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Chapter 1580 You don't have a wife

In the realm of the gods.

Zhang Yi, who was busy looking for Xiao Xiao everywhere, led Xiao Xiao to upgrade, and wanted Xiao Xiao to give birth to consciousness, was worried about the various conditions outside.

During this time in God's Domain, he was also anxious.

He can't wait to leave this ghost place right away, but the fact is: this is not a place where he can come and leave whenever he wants.


Under the starry sky, Zhang Yi waved his staff, and a fireball technique hit a level 221 owl in front of him until only 1 blood was left.

Then he habitually opened his palms, and released a young owl in his hand, who had grown from level 1 to level 98, and had not been born with consciousness.

For this action, Zhang Yi was already numb.

Moreover, he had no hope of success at all.

"When you reach level 100, it will be useless. Let's find the next Xiao Xiao."

Even Zhang Yi had already made a plan, and said to Babu beside him, "Eat it and treat it as your supper."

The minibus let out a soft roar, as if it couldn't wait.

It's always been that way these days.

As long as it is a young owl who has risen to level 100 or above and has not been born with spiritual consciousness, Zhang Yi and the minibus will eat it as food.

However, the minibus is still very principled, and it must wait for the young owl to reach level 100 and have no spiritual consciousness before eating the abolished young owl.

Zhang Yi has turned his head to look for the next target.

And the dragon flame in Xiaoba's mouth is also just around the corner.

Maybe it was learned from Zhang Yi, the owner. Now, the minibus doesn't like eating owls raw, and habitually uses Longyan to roast them before eating them.

Just because the roasted owl is crisp and refreshing!

Within Zhang Yi's blind spot.

I saw that the 98-level young owl, after killing the 221-level adult owl, triggered the talent of becoming a dragon and absorbed the power of the adult owl.

Two streaks of golden light fell in a row.

It finally rose from level 98 to level 100, evolving from a young owl to an adult owl!

Yet at this moment.

The owl's body exuded bursts of golden light!

"Hoo! Hoo!" The minibus roared immediately to attract Zhang Yi's attention.

However, Zhang Yi waved his hand and said without turning his head: "You eat, don't call me, I'm not hungry."

Seeing that the owner didn't understand what he meant, the minibus was so anxious that he slammed the dragon flame directly at Zhang Yi.

In the state where the protection mode was not selected, Zhang Yi, who was burning with the hot dragon flame, suddenly felt his butt burning hot!

Zhang Yi jumped up because of the sudden flame, hurriedly touched his butt, and exclaimed: "Damn it! You want to build a minibus!"

Before the word "reverse" was uttered, Zhang Yi turned his head and saw the owl with golden light all over his body. He was completely stunned.


Because according to previous experience, every young owl, whether it is in the process of upgrading in the early stage or after reaching level 100, will appear in an ordinary state, and there will be no abnormality.

It is nothing more than that after reaching level 100, the young owl will grow into an adult owl, and its size will become larger.

And now, there is an unprecedented golden light on this owl's body!

Before that, Zhang Yi had brought hundreds of young owls, and he had never encountered such a situation!

There is only one possibility that can explain this situation.

"God consciousness!"

At the moment Zhang Yi realized that this owl was probably the moment when divine consciousness was born.

From all directions, the countless adult owls suddenly rushing in, also immediately confirmed Zhang Yi's guess!

Their targets are all this golden owl who has just evolved from a young owl to an adult owl!

So it means: This owl indeed gave birth to divine consciousness! !

Zhang Yi's mood was extremely excited.

I can't even believe it, it's true.

Because once you get the divine sense, it means that you can extract the divine seal through the divine sense, and then you can use the power of the divine seal to directly join the dragon camp, become a bright dragon camp member, and leave the realm of the gods!

After being stunned for 3 seconds, Zhang Yifang quickly approached the owl with golden light all over his body!

At the same time, in all directions, thousands of adult owls rushed towards this side with overwhelming momentum.

Accompanied by a roar of "roar".

The minibus soared from the ground, leaped in the low air, and spit out a hot dragon flame from its mouth, bombarding the adult owls around who were trying to approach!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi quickly approached the past.

Unexpectedly, the light on the owl became more and more intense.

In a struggle, a pair of huge wings stretched out from it!

In front of Zhang Yi, that owl actually evolved into a dragon!

Immediately afterwards, the dragon spread its wings, took off, and leaped towards the distant sky!

Zhang Yi hurriedly got on the minibus and caught up with the dragon.

At the same time, immediately contact Viana through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Nana, if the young owl is born with consciousness, what should I do next?"

at the same time.

In the ghost underworld, Viyana, who was still waiting for the rabbit in the illusion, received the news of Zhang Yi through the dragon soul ring, and couldn't help but ask incredulously: "Have you found the young owl who gave birth to the consciousness?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yi said: "But it has become a dragon directly, and next, I don't know what to do, I'm following it now."

Hearing this, Viana turned to look at Jon on the side and asked, "What should I do next?"

Because before, by giving the young owl god-level, it is possible to probabilistically give birth to divine consciousness, which is also what Jon told Viana, and then Viana told Zhang Yi.

So Jon must know more about these issues!

Jon's first reaction was the same as Weiana's, very surprised: "Has he found consciousness?"

"As expected of the person who can kill the seventh-order dark dragon emperor, this person is indeed extraordinary!"

Jon said to Viana a little excitedly: "Tell him to follow the owl who gave birth to consciousness."

"In the realm of the gods, every young owl who is born with divine consciousness in the process of growing up will be inspired to go to the divine refining pool spontaneously. Follow it and go to the divine refining pool, and you will be able to pass the divine refining pool through the divine refining pool. Refined into a Divine Seal!"

Viana nodded, and then immediately relayed what Jon said to Zhang Yi.

At the same time, Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen and the others were relieved to learn that Zhang Yi had found his divine sense, and he was only one step away from obtaining the divine seal to become a dragon camper and leaving the realm of the gods.

"We can always choose to trust Zhang Yi."

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell.

King Glory said excitedly: "My wife can not believe it, but I have always believed in Brother Cheng!"

The storm angel on the side blurted out: "You don't have a wife."

King of Glory: "(??|||)"

the other side.

In God's Domain, Zhang Yi listened to Wei Yana's advice, rode a minibus, and followed the owl closely.

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