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Chapter 1595 The threat of the Lord of the Underworld!

hoo hoo hoo!

In a burst of mourning, thousands of Longyuan Knights and Longyuan Fighting Dragons in the air were killed one after another and fell towards the ground.

Seeing that the Dragon Abyss Knights, which he was proud of, was wiped out so easily.

While Jon was shocked, he couldn't help but burn with anger: "Bastard!"

Jon gritted his teeth and was about to ride a dragon to find the ghost kings when he was grabbed by Viana next to him: "Are you crazy?"

"The seven-star ghost king is too powerful, and we are simply beyond our ability to match!"

At this time, Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen and Fengyun Resurrection also realized the seriousness of the problem.

The three just stared at each other with the three brothers of the Seven-star Ghost King standing outside the gate of hell.

Just looking at each other for a moment made the three of them have an unprecedented sense of fear!

It's like staring at death!

At this time, Yiqi Juechen came back to his senses and said, "It seems that we have to withdraw first."

"Where to go?"

"Return to Dawn City." Fengyun said again: "Go back to Dawn City, use the energy shield of the main city, and then all of us in the city will resist together, and there may be a chance!"

"According to the current situation, if we stay, there is only one dead end."

After several people reached an agreement, they immediately issued an order: "The whole army retreats!"

The next moment, the players of the three major families evacuated Nether Mountain one after another and retreated in the direction of Dawn City!

On the other hand, the three brothers of the ghost king, Lorgar the lunar eclipse, Archilid the king of Reid, and Kurust the wind cutter.

Standing outside the gate of hell, watching the group of fleeing humans unhurriedly.

In their eyes, it seems that this group of humans is already their prey!

At this time, Kurust the Wind Cutter crossed his knives and sighed:

"It's been a thousand years! It's so good to feel free again!"

The Red King Archilide said to the lunar eclipse Luo Jia: "Well done, Luo Jia, at the same time, congratulations on your promotion to the seven-star ghost king, reaching the same strength as us!"

"My ghost clan will grow stronger day by day!"

Although by swallowing the seventh-order dragon crystal, he evolved into the seven-star ghost king.

But in his bones, Luo Jia still thinks that he is a six-star ghost king, and he is still full of awe in the face of the real two seven-star commanders:

"Sir, there is a human capital nearby called Dawn City. If we can capture Dawn City, we will use the human race in Dawn City to expand a wave of power."

"The day of my ghost clan's rise is imminent!"

"Okay!" Raide King Archilide raised his scepter, pointed in the direction of Dawn City, and said solemnly: "The whole army will attack Dawn City!"

With the order of Archilid.

In the gate of hell behind him, countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals swarmed out, passing by the three seven-star ghost kings, and madly rushing towards Dawn City!

At the same time, the three ghost king brothers each rode a sixth-order ghost dragon emperor, leading the ghost clan army, and marched into Dawn City together!

After the players of the three major families left the Nether Mountain, they immediately returned to Dawn City using the City Return Scroll.

At this time, Dawn City has entered a state of full military readiness.

300 million players, all stuck in Dawn City, waiting for the arrival of the ghost clan

the other side.

Players from other first-level main cities who are ready to participate in this support operation also returned to the city after completing their respective challenges, and teleported to Dawn City through the temporary teleportation array activated by the system!

And the Demon Race, Hell City.

Chiba Forest, within the challenge space.

Ruochen and Diewu, as well as the players in the Xingchen Palace are joining forces to kill the space trial beast.

After the task of killing 500 trial beasts was completed, Ruochen and Die Wu did not leave immediately, but continued to help other teammates who did not complete the task to carry out the task.

One after another, players who had already ended the challenge in the challenge space began to go out.

And right now.

Ruochen suddenly received a private message from a brother of his own team: "Captain, there is an ambush in the underworld outside the challenge space! Be careful when you come out! I didn't pay attention when I came out with a group of brothers, and was directly ambushed by them. People were killed!"

"What?!" Ruochen, who heard the news, was instantly furious.

At this time, Lin Qian on the side said: "Brother, don't entangle with them, we have to go to support Dawn City first, and when we come back, we will settle accounts with the underworld!"

"It's not a question of entanglement or not." Ruochen said: "The problem is: you can't use the city return scroll here, we have to go out first, and then we can return to the city."

"And outside is the ambush of the underworld. As soon as we go out, we will definitely be attacked by them!"

After a pause, Ruochen ordered on the team channel: "Brothers who have an instant rewind scroll on their body, use the scroll to return to the city immediately after coming out to challenge the space, and don't fight with people from the underworld!"

That being said.

The preparation of the underworld is very sufficient.

At this moment, in Chiba Forest, around the light curtain leading to the challenge space, there are already a large number of advanced archer players from the underworld!


As long as a living person comes out, they will be instantly killed by this group of archers, turning into a dead person in an instant, and teleporting back to the city in the form of white light!

Most people don't even have the chance to use the flashback scroll!

Dang Ruochen and Lin Qian

Under the cover of his teammates, the moment he came out of the challenge space and immediately crushed the instant rewind scroll, he watched the moment when his teammates around him were shot by random arrows.


White light falls.

Ruochen and Lin Qian returned to Hell City.

I only saw that messages full of threats were refreshed in the chat area of ​​the main city.

Lord of the Underworld (lv220 rank 8 warrior): "Those who were shot by Chiba Lin are just giving you a warning. This is the price you have to pay for not listening to the dissuasion and entering the challenge space."

Lord of the Underworld: "Everyone has considered it clearly. Today, whoever dares to support Dawn City will be the enemy of my Underworld!"

Lord of the Underworld: "Is there a time to come back? I hope you can come back alive."

A sentence full of deterrent words stimulated the hearts of the players in Hell City.

Many people who have passed the challenge are hesitating beside the temporary teleportation channel opened by Hell City.

Because not far away, there are people from the underworld watching.

As long as they enter the teleportation channel, they will be recorded by the people of the underworld!

Even if there is a heart that wants to support Dawn City, he does not dare to oppose the powerful underworld.

See players swaying around.

Lin Qian raised her head and looked at Ruochen: "Brother"

Ruochen glanced at Lin Qian and said firmly, "Don't worry."

"Dawn City, let's go! No one can stop us!"

Lin Qian nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

Then, Ruochen turned to look at the players in the Xingchen Palace behind him, and said, "Brothers, it is a matter of life and death for all of us. Are you willing to join me in the expedition to Dawn City?"

"Life is the person of the Xingchen Palace, and death is the soul of the Xingchen Palace!"

Those who have been able to go all the way to this day are all brothers who have experienced life and death together.

Their determination will never be easily shaken!

Facing the united Xingchen Hall members, Ruochen shouted, "Okay, brothers, let's go!"

Under the leadership of Ruochen and Lin Qian, the army of the Star Palace gradually entered the teleportation formation.

Not far away, the Lord of the Underworld, who was watching all this, watched Ruochen and Lin Qian enter the teleportation formation, and could not help but let out a cold snort: "A bunch of stupid idiots, waiting to be removed from Hell City!"

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