Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1579 Waiting for the rabbit, killing two birds with one stone!

The motives of the ghost king Luo Jia have basically been controlled by Yiqi Juechen and the others.

At this time, everyone's eyes were cast on the tower in front of them!

"In that case, that ghost pet is probably locked in this tower!"

As the dragon clan's immortal voice just fell.

Viana said: "We have to stop the ghost king and release this ghost pet!"

At this time, Jon drew his sword and stood up, showing killing intent: "Then kill this ghost pet directly!"

"But this tower has the seal of the Lord God, and none of us can enter."

"Then let's wait for it to come out by itself!" Jon said: "Since these corpses have been eaten, it means that it must come out, but it may come out in a small area, and it can't leave the tower too far, or it can't leave the ghost. It's just the underworld."

"Yes, we can ambush here!" Long Xingtian said: "When the ghost pet comes out to eat, we will kill the ghost pet!"

"Or when the ghost king Luojia comes to feed it, we will directly kill the ghost king Luojia! If they kill either of them, they will be able to prevent them from opening the seal of the ghost clan's main city and release the ghost clan!"

Take over the words of the dragon that travels the world.

Jon caressed the long sword in his hand, and said indifferently: "Or, kill them both, and the world will be peaceful from now on!"

At this time, Viana said: "At present, this ghost pet should not have enough power to directly break through the seal of the Lord God, so the ghost king is using the method of feeding the ghost pet to increase its power, trying to let it have the power to break the seal. , come out of the ghost underworld."

"Almost all of these corpses on the ground have been eaten up. It shouldn't be long before the ghost king will bring fresh corpses and continue to feed the ghost pets."

"So, we just need to ambush here and wait quietly!"

in speech.

Yiqi Juechen immediately confessed to Long Xingtian: "Let the people in the team find a secluded place one mile away from the ghost underworld to be stationed on standby. Don't come over for the time being, so as not to startle the snakes."

"Understood!" The dragon clan was immortal and took orders, and immediately began to give orders.

And Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others started looking for a place to ambush.

However, looking around, I found that there is no place to hide here!

The structure of the ghost underworld is relatively simple.

Just such a long bridge linking the exit position, at the end of the long bridge is this tall tower.

If you look around, it's all cliffs.

Under the bridge, there is an abyss that can be seen to the end at a glance. Apart from the human skeletons piled up into mountains, there is not even a big rock, and it is not suitable for hiding.

Just when people are worried about this.

Viana suddenly waved the silver staff in her hand.


A silver light curtain quietly opened on the edge of the long bridge.

Wei Yana said to the dragon people: "You can go inside for a while to avoid it."

After speaking, Viana and Jon stepped into the light curtain first.

Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, and everyone from the Dragon Clan also followed closely behind.

After everyone entered the light curtain, the light curtain disappeared immediately!

However, after passing through the light curtain, the other side that everyone reached was actually just an illusory place floating in the air!

There is obviously no place to carry it under the feet, but everyone floats in the air like stepping on the air floor!

Moreover, they were still on the map of Ghost Underworld, and their current position was diagonally above the Long Bridge.

At this time, Viana explained to the surprised Dragon Race players: "This is the illusion that I opened with the Light Dragon Secret Technique. We can see the outside world here, but the outside world can't see us."

Immediately after, Jon instructed everyone: "Remember, if the ghost king appears, no one should act rashly or make any noise to avoid being noticed by it. We must wait for it to lure the ghost pet before we can act. "

"This time, we must kill two birds with one stone!"

With that said, Jon looked at Viyana and said softly, "Nana, leave the ghost king to you, and I will deal with the ghost pets."

Wei Yana pouted: "Why every time I encounter this kind of thing, I have to deal with the powerful ones, but I can only deal with those little ones?"

Jon smiled lightly and said, "The six-star ghost king is not a small one, not to mention that if the seven-star ghost pet locked in here, because the seal is too long, the strength degenerates to six-star five-star, then I can earn It's gone!"

"Cut!" Viana obviously knew that these were all excuses.

And the conversation between the god-level dragon warrior and the god-level dragon soul master, the two big bosses, only made the players of the dragon race next to them tremble.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: Even the six-star ghost king can only be a small one? These two people are so terrifying!

So next, everyone is in this illusion, waiting for the appearance of the ghost king.

at the same time.

the other side.

In the barren city outside the Dark Empire.

A Lonely Boat and the Wind and Clouds Resurrection are still leading the members of their respective families to search for the entrance to the dark imperial capital in and out of the city.

The current situation of the three major families is that the troops are divided into two groups.

The main force of the dragon clan is looking for the ghost king Luo Jia.

The resurrected and the Fengyun people continue to look for the second entrance to the dark imperial capital, or try to find a way to see if they can open the closed one.

's array.

No one gave up on Zhang Yi.

Even now, a week has passed, and all the places that should be found and even should not be found inside and outside this desolate city have been searched.

A Lonely Boat and the Wind and Clouds came back to them, and they still didn't give up.


Fengyun Rising stood in a corner of the barren city, shouting to the players of the surrounding Fengyun family: "Brothers, keep looking! Don't miss any corner of this city, there may be a hidden entrance that needs to be activated by some method, everyone found There are special places, you must explore more!"

After speaking, the situation rose again and came to the side of the magic circle.

All I could see: Yi Ye Guzhou was sitting on a stone next to the magic circle, dozing off.

The slight footsteps woke Ye Guzhou.

The rise of the wind and clouds immediately said to Yi Ye Guzhou: "Brother, you go back to the city to rest for a while, and leave it to me for the time being."

Yi Ye Guzhou shook his head, and said somewhat lonely: "I can't sleep even if the senior didn't come out."

"It's better if you go back to rest first, and I'll look for it later."

"Don't be polite to me, Brother Yiye!" Fengyun got up again and pulled Yiye Guzhou, and said, "Go back and rest, I'll bring someone to look for it!"

"No, you go back and rest, I'll find it!" Yi Ye Guzhou pushed back and pushed the situation back.

The two are caught in a violent tug

ten minutes later.

Next to the magic circle, Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Rerise were back to back, sleeping soundly.

"Senior, you must come out. I'm still waiting for you to bring me to join the Dragon Clan camp." Yi Ye Guzhou was still talking in his sleep.

Gradually, night fell.

Silent night.

The resurrected and the players of the Fengyun family were lying in every corner of the city, falling asleep one after another.

Just when the entire barren city fell into silence.

A mass of milky white light suddenly floated into this barren city!

In the white light group, there are still light spots emitting continuously.

Wherever they went, those light spots fell to the ground, and green shoots grew out of the ground!

Yi Ye Guzhou and Fengyun Rising flew over their heads and came to the side of the magic circle.

After circling a few times above the magic circle, the light group flew directly into the magic circle and disappeared!

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