Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1578 Mysterious tower, Higliel's secret!

The 225-level ghost messenger is the overlord of the ghost underworld map.

As level 225 ordinary monsters, their stats are not high.

6 billion attack, 300 million defense, 900 billion blood.

If Zhang Yi was here, such a ghost messenger, he could kill a dozen or twenty of them in one minute!

Of course, even if Zhang Yi wasn't there, Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others would not be bad.

I saw the three ghost messengers in front of me leaping over with their Pegasus.

Just wait until they get into effective range.

Here, dozens of archers and magicians in the Dragon Clan Hundred People Group launched long-distance attacks at the same time!

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

The sharp arrow and the orb passed over the heads of the knights in the front row and landed on the two ghost messengers who bore the brunt in front.

On top of their heads, there are 30 to 40 billion damages!

Such damage is already quite good.

At this time, the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world, as well as the King Glory Storm Angel, they also launched an attack.

As the deputy captain of the Dragon Clan, the elite-level officials of the team, their strength is stronger than the members of the first echelon of the Dragon Clan.

The damage to the 225-level ghost messenger can reach between 70-80 billion!

A wave of long-distance consumption is carried out by the mage shooter group, and a taunt is released by the front row knights, after absorbing a wave of counterattack damage from the ghost messenger.

Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen, the second of the three dragon battle gods shot.

Brush brush brush brush!

The powerful auras of Ghost Swordsman and Thunder Knight erupted.

They rushed into the ghost messenger, and the spears and swords in the two hands fell heavily. With the damage of about 100 billion in one hand, the two ghost messengers fell to the ground.

Then the mage shooter in the back row attacked and killed the two ghost messengers in an instant!

Just as the Dragon Race players were preparing to attack the remaining ghost messenger.

Viana moved suddenly.

The staff swings.


A long fire dragon descended from the sky and devoured the ghost messenger.

In an instant, the blood-filled ghost messenger was instantly killed by Viana!

Together with the ghost Pegasus under the seat, they fell directly towards the abyss below the long bridge.

It was the first time I saw Viana take action.

This scene amazed everyone in the dragon race.


"The god-level dragon soul master is really powerful, even more powerful than our captain!"

"Our captain's level is a little lower. When the captain reaches level 255, he will definitely be more powerful than this Viana mentor!"

A 255-level god-level dragon soul master, it is indeed effortless to fight a 225-level ghost messenger.

After killing the three ghost messengers blocking the way, everyone continued onward.

When we arrived at the end of the long bridge, what caught our eye was a towering tower with no end in sight!

There are four huge iron chains hanging around the tower.

Below it, there is a closed door.

On the gate, there are also many ancient runes that people can't understand!

In addition, the most shocking thing is: outside this tower, the ground is full of human corpses!

A closer look will reveal that these corpses are not from NPCs, but from players!

And every corpse seems to be eaten by something, the flesh and blood on the body is blurred, and even some, the flesh and blood has been eaten up, and only the bloody bones are left!

At this moment, the players who came from the Dragon Race couldn't help frowning, with a look of fear on their faces.

Xing Tian went straight to the corpses, squatted down, and after some investigation, he said:

"They should all be brought here after being killed by the ghosts, and then be eaten by something."

The only person who can do such a thing should be the ghost king Luo Jia!

As Xing Tian's voice just fell.

Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "It seems that Zhang Yi has indeed controlled Luo Jia's whereabouts by asking us to come here. It has already been here."

"But, what does it mean?" The Dragon Clan Immortal pointed to the corpses on the ground and asked with a puzzled face, "Does the ghost king eat people?"

Jon said, "Ghost kings don't eat people, but ghost pets do."

Hearing this name, everyone looked puzzled: "What is a ghost pet?"

"As the name suggests," Jon explained, "that is, the ghost king's pet."

"Ghost pets are good at feeding on human beings to achieve the purpose of rapid growth and recovery. A thousand years ago, when the ghost clan was prosperous, some ghost kings would specifically hunt and kill humans in order to cultivate powerful ghost pets. Corpses, feeding ghost pets."

Hearing this, Long Xingtian was surprised: "So, there is still a ghost pet under the ghost king Luojia? Is it the skeleton horse that it rode before?"

"No." Jon seemed to understand very well, and said: "Only the seven-star ghost king of the ghost clan is qualified to have ghost pets."

"A six-star ghost king like Luo Jia has no ability to raise ghost pets."

"Because ghost pets have extremely strong hearts, they only recognize masters who are stronger than themselves. Once ghost pets surpass their masters, they will most likely rebel and devour their own.

Owner! "

"If a six-star ghost king breeds a seven-star ghost pet, and finally turns himself into a ghost pet's food, isn't it ridiculous?"

Jon said: "Ghost pets are playthings that only powerful ghosts deserve. Low-level ghost kings can't afford to play."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them immediately went into a state of alert!

"I'm going! Senior, don't be scary! You mean there's a seven-star ghost king and a super ghost pet hidden here?!"

Looking at the terrified look of everyone around, Jon laughed: "Look at you cowards!"

"Don't worry, there is no ghost king, ghost pets, there should be one."

Take Jon's words.

Viana on the side said: "According to historical records, when the ghost clan in Dawn City was sealed a thousand years ago, there were several ghost kings and ghost pets who tried to escape the seal, but were sealed in the ghost clan master. outside the city."

"And the ghost king who was sealed outside did not have a seven-star record, but there was a seven-star ghost pet named Siglier who was sealed outside the city."

"If it's a seven-star ghost king, you really need to be afraid." Jon said, "But, a mere ghost pet, it's not enough to be afraid of."

"The strength of the seven-star ghost pet is also stronger than that of the six-star ghost king. With my strength, I can arbitrarily handle any level of ghost pets."

Viana, who was on the side, glanced at Jon, who boasted about not writing drafts, and said, "Stop talking big!"

"If nothing else, there should be a high-level ghost pet buried here."

"These corpses are the food that the ghost king Luo Jia brought to the ghost pet!"

Hearing this, Yiqi Juechen said: "So, the ghost king Luo Jia intends to help this ghost pet break the seal, release it, and then use the power of this ghost pet to drive the energy spar and crack the ghost clan master. The seal of the city!"

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