Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1592 The whole people prepare for war!

Dawn City.

It was as if he had fallen into an abyss overnight.

The endless darkness devoured the earth, and everywhere in and outside the city was gray.

In the sky, lightning flashes, thunderstorms, and heavy rain.

The only thing fortunate is that the players in Dawn City at this moment are no longer confused.

They already know that what they are about to face is the invasion of the ghost clan!

And this time, the scale of the ghost invasion will be unprecedented and powerful!

The 300 million players in the city are all in a state of preparation!

at the same time.

With the opening of the temporary teleportation array in the first-level main city.

Except Dawn City.

The remaining five first-level main cities in the Apocalypse World Star Country area also began to have players performing challenges.

Because, although the temporary teleportation array is turned on.

However, if players belonging to other first-level main cities want to come to Dawn City for support, they must be within 10 million in combat power, and they must pass a challenge before they can start teleportation!

At first, many players in major cities were unwilling to risk their lives to help.

Because they also know how powerful the enemy that Dawning City will face this time, if they are not careful, they are likely to die on Dawning City's side!

The good thing is that the Dragon Clan's comrades-in-arms are all over the other five main cities.

Demon Clan Hell City has Star Palace, Fuying City has Royal Clan.

The alien Shenyue City has the sword pavilion, the Warring States Warriors, and the Aurora City has the sky.

On the other side of the Human Race Tianyu City, there is the Tiange of the last Xingguo Xianqiang team!

They are all the top forces in the major first-tier main cities, and they have great influence in their respective main cities.

Therefore, under their call, other players in the major cities who were unwilling to participate in this support operation also began to waver.

Because everyone knows: Ghosts are not just the enemies of Dawn City, they are the common enemies of all players in Apocalypse World!

Once Dawn City is lost.

I am afraid that these ghost clansmen will start to fight other players' main cities in the next step, until the entire star country falls!

As a result, the voices of players from major first-tier main cities began to spread in the chat channel of the Star Country server temporarily opened by the system.

Heaven Slaughter, Myth (Mozu Fuying City, lv210 rank eight assassin): "Brothers and sisters in Dawn City, don't be afraid, hold on, the brothers of my Fuying City Slaughter Heaven family will come to support you right away!"

Devouring the Starry Sky (Alien Shenyue City, lv210 rank 8 archer): "The first team of Alien Shenyue City devours the heavens and the earth here, the mere brat, don't be mad!"

GD madman (alien Shenyuecheng, lv211 rank eight warrior): "Go, go! You don't take my GD in your eyes? My GD is the first team of Shenyue City!"

Juggernaut (Alien Shenyue City, lv213 rank eight warrior): "Hey, the two brothers upstairs look down on my sword pavilion too much! Don't you look at the first team recognized by the system? Let's see Look at the three of us going to Dawn City this time, who will kill more ghosts, and who will call the first family of Shenyue City?"

Super God, Mo Fan (Alien Shenyue City, lv211 rank eight magician): "What do you call your three families? Where did you put my Super God family? My Super God is the first team of Shenyue City! Just wait, Kill a five-star ghost king for you to see!!"

Guangyao Longmen (Alien Aurora City, lv210 rank eight beastmaster): "We in Aurora City can't be ashamed!"

"Little ghost clan, rest is rampant! Grandpa is here!"

at the same time.

In the exchange group created by Zhang Yi earlier.

Everyone also began to discuss the progress of support.

Huang Wuji: "This time the support challenge is a bit difficult, how did you guys finish it?"

Juggernaut: "Cut, isn't that just killing 500 220-level space trial beasts? Who can join our group without any ability? Isn't everyone a master of no one in a million, so be arrogant! Eirui Batty, do it, do it!"

Juggernaut: "I haven't seen you brothers for a long time, remember that the last time we met was last time! Don't you take this opportunity to get together? You can't! I'm halfway through the challenge on my side! Hurry up! You guys, don't wait for that kid Zhang Yi to die, let's go over and collect his body??"

sky, Lord God: "You boy, talk like a fart"

Facing the crisis that Dawn City is about to usher in.

Players in major cities have entered a state of full preparation!

After the announcement of the system, the temporary transmission channels of the major cities have been opened in the cities.

However, the challenge space is refreshed in the wild areas outside the city.

Players who rank within 10,000,000 of the main city's battle power list must enter the challenge space and kill 500 220-level space trial beasts in a team of up to five before the challenge. The teleportation array in the city, teleported to Dawn City.

At this moment.

The entrances to the challenge spaces opened outside the major cities are overcrowded.

Players from within the city of less than 10 million are actively forming teams to enter the challenge space.

Only in the Demon Race Hell City, there was no movement at all.

The first-level main city of the Demon Race: Hell City.

Outside the city, in a forest of Chiba, a huge white light curtain bloomed.

This is the entrance to the challenge space opened by Hell City.

However, at this time,

On the periphery of this entrance, there are a large number of players stationed outside the entrance, preventing other players from entering this challenge space!

And those players, the level has reached the high level of 209-210!

Such a level, in Hell City, is already the top level in the first line!

At this stage, except for some bosses at the official level of the team, who can reach around level 211-212, the level of ordinary second-tier and third-tier players is generally distributed at level 207-208!

In addition, those players are all dressed in black, and there is a skull pattern on the left and right arms, as well as on the back, which seems to be the unique seal of their family!

And they are the underworld players!

As the strongest force in Hell City, the underworld, under the leadership of the master of the underworld with super-strong domain skills, has rapidly developed eight tenth-level teams at a super-fast speed!

Each team has 300,000 people, and the total force in the underworld has reached 2.4 million!

In the current Hell City team rankings, in the top ten, except for the second Star Palace and the tenth Guardian, the remaining eight positions are all underworld!

The lord of the underworld has completely developed the underworld into the strongest force in the city of hell!

And this force is still expanding rapidly, trying to dominate the entire hell city!

Faced with the obstruction of such a strong family, naturally no one dared to approach Qianyelin.

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