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Chapter 1590 The majesty of the eclipse!

Follow the energy crack opened by the ghost king Luo Jia at the foot of the Nether Mountain.

After entering, the other side you arrived at was an empty killing place!

The surrounding ground is full of corpses, and countless swords are interspersed on the ground on the human beings and the skeletons of monsters.

In the distance, there is a magnificent dark castle!

At this time, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen also followed.

Look at the castle ahead.

Obviously, that is the main city of the ghost clan sealed by the Lord God on the side of Dawn City!

According to the conventions, the ghosts in the city can only come out when the ghosts are strong and the sealing power of the Lord God is temporarily weakened every year during the Ghost Festival, and after the Ghost Festival is over, they will be forced to return to the city again.

In the hands of Luo Jia, the energy spar from the seventh-order Dragon Emperor main city of the dark dragon clan, and the energy spar in the dark imperial capital, after the power is fully released, it can directly and permanently lift the seal of the main city of the ghost clan, and release them in advance!

So at this moment you can see:

The ghost king Luo Jia was standing outside the city.

It has embedded the energy spar of the dark imperial capital on the city wall, and has driven the power of its own seven-star ghost king to dissolve the energy spar, trying to spread the energy of the energy spar to the entire city!

see this scene.

Wei Yana faced Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, and said eagerly, "Jon and I will contain the ghost king, and you will find an opportunity to capture the energy spar."

"it is good!"

So, Jon and Viana each rode a dragon, leaped up, and quickly approached the city from the air.

At this time, standing at the foot of the city wall, facing the energy spar embedded in the city wall, constantly releasing the energy of darkness to dissolve the power of the spar, the ghost king Luojia also sensed the approaching enemy behind him.

A low voice spread out from Luo Jia's mouth: "I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

Saying that, Luo Jia injected a large amount of dark energy into the energy spar at one time, allowing it to dissolve slowly by itself.

Then, withdrew to face the two bright dragon knights leaping from afar.

A roar: "Are you also here to witness the rise of the ghost clan?"

"No!" Jon, who was leaping on the Dragon King of Dawn, shouted, "We are here to witness your demise!"


The ghost king Luo Jia suddenly laughed: "Then let's see if you have that ability!"

After getting close to the effective attack range.

Jon and Viana looked at each other.

next moment.


The sixth-order Dragon Emperor under the two seats, at the same time, sprayed dragon flames and bombarded the ghost king Luo Jia under the city!

At the same time, Jon also swung his long sword, releasing a powerful sword light from a distance.

Cooperate with the beam of light that Viana bombarded from the top of the scepter, and after being strengthened by the dragon flame, take Luo Jia directly!

Since there was an energy spar behind him, with the aim of not letting the energy spar be damaged, Luo Jia stood on the spot and did not give in.


He opened his hands and opened a huge red light shield in front of him, blocking all the attacks of Jon and Viana!

For a moment, they bounced back their attack!


The dragon flame bounced along the light shield, and Jon and Viana hurriedly changed course to avoid the attack.

At the rear, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, taking advantage of the situation, charged forward from the left and right sides.

However, the strength of the Seven Star Ghost King cannot be underestimated.

"A group of mortals, let you see the majesty of the lunar eclipse!"

A growl.

The ghost king Luo Jia suddenly turned his back to the sky, causing his body to burst with black energy.

At the same time, a blood-red full moon appeared in the sky!

"The rumors are true!"

Seeing this scene, Wei Yana couldn't help but be a little surprised: "It is rumored that the seven-star king of the ghost clan has the power to call the wind and call the rain, and it is actually true!"

"Whether it's true or not!" Jon on the side didn't care: "Even if it can summon ten moons, I'll cut it!"

When the words are being spoken.

Luo Jia suddenly raised his head to face the blood moon, and let out a long howl.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless red streamers overflowed from the blood moon, and then one by one, they merged into Luo Jia's body.

Strengthened by this power, the aura in Luo Jia's body has become stronger and stronger!

A lunar eclipse eats the moon.

You can summon the blood moon anytime, anywhere, and then use the energy of the blood moon to maximize your power!

While absorbing the energy of the blood moon.

In the left hand of the ghost king Luo Jia, a blood-colored longbow turned out.

"Accept the baptism of darkness, and the punishment of the lunar eclipse!"

Accompanied by a roar.

Luo Jia opened his bow with his left and right hands, and shot a fiery red arrow at the sky.

When the arrows fly into the sky, they instantly transform into thousands of thousands of arrows, forming a rain of arrows, shooting towards the ground in front of a large area!

Jon and Viana, who were within the impact range of the arrow rain, were surrounded by giant dragons, and the target was too large to dodge the dense arrow rain.

They had to release energy shields each to resist the attack of the arrow rain.

As level 255 god-level light dragon knights, Jon and Viana resisted the seven

The attack of the star ghost king is still not difficult.

However, the others in the back are not so strong.

Facing a rain of arrows covering a very wide area.

The hundreds of players who came along with the dragon clan tried their best to dodge, but they were still unable to survive.

Whoosh whoosh!

A dense rain of arrows fell on everyone.

Anyone who was hit by an arrow, without a doubt, was directly killed by an arrow with a huge amount of damage up to a trillion!

The 255-level seven-star ghost king, with trillions of damage, should already be the damage ceiling of the monsters in the apocalypse world!

Such an attack, let alone this group of players who only have more than 210 levels.

Even at full level, level 255 players may not be able to resist!

In a short time, the Hundred-Man regiment had more than half of the casualties.

Only those who are strong enough can avoid the attack of the arrow rain.

Jon and Viana, after resisting the rain of arrows, continued to rush towards Lorgar.

At this time, Luo Jia began to suck the power of the blood moon again.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Compared with the last time, more power was inhaled into Luo Jia's body.

Immediately, there was a wave of shaking.

Luo Jia, whose body was full of energy, began to attack indiscriminately in a wide range!

Whoosh whoosh!

A sharp arrow shoots out at high speed.

Moreover, after each sharp arrow lifts into the air, it will transform into a rain of arrows.

such an attack.

Except for Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, whose consciousness has surpassed that of mortals, no one else can escape.

In a burst of screams one after another.

The dozens of remaining members of the Dragon Clan Hundred People Group were instantly killed!

Even Jon and Viana were repelled by this strong attack!

Jon, who was shaved off a quarter of his health by a rain of arrows, couldn't help but said: "I really underestimated the strength of this guy. I can't imagine that the seven-star ghost king is so powerful!"

"However, your performance will end here."

As Jon's voice just fell.


The sound of dragon chirping came.

In the air behind, countless bright dragon knights riding feather dragons swept the powerful aura and leaped!

It turned out that Jon, who is the lord of the Bright Dragon Clan and the city lord of Longyuan City, had already contacted the defending army of Longyuan City as early as when he came out of the Ghost Underworld, mobilized his troops and marched into the Nether Mountain.

In the rear, the bright dragon cavalry regiment that leaped over was the strongest knight regiment under Jon: the Dragon Abyss Knights!

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