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Chapter 1601 Super strength, kill the seven-star G king in seconds!

I have only heard of it, but I don't know whether the super ancient dragon king and the Taichu dragon king are in various realms of strength. The three ghost king brothers, facing the super ancient times who are the seventh-order dragon king on the bright side, and the Taichu dragon king, think that their strength is also in the The level of the seventh-order dragon king has a strong killing intent on them!

"Remember today, it will be the annihilation of the dragon clan and the human clan, and the beginning of the revival of the ghost clan!"

Reid King Archilid held the skull scepter and pointed directly at the super ancient and Taichu dragon kings in the far sky. He shouted in a deep voice: "Warriors from darkness, fight for the revival of the ghost race!"

The voice just fell.

On the skull scepter in Archilid's hand, bursts of red lightning were released.

Beep beep beep!

Those red lightning fell to the ground, and all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals who died in the battle were resurrected!

Those ghost monsters who had already died on the battlefield climbed up from the ground one after another, showing their teeth and claws, and then surrounded the city of dawn.

at this time.


A gust of wind whistled past.

The super ancient dragon Wang Yu suddenly appeared above the north city of Dawn City from a height of several hundred meters!


He opened his bloody mouth, and spit out a hot dragon flame from his mouth, which instantly devoured a large group of ghost monsters approaching Dawn City in a large area in front of him.

For a moment, those ghost monsters engulfed by the dragon flames all turned into ashes and disappeared!

On the other side, Dragon King Zhou appeared at the east gate of Dawn City at the beginning of time. A dragon flame sprayed down, and in an instant, thousands of ghost monsters outside the city were killed!

This scene shocked the players in the city.

"Am I right? The Dragon King of the Dark Dragon Clan is actually helping us?"

"It is dealing with the ghosts together with the Dragon King of the Bright Race?!"

"Light and darkness are old enemies in themselves, how could they join forces? Fake it!"

People don't know why.

The super ancient Dragon King Yu from the Bright Dragon Clan and the Absolute Beginning Dragon King Zhou from the Dark Dragon Clan have joined forces to fight against the Ghost Clan!

As the leader of the light dragon clan and the dark dragon clan, the strength of the super ancient dragon king and the dragon king of the beginning is beyond the table!

I saw that they came down with several dragon flames in a row.

In an instant, all the ghost monsters around Dawn City will be killed!

After removing these obstacles, their goal was directly locked on the three ghost king brothers.

It seems that these three ghost kings have some kind of extremely important significance to the super ancient times and the beginning of time.

The two giant dragons scrambled to fly to the three ghost kings!

On the other hand, the three ghost king brothers did not show weakness, driving the three sixth-order ghost dragon kings, swept the darkness, and approached the two dragon kings!



Lightning and thunder, galloping.

The heavenly kings from the dragon clan and the ghost clan approached each other.

Before the confrontation is about to start, everyone on the field is hanging their hearts, watching the battle that is about to break out.

"Seven-star ghost king and seventh-order dragon king, which one is more powerful?"

"Theoretically, they should be at the same level. The ghosts and dragons are the strongest races in the world of Apocalypse!"

"Am I the only one who thinks that the ghost clan is more powerful? After all, the origin of the ghost clan is all life forms in the Apocalypse World! Even if the seventh-order dragon king dies, he will become the seventh-order ghost dragon king, so at the same level, I think Seven Stars The ghost king is more powerful than the seventh-order dragon king!"

"What's more, this time, there are three seven-star ghost kings on the ghost clan, and there are only two dragon kings on the dragon clan's side. In my opinion, the dragon clan will lose."

"Damn! You kid can't hope for something better? If the Dragon Clan wins, we will still be saved. If the Dragon Clan loses, we are completely over!"

Everyone is looking forward to the two dragon kings being able to defeat the ghost clan.

But no one can be sure that they will win.

Throughout the audience, only Jon seems to have known the outcome of this battle: "The dragons will win."

"How do you know?" A passerby player asked next to him: "The strength of these three seven-star ghost kings is united, but even our people in Quanshuguang City are unstoppable!"

"You can even underestimate the seventh-order dragon king." Jon looked at the passerby who expressed doubts and said, "But, you must not underestimate the super-ancient, and the early dragon king!"

As Jon's voice just fell.

In the air, the battle has started!

After the two sides enter each other's effective attack range.

The three ghost kings joined forces again.

Blood moons, hurricanes, thunderbolts!

The three ghost kings, each exerting their own abilities, once again merged into a red hurricane running through lightning!

Impressively, by consuming one's own life, to limit the power of combat skills, the unique skill of the Seven Star Ghost King: Ghost Jutsu!

The last release of Ghost Jue directly paralyzed the entire Dawn City.

This time, the three ghost kings once again worked together to release Ghost Jue.

At the same time as the extremely powerful super hurricane swept towards the super ancient and Taichu Dragon King, the hearts of countless players in the city all mentioned their throats.

But the next moment.


A growl.

After the super ancient dragon king charged for a short time, a golden dragon flame was sprayed from his mouth.


With a loud bang.

Dragonfire meets hurricane

, the next second, as if the super hurricane that could swallow the sky and destroy the earth was directly destroyed!

Immediately after that, there was another "roar" sound of a dragon.

Take advantage of the chance to break the hurricane with the super ancient dragon king.

The Dragon King of Taichu next door took a mouthful of dragon flame and directly attacked the three Ghost King brothers in front.

The ghost king Lorgar and Archilid were quick-witted, driving the ghost dragon king, and flew away from the left and right sides respectively.

The wind cutter Kurust, who was caught in the middle, had no time to dodge and was being swallowed by this dragon flame.

For a moment, when the dragon flames stopped.

As the 255-level seven-star ghost king's wind cutter: Kurust, the remaining 60% of the blood bar above his head was emptied directly!

And the 255-level sixth-order ghost dragon king under the seat, turned into ashes at the same time, and disappeared in the air.

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

"Secretly kill the seven-star ghost king?!"

When people are incredible.

Jon, who is a descendant of the dragon race, said very proudly: "Dragon race, it really is the second most powerful race of the Apocalypse!"

"Second?" Fengyun Tianqi on the side asked: "Who is the first?"

"Of course it is the Protoss." Viana blurted out: "There is no doubt about this, except for the main god and the ghost emperor, no one in the Tianqi world can match the super ancient times and the beginning of the Dragon Clan! And the Ghost Clan, there is only one Ghost Emperor, but the Dragon Clan has only one ghost emperor. , There are two lords, Chao Ancient and Tai Chu."

At this moment, countless viewers in the live broadcast room also boiled.

"Destroy the Seven-star Ghost King in one blow? Damn it! It's on fire, it's on fire!"

"As expected of the big dragon clan I dreamed of! The dragon clan yyds!!"

"Ten thousand people's blood book, I beg you to send another dragon flame and send the other two ghost kings away!!"

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