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Chapter 1581 Divine Seal, Guardian!

In the realm of the gods.

The little dragon that evolved into after Xiao Xiao gave birth to his consciousness was leaping in an unknown direction.

And Zhang Yi, who was also riding a minibus, followed closely behind.

After a while, Zhang Yi followed the little dragon and arrived at the top of a mountain in God's Domain.

And on the top of this mountain, there is a pool of golden liquid flowing!

"This should be the Divine Refinement Pond that Nana said?"

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

I saw that the little dragon seemed to be called by some kind of power.

Straight into the pool!



Bursts of blisters gushed out of the golden pool.

At the same time, a large number of golden light spots floated out of the pool water and converged to a point in the air above the pool.

It seems that these forces are condensing something!

At this time, Zhang Yi, who saw this scene, had only one thought in his heart: "God Seal!"

After this little dragon immersed in the Divine Refinement Pond, it must be refining the Divine Seal!

Realizing this, Zhang Yi was overjoyed and thought to himself: After being trapped in the God's Domain for so long, he was finally able to obtain the Divine Seal!

Finally, I can leave God's Domain, and even take this opportunity to obtain the identity of the Dragon Clan camper!

However, just when Zhang Yi was happy.

There was a sudden commotion in all directions.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhang Yi followed the sound and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

I saw at the foot of the mountain, countless adult owls, in groups, surrounded the mountain with imposing aura!

It seems that the power of the Divine Seal is not ordinary.

At this moment, almost the entire Divine Realm, all the owls, were attracted!

See it from above.

The mountain where Zhang Yi was standing was surrounded by darkness, and there were owls everywhere.

This momentum, if swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, is overwhelming!

If it were an ordinary person standing on the top of this mountain, he would be so scared that he would have to dig a hole and bury himself before those owls went up the mountain.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, looked back at the divine seal that was condensing on the Divine Refinement Pond.

With a firm gaze, he said, "Don't worry, no one can take you away with me."

After all, Zhang Yi's whole body, an unprecedented strong killing intent, was released!

"Final battle, come on!"


In his hand, the 224-level 81-star super artifact was judged by fire, and a scorching golden flame ignited.

A burst of flame also ignited on Zhang Yi's body, and behind him, the professional seal of a god-level dragon soul master, a silver dragon shadow appeared.

at the same time.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by a violent dragon roar.

The three-headed 224-level first-order Fire Dragon Emperor appeared at the call of Zhang Yi, carrying the undead crossbowman, the soul reaper and the dragon blood knight, incarnated as three dragon knights, soaring in the sky!

Zhang Yi himself was stationed on the top of the mountain with Babu, the 224-level fifth-order fire-bathing dragon emperor, next to the Divine Refinement Pond!

At this moment, Zhang Yi broke out in this life, even in the previous life, he had never seen a strong fighting spirit before!

Because the significance of this battle is Zhang Yi, and even the lifelong dream and pursuit of all players in the world of Apocalypse!

In the last life, he worked hard in the world of Apocalypse for eight years, just to get a dragon bloodline.

In this life, the opportunity to join the dragon camp and evolve from a dragon blood person to a unique dragon camp person is in front of Zhang Yi.

He must hold on to this opportunity!

"No one can take it away!"

After all, Zhang Yi brought up the trial by fire and pointed at Xiao Xiao who was galloping from the foot of the mountain.

next moment.

hoo hoo hoo!

The three dragon knights were ordered by Zhang Yi, and each rode the Fire Dragon Emperor, bearing the 500-layer god-level guardian dragon soul that Zhang Yi blessed for them, the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Soul and the Speed ​​Dragon Soul, and rushed down the foot of the mountain in three directions!

Boom boom boom!

The three-headed fire dragon emperor flew around the foot of the mountain, and the hot dragon flame in his mouth formed a huge circle of fire directly at the foot of the mountain.

As a result, when the owls who tried to go up the mountain, when they crossed the circle of fire, they were burned by the fire, and raging fire was burning on their bodies!

at the same time.

The three knights riding on the dragon's back also attacked the owl near the ring of fire!

The monster group and the dragon group, with hundreds of billions of damage, can directly cause devastating damage to the owl of about 200 levels.

Owls with a slightly higher level, 220, 230 and above, although they can't be instantly killed, they can't stand their damage.

Occasionally some fish slip through the net and rush to the top of the mountain with their residual blood.

When those owls who were lucky enough to rush up the mountain thought that they would successfully break through the encirclement and capture the Divine Seal, they did not know that the biggest boss was waiting for them on the top of the mountain!

The two 230-level owls who had just emerged on the top of the mountain were swallowed by the dragon flames of the minibus behind Zhang Yi before they could see what the Shenlian Pond looked like.

At the same time, Zhang Yi waved the ashes to judge.

Boom boom boom!

One after another powerful attack, combined with the dragon flame of the minibus, instantly killed those owls!

At the foot of the mountain, there were too many owls gathered.

The monster group and the dragon group cannot completely isolate them in the mountains


As more and more owls rushed to the top of the mountain.

The minibus spread its wings and took off from the ground.

Floating above the Divine Refinement Pond, he opened his bloody mouth.


The scorching dragon flames formed a circle of fire around the Divine Refinement Pond.

And Zhang Yi also appeared on the dragon's back in a flash.

Facing the owls swarming from all directions, the killing intent was wild.

"go to hell!"

Boom boom boom!

Zhang Yi's firepower is full, and he frantically kills all the owls who are trying to approach the Shenlian Pool!

And above the Divine Refinement Pond, the shape of the Divine Seal, which is being formed by golden light spots, is becoming clearer and clearer.

at the same time.

outside the realm.

In the barren city, the only magic circle that can enter the dark imperial capital.

The situation that was falling asleep back to back with a lonely boat rose again and woke up from his sleep.

I opened my eyes, and inadvertently, I saw: From my position to the distance from the circle, I don't know when a small sapling that is full of vitality and vitality has grown on the ground!

Seeing this, The Wind and Clouds Resurrection hurriedly patted a lonely boat beside him.

Pointing to the small saplings on the ground, he said in surprise, "Look at what this is?!"

Yi Ye Guzhou looked sleepily at the small sapling on the ground, and then, following the growth trajectory of the small sapling, looked at the wind and cloud and looked up again.

He was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the resurgence of the situation and said, "It seems that you have it on your head."

When Fengyun got up and touched his head again, there was actually grass growing on his head!

"I'm going! What happened??" Fengyun looked at Yi Ye Guzhou with a bewildered expression, and found that Yi Ye Guzhou's head was also covered with grass, and couldn't help laughing: "You also have it on your head, Hahaha a green grassland!"

The two pulled out the grass on their heads, and they both looked confused: "What the hell is going on?"

Saying that, the two of them looked at the direction where the grass continued, and their eyes were cast on the magic circle.

His eyes were full of shock.

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