Wei Yana's words made Zhang Yi suddenly feel a "squeak" in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yi asked inexplicably worried.

In the dragon soul ring, Viana's voice came again: "I went to the mountain a few days ago, and the spiritual beads you put there are gone."

"Lingzhu disappeared?" Zhang Yi asked in disbelief, "How come it disappeared?"

After a pause, Viana said: "I was thinking a few days ago that you need to find a way to leave God's Domain as soon as possible. In order not to distract you, I didn't tell you."

"But I still think it's necessary to let you know about this earlier," Viana continued, "I'm not sure, it may be that she withered away because she was not watered by divine power in those days."

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Zhang Yi.

I can't help but recall the scene when the death knight Cayenne handed over the spirit bead to him, and he asked himself to help him keep the spirit bead.

Immediately, I just felt extremely self-blame: "I'm sorry I didn't protect you well, I'm sorry"

At this time, Viana continued: "But it does not rule out the possibility that she left the mountain by herself. After all, that spirit bead is a living body."

"I'm afraid only you can find her, so you have to get out of God's Domain as soon as possible!"

Wei Yana's words made Zhang Yi even more anxious, wishing to rush out of God's Domain immediately.

But right now, it's no use worrying, that's not the way to leave God's Domain.

Trying to calm himself down, Zhang Yi asked, "Nana, how is the situation outside now?"

"It's calm for the time being." Weiana's voice was mixed with a trace of worry: "But the quieter it is, the more uneasy it is."

"It's like, the calm before the storm."

"The seventh-order dragon crystal of the Dark Dragon King, and the energy spar of the Dark Imperial Capital, are all on the ghost king Luo Jia. These days, Jon and I have been tracking Luo Jia's whereabouts, but it is too well hidden, and There has been no recent action, so we haven't been able to find it."

Viana sighed softly and said, "If you know what it will do next, that's fine. Our current state is too passive, so we can only wait for it to act."

With the top-level seventh-order dragon crystal of the Dragon Clan in the Apocalypse world, and the top-level energy spar of the seventh-order Dragon King's main city, what should a ghost king do next?

According to the memory of the previous life, the clues sorted out.

Zhang Yi said thoughtfully: "The ghost king will not easily attack Dawning City, because its strength alone is not enough to break Dawning City."

"In this case, it should first find the main city of the ghosts through the connection port of the ghosts on the side of Dawn City, and then use the energy spar of the dark imperial capital to break the seal of the main city of the ghosts and remove all the ghost towns. All the ghosts are released, and then attack Dawn City in an all-round way!"

"However, with the power of a six-star ghost king alone, I'm afraid it is impossible to release all the power in the energy spar to lift the seal of the ghost clan's main city."

Hearing Zhang Yi's answer, Wei Yana couldn't help but be a little surprised: "You actually know so much about the ghost clan?!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but let out a wry smile, thinking to himself: Those are the bloody memories of the last life, which were exchanged for the sacrifice of countless people!

I remember in the last life, there was a non-ghost festival in Dawn City, when the ghosts invaded wildly.

In that invasion, the scale of the ghost clan was very powerful, and it almost destroyed the city of dawn!

And it was none other than the leader of the underworld who caused all this: the master of the underworld who had declared war on Zhang Yi!

In the last life, the lord of the underworld, who was originally in the hell city of the Demon Race, spent several years developing the underworld and completely dominated the entire hell city. After becoming the overlord of the hell city, he began to march into several other first-level main cities.

Therefore, he led the elite division of the underworld, and when the barrier of the first-level main city was closed, he came to the Dawn City of the human race.

With the powerful strength and the evil nature of burning, killing and plundering, step by step, he will dominate the Dawn City.

Under the leadership of Tiange, known as the first family of the star country in later generations, and the only one titled God of War, Qiyue Liuhuo, he also entered Dawn City!

Qiyue Liuhuo leads Tiange players and fights the underworld in an all-round way.

In the end, the underworld was directly defeated with a powerful force.

The Lord of the Underworld was unwilling to be defeated by Tiange, so he moved with evil thoughts.

Search around to collect information about the ghost clan, intending to use the ghost clan to fight against Tiange!

Unexpectedly, later, the Lord of the Underworld really found out the information about the ghosts!

Later, according to this message, the Lord of the Underworld took great pains and actually dug out a seven-star ghost pet that had been dusty for thousands of years!

Ghost pets, their status in the ghost clan is comparable to that of the ghost king.

It's just that the ghost king is in human form, while ghost pets are in beast form.

Generally, it can also be understood as the name suggests: ghost pets are pets of ghost kings.

The strength of a seven-star ghost pet is second only to the seven-star ghost king! Even stronger than the six-star ghost king!

In order to defeat Tiange and Qiyue Liuhuo, it was a shame.

The lord of the underworld was insane and completely lost his human nature. He actually helped the seven-star ghost pet to conquer several main cities of the Bright Dragon Clan and seize a large amount of energy spar.

Then, the seven-star ghost pet found the main city of the ghost clan on the side of Dawn City, used those energy spar to lift the seal, and released all the ghosts!

As the lord of the underworld to help the ghosts

In return, the ghosts promised that the Lord of the Underworld would help him deal with Tiange.

It's a pity that the ghost clan's conspiracy failed later.

Under the concerted efforts of hundreds of millions of players in Dawn City, it took a month to completely defeat the ghost clan!

Moreover, the underworld was also pulled out!

Zhang Yi, Mu Chen, and the others also participated in this war of resistance with players from Dawn City.

So these things, until now, Zhang Yi also remembers it very clearly.

It's just that those things happened a few years later in the last life.

At that time, the average level of players in Dawn City was almost full!

That level of strength is enough to fight against the full-level ghost clan in the first-level main city.

If it is now, with the current power of the players in Dawn City, they will definitely not be able to fight against the ghost clan.

Once the entire army of ghost clan is infested, Dawn City will be defeated without a doubt!

These memories come back to mind.

Zhang Yi seemed to suddenly understand something, and suddenly his heart was shocked!

If nothing else happens, the ghost king Luo Jia should first find the seven-star ghost pet that was revived by the lord of the underworld in the previous life. After resuscitating the seven-star ghost pet, he will use the power of the seven-star ghost pet to use the energy spar to relieve the ghost clan. The seal of the main city, release the ghost clan!

In the vicinity of Dawn City, there is only that one seven-star ghost king ghost pet that was sealed outside the main ghost town!

The ghost king Luo Jia has been quiet for a while, and in all likelihood, he should be trying to find a way to revive the seven-star ghost pet!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi quickly opened the map, searched for a while, and quickly locked a location.

Then, he hurriedly said to Viana: "Nana, hurry up! Help me tell Xingtian and the others, and let him immediately order the whole army to attack the ghost underworld!"

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