Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1596 The G family is coming!

Dawn City.

Ten o'clock in the morning is like dark night.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and torrential rain poured down.

A breath of darkness mixed with death flowed from all directions towards Dawn City!

At this time, the 300 million players in the city have all entered the fighting stance, ready to meet the ghost clan!

Above the city wall, countless archers and magicians are ready.

Outside the city gate, tens of millions of Rank 8 knight players between levels 205-210 formed several lines of defense inside and out, surrounding the entire Dawn City.

At this moment, Dawn City was extraordinarily quiet.

Endless tension, fear, and trepidation spread among the 300 million people.

The knights stationed outside the city were trembling with their legs.

The mage archers standing on the city wall, holding bows, arrows and staffs, were also trembling uncontrollably.

Everyone is facing an uncertain future.

"Can we hold on?"

"I don't know, I don't know why, this time I'm suddenly a little scared"

"Me too, the last time I was at the Ghost Festival in the secondary main city, I was never so afraid of the invasion of ghosts!"

"Because it is a natural invasion, according to the setting of the apocalypse, it must be within the range that our players can resist. And this time, it is an unnatural invasion!"

"I heard that the resurrected people told Fengyun that the enemies we will face this time include three seven-star ghost kings, my mother. Can we beat the seven-star ghost kings?"

"Why is there no movement in other cities? Is there no one willing to come to support us?"

"I don't want to die. I have survived until now. My wife is just pregnant. Brothers, I don't want to die!"

"Don't be afraid, brothers, we are united! We will be able to defeat the darkness and usher in the light!"

"It's the code, it's hard! Whatever you say, you must defend Dawn City!"


A rare unity is being staged in Dawn City.

Just when everyone is getting ready.

Around Dawn City, in the distance, a mass of black mist swept over!

There are black mists in all directions, and they are spreading towards Dawn City, trying to swallow Dawn City.

Above the city wall, Xing Tianhuan stared at the black fog spreading from all around, and said solemnly: "It seems that this time, they want to swallow us in one fell swoop."

Yiqi Juechen followed: "This battle is really difficult."

The voice just fell.

Just from the Resurrection Spring, Yi Ye Liaozhou, who was resurrected by Yiqi Juechen with the Life Orb, said, "It would be great if the seniors were here."

"Senior's words, maybe even the seven-star ghost king can compete with him."

"This time, it's up to us."

In the voice of the words, Xing Tian "squeaked" and drew his sword, and all over his body, the ghost swordsman's dark breath, mixed with a strong killing intent, bloomed: "Come on then!"

At the same time, Yiqi Juechen also moved his spear, the thunder and lightning overflowed, and the Thunder Knights fought wildly.

Aside, the adjudicator is already in place.

Dawn City, under the attention of everyone.


Mixed with lightning, darkness swept from the surroundings.

At this time.


A beam of golden light soared into the sky from the center of Dawn City, and after one blow lifted into the sky, a transparent energy shield spread out around.

Until the energy envelope covers the entire city!

This is the energy shield of Dawn City, which is activated by the city lord Chloe. By consuming the energy spar of Dawn City, it can achieve the effect of continuously protecting the city.

As the surrounding darkness draws nearer.

next moment.


In a roar unique to the ghost clan, I saw that countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals and ghost beasts rushed out of the surrounding darkness and charged towards Dawn City!

"Brothers, guard Dawn City, rush!"

With a cry.

The players stationed outside the North Gate have launched an attack!

Immediately afterwards, the players at the east gate, south gate and west gate all launched an attack on the ghost monsters approaching around.

The all-out war of resistance between players and ghosts in Dawn City officially broke out!

Countless warrior knight players fought with those ghost soldiers and beasts at close range.

Behind the line of defense composed of warriors and knight players, there are countless archers and magicians, targeting those monsters and launching long-distance attacks!

Bursts of swords, lights, swords and shadows, mixed with magical brilliance, bloomed in the audience.

The roars of the monsters and the shouts of the players are linked together, one after another!

Throughout the whole place, there was chaos.

These ghost monsters from the first-level main city are all high-level, generally reaching level 230 or above.

On the other hand, players in Dawn City are only about level 210.

The level difference between the two sides is in stark contrast. If it leads to a duel, the player will definitely not be the opponent of the ghost clan.

Fortunately, the player side has a relatively big advantage, that is, there are many people!

All Dawn City players add up to 300 million people.

And those ghost clan monsters will only be tens of millions if they die.

In addition: the player also has a terrain advantage, that is, the assistant of the city!

On the city wall of Dawning City, countless mechanical bows and crossbows were released at an extreme speed. With the ultra-long range ten times that of normal players, they frantically shot monsters up to a mile away!

Countless ghost soldiers and ghost beasts didn't even have the chance to get close to Dawn City. They were either shot to death by mechanical crossbows directly across a super long distance, or they were killed at close range by warrior knight players.

Seeing that the blocking was effective, the ghost soldiers and beasts outside the city could not approach at all.

The players in the city began to be happy, they thought: as long as they persevered, they could defeat the ghost clan!

However, the good times did not last long.

The front is just a small test.

Next, is the real start!

Just after the players in Dawn City went all out to fight back several waves of ghost soldiers.

In the sky, red lightning suddenly resounded!

At the same time, a blood moon appeared from the sky.

In all directions, there was also a sudden gust of wind, lightning and thunder!

This scene of spectacle made countless players feel the fear of the unknown.

Only Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, who were slaughtering the Quartet in the front line, knew: The Seven-Star Ghost King is finally about to start!

as predicted.

Just the next second these wonders appear.

Boom boom boom!

Countless red lightnings fell from the sky and bombarded the crowd outside the north gate of Dawn City.

No one can resist such damage. Players who are touched by lightning will all be instantly killed!

While these lightning strikes are indiscriminate.

On the field, two tornadoes began to roll in.


A sharp red arrow shot out from the darkness ahead.

When it lifts off into the sky, it absorbs energy from the blood moon, and then a sharp arrow transforms into thousands, forming a rain of arrows.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Under the triple super-large range of blows.

The North Gate is directly lost!

The players stationed outside the North Gate instantly turned into corpses, and the field fell into a dead silence!

Immediately after.

Under the attention of the players above the north gate city wall.

hoo hoo hoo!

In a roar.

In front, the three seven-star ghost kings, driving the three-headed sixth-order ghost dragon emperor, leaped out of the darkness!

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