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Chapter 1599 Dawn City is completely paralyzed!

Boom boom boom!

The super hurricane, which was penetrated by a bolt of lightning, turned red under the rendering of the blood moon.

Like a pillar of optimism, it swept the endless darkness and swept straight towards Dawn City!

Facing this situation.

The players outside the city were all at a loss, not knowing how to deal with it.

The audience in the major live broadcast rooms were also stunned.

"My God! What the hell is this?!"

"The ghost king has made a big move! I'll rely on the anchor to run! Find a place to avoid first, don't get caught in this tornado!"

Just when the players on the field didn't know how to deal with this super tornado.

Jon, who was floating in the air with the Dragon King of Dawn, hurriedly shouted: "Everyone returns to the city immediately!"

"Everyone immediately returns to the city and retreats!"

People pass ten at a time, and ten pass at a hundred.

The next moment, all the players outside the city evacuated towards Dawn City!

In the rear, the super hurricane was chasing after him.

Some players who were relatively close to the hurricane didn't have time to escape at all, and in an instant, they were directly swept up and entered the hurricane!

However, the strange thing is: those players who were involved in the hurricane were quickly thrown to the ground, and they were unharmed!

This situation makes those players who have experienced the hurricane swept and are still safe and sound feel incredible.

But after that, they gradually realized the seriousness of the situation.

All the people who were swept up by the hurricane, although they were not injured, all entered a state of "paralysis" where they could not move!

All over his body, he lost 90% of his strength.

Some people fell to the ground and didn't even have the strength to get up. They could only watch a few ghost beasts rush over and eat themselves!

Not to mention, take up arms to resist!

This time, everyone understood.

It turns out that the real horror of this hurricane is that those who are touched by the hurricane will be paralyzed!

In a paralyzed state, he is almost unable to move, he can only blink his eyes and move his fingers.

Then, he could only watch as he was eaten by ghosts and beasts and died.

This kind of waiting for death is more painful than direct death!

Many people who were swept up by the hurricane fell to the ground and watched in pain as their companions were devoured by ghosts and beasts before being bitten to death.

Knowing that the next person to die like this is himself, they let out a painful wailing.

People nearby tried to rescue these paralyzed people, but they were blocked by ghosts and beasts and threatened by hurricanes, so they couldn't get close.

When the paralyzed saw that their companions who were going to come to the rescue were killed, they could not help roaring hysterically: "Come on, leave us alone!"

"Let's go!"

The next second, the hurricane devoured all those who were too late to retreat.

Some people entered the city smoothly.

They could only watch the paralyzed players outside the city, stabbed to death by ghost soldiers and beasts with long knives, or directly bitten to death in the screams, and helpless roared:


At this time, the super hurricane was still moving towards Dawn City!

The players in the city couldn't help but start to worry: "Can the energy shield withstand it?"

"The defense system of the first-level main city is very strong, and it will definitely be able to stop it! When the tornado passes, we will go out and slaughter these ghosts!!"

However, it turned out that the players did not overestimate the defense capability of the first-level main city, but underestimated the strength of the three seven-star ghost kings!

If it is only the power of a ghost king, I am afraid it cannot break the defense system of Dawn City.

But, the power of the three seven-star ghost kings added up, this super power, the moment the hurricane approached Dawn City, the energy shroud covering the entire city was instantly paralyzed!

"Depend on!!"

The players in the city were shocked.

"I didn't expect the defense system of the first-level main city to be so vulnerable in front of the seven-star ghost king!"

In many live broadcast rooms, the audience in the safe area could not help but start to feel panic:

"If these ghost kings come to our other cities, no major city can stop them, right?"

"Dawn City must hold on! Brothers, come on!"

At the same time, in Dawn City.

As the super hurricane broke through the energy shield, it began to roll towards the city.

Players in the city began to run from other city gates to the outside of the city.

Unexpectedly: that hurricane actually divided into four.

In the remaining three positions, three identical super hurricanes were also differentiated!

All of a sudden, four tornadoes rolled towards Dawn City at the same time!

The players in the city have absolutely no way to escape.

Moreover, a power grid was formed between the four hurricanes, and even Jon and Viana couldn't fly directly out of the air.

Soon, four hurricanes entered the city, and then swept through the city like a river overturned.

In an instant, the entire Dawn City was paralyzed!

Hundreds of millions of players and NPCs in the city were all paralyzed and fell to the ground, losing their strength and unable to move.

Until this time, those hurricanes just disappeared.

at the same time.

Outside the city, the three seven-star ghost kings flying in the air riding ghost dragons, the blood bars on their heads suddenly dropped by about a quarter!

Moreover, they are also in a state of failure.

This is the price you need to pay for releasing the powerful Ghost Jue!

It's just that their failure state is not as serious as the players in the city.

They probably only lost 20% of their power.

I saw that Dawn City was completely paralyzed.

The three ghost kings also laughed proudly.

"Giggle vulnerable human!"

"They have all been paralyzed. Next, it's our hunting time!"

"Well done Lorgar, Kurust! After taking this human capital, prepare to welcome the new life of the ghost clan!"

Saying that, the three ghost kings ordered at the same time.

On the land, in the darkness around Dawn City, countless ghost soldiers swarmed towards Dawn City!

The bursts of roars and roars shook people's hearts.

But the people in the city, even if they knew that the monsters were about to enter the city, there was no way to stop them.

Because the players don't even have the strength to get up from the ground!

"Damn!" The warrior Tianxing, who was lying on the ground and was still trying to get up, gritted his teeth and said, "Are we going to fall here?"

"Damn, the labor and management are still virgins, and they have never been in love!" The sword saint on the side tried to stand up with his sword, but he was still unable to kneel on the ground: "The labor and management don't want to die young!"

"Zhang Yi, you bastard, where are you going to die, come and save the labor!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also clamoring in tension and despair.

"Stand up, stand up, brothers!"

"We must never admit defeat!"

"Don't speak rude words upstairs! In this situation, even if it was you, you couldn't stand up!"

"Dawn City has fallen, the next one, it is estimated that our Tianyu City is finished, and all of us are finished"

Just when everyone was in despair.

Boom boom boom!

Over Dawn City, there was a sudden burst of lightning and thunder.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Two huge space-time cracks were torn apart from the air.

next moment.


Accompanied by a deafening dragon roar.

Two super dragons leaped out of the cracks!

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