Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1600 The Supreme Leader of the Dragon Clan


The deafening and violent dragon roar ripped through the sky.

In Dawn City, countless players were shocked by the sudden sound of the dragon and raised their heads one after another.

I can only see one golden and one silver in the air.

Two huge space-time cracks glowing with lightning, tearing apart the sky, appeared in sight!

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened and brightened.

Under the shadow of the electric light that appears and disappears from time to time, two incomparably huge super dragons leap out from the two cracks respectively!

The size of these two giant dragons is abnormally large!

Even, the seventh-order dragon king that many players in Dawn City have seen with their own eyes (ps: because the previous dragon huang was suddenly defined as a sensitive word, the website could not pass the review and could not be published, so it could only be changed to the dragon king, but it was just a name change, the meaning is still the same. As before, I hope everyone understands (??)), it must be several times larger, and the momentum, if it can cover the sky!

One of them was dark red.

The other end is purple-black.

The moment the two giant dragons appeared, it seemed as if the sky and the earth were shaking!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned!

"My God, why is this dragon so big!"

"Where did these two dragons come from? What are they for?"

The most shocking thing was the players in Dawn City who could look directly at the two giant dragons.

Unseen super dragon, shocking.

Until the golden IDs on the heads of the two giant dragons emerged——

lv255 Super Ancient Dragon King Zhou (Bright Dragon Race/Seventh-Order Dragon King)!

lv255 Taichu Dragon King Yu (Dark Dragon Race/Seventh-Order Dragon King)!

The dark red one is the super ancient dragon king of the bright dragon family.

The purple-black one is the Dragon King of the Dark Dragon Race!

The moment the golden id appeared, the audience immediately exploded.

"Seventh-order Dragon King! And it's two heads!!"

"What's wrong? Why did the seventh-order dragon kings of the light dragon clan and the dark dragon clan suddenly appear in Dawn City at the same time?"

In the eyes of all players, they only think that these two dragons are the seventh-order dragon kings from the light dragon clan and the dark dragon clan.

Only Jon and Viana realized that the situation was extraordinary after seeing the two dragons.

A corner of Dawn City was also affected by the hurricane, and Jon, who was paralyzed, leaned against the wall, looked up at the two giant dragons in the air, and said in amazement: "Super ancient times! They are the leaders of the light and dark dragon clan. !"

Hearing this, Yi Ye Guzhou on the side asked suspiciously: "Senior, what does this mean? Could it be that their identities are not as simple as the seventh-order Dragon King?"

Jon shook his head, looked at the super ancient Dragon King: Yu among the two giant dragons with a very respectful look, and said: "You don't understand, the reason why the dragons distinguish the light and dark camps is actually because of the two of them, Yu. ,universe!"

After taking Jon's words, Viana on the side said: "It is said that the super ancient Dragon King and the Absolute Beginning Dragon King are the founders of the dragon race. They were the first dragons to come out of the God's Domain, and they came out more than any giant dragon and dragon king. Thirty million years earlier!"

Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "That is to say, although they are also seventh-order dragon kings, the qualifications of these two dragon kings are actually at least 30 million years higher than other seventh-order dragon kings!?"

"That's right." Jon said, "They do not belong to one of the nine dragon kings of the light and dark dragon clan. The dragon clan dragon king has the highest rank of seventh rank, but the strength of the two of them, if not restricted by rank, has at least reached Ninth-order, can even break through to become the tenth-order dragon king!"

Tenth-order Dragon King! !

Jon's words shocked the players around him.

And Jon continued with a sigh, and then said meaningfully: "And the two of them, originally brothers, but later due to disagreements, they founded the Light and Dark Dragons, respectively, and only then did the later The Nine Great Seventh-Order Dragon Kings of the Bright Dragon Clan and the Nine Great Seventh-Order Dragon Kings of the Dark Dragon Clan."

The super dragon king above the seventh-order dragon king!

The players present did not dare to imagine how high the realm of these two dragons was!

But basically for their identities, it can be understood as: the supreme leader of the light dragon clan, and the supreme leader of the dark dragon clan!

"My mother!" On the field, Long Xingtian was stunned: "Did these seven-star ghost kings startle the two of them? You actually want the supreme leaders of the two dragon clans to come out in person!"

"No." Jon directly vetoed Longxingtian's speculation: "The super ancient Dragon King and the Taichu Dragon King have never asked anything about the Apocalypse Continent. Even if the human race, alien race, and demon race are destroyed, they will not ask. If they are at the same time There is only one possibility.”

As Jon's voice just fell, Viana was surprised: "Could it be?"

Jon nodded, and Viana coincided with each other.

This made the others around him anxious to death: "What is it? Hurry up and say it!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled violently.


Two deafening dragon sounds resounded through the sky.

As if the entire Apocalypse Continent was shocked.

Even players who are far away from several other first-level main cities can feel the fluctuations!

In the all-server chat channel temporarily opened by the system, players from major first-tier main cities were shocked:

"Good boy! Did you feel anything?"


It feels like the ground is moving! I'm in the movie theater! "

"God! I felt it too, just at the moment when the two dragons uttered the dragon's cry! I thought it was a special effect in the live broadcast room, but the live broadcast room was closed, and the ground really trembled!"

"What a terrifying power! These two dragons are too strong!"

At the same time, Dawn City.

With the super ancient dragon king and the primordial dragon king, the two-headed dragon just let out a roar.

Around Dawn City, all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals within a radius of one mile were all wiped out in an instant!

A mile away, Lorgar, Kurust, and Archilid, who were floating in mid-air, were shocked by this powerful force.

"Super ancient dragon king and dragon king in the beginning?" Kurust, the wind cutter, couldn't believe it: "How is this possible? How could they appear, the two kings of the dragon race, is it the city where the dragon campers were born?"

"Impossible!" King Reid Archilide followed up: "Dragon race has a history of tens of millions of years, and there are only a handful of dragon campers born from the outside world. How could it be in this small human race capital, and it happens to be here. When will the dragon campers be born?"

"It must be a coincidence!"

"But" Luna the eclipse Luo Jia began to be a little timid: "These two dragon kings are extraordinary, they have come out, should we avoid the battle first?"

"Avoiding the war?" said King Leid Archilid, "Don't you think this is a good opportunity?"

"Super ancient and very early, it is rare to see them in thousands of years. It is difficult for mortals to see them!"

"Even if this king has survived in this world for tens of thousands of years, he has only heard of them before, and so far, this is the first time he has seen them with his own eyes!"

"The power they have in their bodies is definitely more than the seventh order! If we can kill the super ancient and ancient times, and swallow them with dragon crystals, our strength will definitely increase!"

"And you can take this opportunity to defeat the entire dragon clan!"

Speaking of which.

The three ghost kings all had strong killing intent towards the super ancient dragon king and the taichu dragon king!

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