Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1591 The city's first-level alert state!

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Countless 255-level Longyuan Knights dressed in silver armor, driving the 255-level Dragon Origin Battle Dragon, leaped from the air!

After entering the effective range.

They all took bows and arrows from their backs.

With the help of the dragon flame spewed by the dragon under the seat, the released arrows are strengthened into burning arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows formed a rain of arrows, like a meteorite falling from the sky, shooting towards the main city of the ghost clan in the darkness ahead!

Thousands of full-level bright dragon knights, such a strong attack, even Luo Jia, who is the seven-star ghost king, cannot completely resist.

Luo Jia immediately absorbed the power of the blood moon in the air and released a protective shield to block the rain of arrows.

Countless rockets were all concentrated and bombarded Luo Jia.

Boom boom boom!

Under the heavy blow, the shield was broken, and Luo Jia was suddenly knocked back several steps by this powerful force!

The blood bar on the top of the head has only lost 6%, and under the influence of the blood moon, its blood bar is slowly recovering!

At this time, Jon, who was facing off, pointed his sword directly at the ghost king Luo Jia, facing the knights in the air, and gave an order: "Come on with me!"


In the deafening dragon roar.

The Knights attacked again.

However, at this moment.

The main city of the ghost clan behind Luo Jia, the energy spar embedded on the city wall, the energy dissipated, and suddenly became bleak.


A powerful wave of dark energy stunned out of the city.

In an instant, everyone in the entire dark realm, including the Dragon Abyss Knights in the air, were all shaken back by this energy wave!

The rain of arrows that shot towards the city also vanished in an instant.

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, bursts of black energy began to gushing out from the main ghost city behind Luo Jia!

see this scene.

Viana frowned and said in a deep voice, "No, they have broken the seal!"

At this time, Jon also sensed the power gushing out from the city.

However, he still did not flinch, but shouted even more bravely: "Release the arrow, kill!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In the air, thousands of Longyuan knights pulled their bows and arrows, locked the city, and released arrows at the same time.

at the same time.

The ghost king Luo Jia, who was standing outside the city, saw that the seal power of the main god in the city behind him had been cleared, and the gate of the ghost realm had been opened.

Can't help but let out a creepy laugh: "Giggle"

"Darkness has come, the Apocalypse Continent will be dominated by my ghost clan!"


Boom boom boom!

Countless lightning, behind Luo Jia, overflowed in the city shrouded in darkness.

More and more intense black gas continued to pour out of the city.

at the same time.

Outside the Nether Mountain.

Dawn City area.

The sky became darker and the thunder and lightning more intense.


A torrential rain fell from the sky!

Even the ground began to tremble.

A ghost howl from nowhere filled the entire Dawn City!

It was as if there were countless ghosts floating around Dawn City!

Players inside and outside the city began to panic even more than before.

Nether Mountain here.

Within the ghost realm.

With the continuous black gas gushing out of the city, it gradually engulfed the entire ghost realm.

Weiana, who had a bad sense of darkness, said repeatedly: "They are coming out! We have to get out of here quickly, this is their territory, and fighting here will be very unfavorable to us!"

Jon gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence unwillingly: "Bastard!"

Jon, who has always liked to be aggressive, also understands that now is not the time to be reckless.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the entire Knight Order will be planted here!

So, Jon immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

The Longyuan Knights immediately withdrew to the ghost realm.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen also took advantage of just now to pick up the life beads next to the dead body of their teammates.

Then, before being swallowed up by the black gas, immediately retreat to the outside of the ghost realm!

Following the exit, just pulled out of the ghost realm, at the foot of the Nether Mountain.

At this time, the players of the three major families have all arrived!

In the Nether Mountain in front, in the huge crack, black energy is overflowing, and a powerful force is about to come out!

Jon, who had just rushed out, immediately ordered the Knights: "The whole army is ready to shoot!"

With an order, thousands of Longyuan knights floated in the air with their battle dragons, and all the knights on their backs drew their bows to aim at the crack in the Nether Mountain.

At the same time, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian immediately ordered the dragon players who came: "Prepare the archery masters, and focus the firepower on that crack! No matter what comes out, use the strongest firepower to annihilate it! "

The three family players quickly began to line up.

Countless archers and magicians are waiting outside the Nether Mountain, and all their targets are locked on the cracks!

The eve of the storm.

Among the crowd, the resurgence of the wind and the clouds looked at the cracks of the ghost clan that were about to move, and asked nervously.

Dao Yiqi Juechen: "Can you stop it?"

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it." Xing Tian held the long sword in his hand, stared at the crack with blazing eyes, and said, "Behind us is Dawn City. If we can't stop it, their next target is Dawn City."

At this time, Yiqi Juechen confessed to the people around him: "Immediately notify everyone in Dawn City, the whole city is on alert, and prepare to meet the ghost clan!"

The next moment, the officials of the three major families began to issue announcements on the Dawning City chat interface.

In an instant, the entire chat interface was all from different people, but the same message was swiped—

"Ghost clan is coming, the whole city prepares for battle!!!"

at the same time.

In Dawn City, the City Lord's Mansion.

An NPC soldier hurriedly ran into the mansion and reported the anxious city lord Chloe Hui: "Report to the city lord!"

"There are indeed signs of ghost clan recovery in the sky. Although I don't know why they recovered in advance, but referring to the historical records of Dawn City, I am afraid that the scale of the ghost clan's invasion this time will return to a thousand years ago!"


Chloe was shocked when he heard this.

Hurry up and give the order: "Give an order, the whole city will enter a state of alert! Be ready to activate the energy shield of Dawn City at any time!"


next moment.

beep! beep! beep!

A burst of alarms resounded through the sky and sounded in Dawn City.

"Alert! Alert! The ghosts are about to invade, please take your place immediately! All fighters please enter the combat state at any time!"

"Alert! Alert! The ghosts are about to invade, please take your place immediately! All fighters please enter the combat state at any time!"

"Alert! Alert"

In the streets and alleys of the city, there are surging figures of npc soldiers rushing to the front line to guard.

And, restless players everywhere.

The whole city is terrified!

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