the Resurrection, and the Fengyun Captain Fengyun Resurrection, three people simultaneously issued an announcement in the chat area of ​​Dawn City.

In the chat area, countless players suddenly boiled:

"A few bosses are talking about the ghost king who helped you conquer the main city of the dark dragon clan before? Isn't it good? Why do you say that our Dawn City is going to face a crisis?"

"Is the brain upstairs flooded? You don't really think that the ghost king in the world of Apocalypse is divided into good ghosts and bad ghosts, right? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that last time it must be a plan of Yinuo Qingcheng. The ghost king helped fight the dark dragon emperor!"

"Yes, I believe that Yinuo Qingcheng, the first god of Dawn City, and the character of the Dragon Clan of the first team, they will never join forces with the ghost clan!"

"In that case, it should be the ghost king who discovered that Yinuo Qingcheng was using it, so now he has defected and is going to take revenge on our human race?"

"That's the end of it! I saw that the ghost king was so powerful in the live broadcast before, and the level 255 dragon could be killed instantly. If it really wants to invade Dawn City, how can we stop it?"

"Don't be afraid, brothers, we share the same enemy, this ghost king dares to come, we will let it come and go!"

At present, the players in Dawn City are still relatively harmonious.

No one blamed: it was because Zhang Yi took advantage of the ghost king Luo Jia, which led to Luo Jia's revenge.

All they thought about was how to deal with this ghost king together!

Because after this attack on the dark imperial capital and the battle of the seventh-order dark dragon emperor of the dark dragon race, "Yinuo Qingcheng" has become completely famous!

Now, all over the city, men and women, young and old, chatting after dinner, 80% of them are about Zhang Yi.

After this battle, Zhang Yi has almost become the super god admired and admired by all male players in Quan Shuguang City!

He has also become the male god that countless girl players have a crush on.

Since the Dark Emperor Capital was breached, the seventh-order Dark Dragon Emperor was killed by Zhang Yi himself.

Zhang Yikai's Dragon Clan Commercial Bank on Shuguang Street was overcrowded from morning to night, even in the early hours of the morning.

The business of the store has skyrocketed tenfold compared to before! !

Even many other family bosses have offered hundreds of billions of gold coins and want to invite Zhang Yi to speak for their upcoming store.

The captains of various high-end teams are scrambling to form an alliance with the Dragon Clan, and even those with beautiful younger sisters or older sisters want to introduce Zhang Yi as a partner.

It is completely unimaginable how popular Zhang Yi is in Dawn City!

Therefore, no one dares to be detrimental to Zhang Yi, or even dare to say a word detrimental to Zhang Yi, but if there is, this person will be immediately attacked by the players in the city!

Including the ghost king!

"This ghost king is so courageous. He dares to betray me, the great god Yinuo! Brothers of Tianyun Pavilion, whoever sees the ghost king immediately tell me that I will kill that little brat with my own hands!"

"Ghost King, I really don't know whether to live or die! Curse you to fall to death while walking, and die suddenly when you sleep!"

"Stupid, ghost kings have mounts, they can't walk on their own, and they never need to sleep. It should be said that they are choked to death by the air when they breathe!"

Next, I don't know who said, "Wait until the ghost king is caught, and use it to make a steamed ghost movie".

In the chat area of ​​Dawn City, the chat scene once changed from blood to "temptation"

"Steamed and tasteless, braised it!"

"It's still good to stir-fry, it's crunchy, and it's so exciting!"

"I'm going, you guys are really serious"


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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the next few days, the three major families, Jon, Viana and the others, did not do anything, just waited quietly.

As for the players in Dawning City, after being reminded by the three major families, as long as they go out, they will choose to stick together.

I don't know if I was frightened by the momentum of the players in Dawn City, or if something else happened. After several days passed, the ghost king Luo Jia did not move at all!

As time goes by day by day.

the other side.

The dark imperial capital, within the realm of the gods.

In the blink of an eye, it's been a week since I was trapped in God's Domain!

Zhang Yi is still perseveringly looking for Xiao Xiao every day, and then upgrades Xiao Xiao.

But after so many days, Zhang Yi has lost count of how many young owls he has given, from level 1 to level 100. From the beginning to the end, there has not been a single owl that successfully gave birth to consciousness!

The difficulty of obtaining the Divine Seal is somewhat beyond Zhang Yi's imagination.

Although it is reasonable

After all, just by feeding the young owl, giving birth to divine consciousness during its growth, and then using divine consciousness to condense the divine seal, it is possible to evolve from a dragon bloodline person to a dragon camper.

This promotion method is indeed much simpler than completing the dragon faction assessment!

Although Zhang Yi has already completed the first two assessments, only the last assessment is left, but it is also the most difficult assessment.

If the third-stage assessment is carried out by normal means, even with Zhang Yi's current strength, there is a 90% chance that he will fail!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be until Zhang Yi's death in the last life, there were only three dragon campers in the whole world of Apocalypse.

At least for now, there is no difficulty, it just takes more time and patience.

Fortunately, in the realm of the gods, they can still maintain normal survival.

When the fatigue is not enough, I just lay on the floor and sleep.

When you are hungry, eat roast owl.

It has to be said that these owls, which are similar to big birds, after being roasted with the dragon flames of the minibus, still tasted quite fragrant.

A young owl like this will be eaten by Zhang Yi as food when he reaches level 100 and has not yet given birth to consciousness.

Like Zhang Yi, the minibus also eats them.

Like an adult owl at level 100-200, the minibus needs to eat a dozen heads per meal.

Although the days are passable, Zhang Yi will not die even if it continues like this for a long time.

But it can't go on like this forever.

During the period, I tried to die, but it was useless, because if I died in the realm of the gods, I would be resurrected in place.

And these days, the one thing that worries Zhang Yi the most is the Lingzhu!

Before putting the Lingzhu on the sacred mountain, Zhang Yi would go to find the sacred water every day, water the sacred tree, and give the Lingzhu

Provide nutrition.

And now, Zhang Yi is sleepy in God's Domain for a week!

I haven't fed Lingzhu with divine power for a week. I don't know how she's doing now!

"I'm sorry, I'm not a competent guardian." Thinking of Lingzhu, Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling a little sad.

at this time.

The dragon soul ring in his hand suddenly flickered!

It was Viana, who sent the message.

"Zhang Yi, how is your situation?"

"There's one thing I feel I need to tell you."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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