Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1728 Kill the lord of the underworld and slaughter the dragon knife!

Ling'er's damage actually reached 4 trillion upwards!

good guy!

As a support system Ling'er, the damage actually surpassed the other three little ones under Zhang Yi, and even compared with Zhang Yi, it was not much worse!

On the other hand, the Lord of the Underworld.

With no chance of resurrection, he was killed by Linger.

I saw the Lord of the Underworld widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Yi in disbelief: "This is impossible"

"The grievances between you and me should also come to an end." Zhang Yi looked at the Lord of the Underworld expressionlessly, and said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Underworld fell to his knees with an unwilling "putong".

The next moment, his body turned into a little starlight, floating in front of Zhang Yi.

At the same time, a system prompt came to Zhang Yi's ears—

"Ding~ Due to the death of the player's Lord of the Underworld, your Heavenly Tribulation: The Magic Dragon Curse effect has been permanently removed!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi only felt relieved.

When the battle of the gods started from the secondary main city, the beam formed with the lord of the underworld was finally lifted until today!

One of the major troubles in life is gone, only Zhang Yi feels very relaxed.

However, the other Underworld players who were with the Lord of the Underworld were stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Captain is dead?!"

You look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, went straight to the place where the Lord of the Underworld died and disappeared, and bent over to pick up the hell dragon-slaying knife he had exploded on the ground.

This is the only original god-level equipment that has appeared in the Apocalypse World Star Country Area!

Looking at the attributes of the Dragon Saber, even Zhang Yi couldn't help but be amazed: "The original god-level equipment is so strong!"

Hell Dragon Slayer (Weapon):

Quality: Yuanshen-level ss-level medium (Yuanshen-level is the existence of super-artifact equipment beyond 255 stars, the initial grade of Yuanshen-level equipment is D-level elementary, and the level can be improved by completing equipment upgrade tasks, the highest is sss-level peak) .

Level: 230 (the original god-level equipment depends on the user's level, and is automatically adjusted to the level of the wearer after being bound to the wearer, with a maximum level of 255).

Upgrade task/ss level high: kill dragon monsters with a level higher than your own level by 6980/20000 (killing dragon king-level dragons can greatly increase the progress), and swallow dragon reputation by 7800/20000.

Equipped by: None.

Occupation: Warrior.

Special effect: Increase the damage to the dragons by 570% (this is the final damage bonus effect, and the bonus effect can be increased by increasing the equipment level / this special effect is exclusive to the original god-level equipment).

Physical attack power: ? 20 billion.

Physical attack power: ?220%.

Additional attributes: The four-dimensional attributes are increased by 200% (the four-dimensional attributes of the physics department are strength, agility, physical strength, and endurance, and the magic department changes strength to intelligence).

Description: A sword smelted from hell, it has the mighty power of opening up the world. It was once a weapon belonging to one of the three guards under the Ghost King's Throne. It has a great restraint on the Dragons.

Remarks: The original god-level equipment cannot be strengthened normally. When the level reaches the peak of the sss level, it can be strengthened with the original god-level strengthening stone, which greatly improves the basic attributes and additional attributes.

As expected of the original god-level equipment!

No wonder the Lord of the Underworld holding the Hell Dragon Slayer Sword is so fierce in combat!

It is conceivable that the attack power bonus of this knife alone has exceeded 70 billion (20 billion x 3.2, plus the four-dimensional attribute bonus)!

Coupled with other bonuses, the attack power of the Lord of the Underworld has at least broken through the 80 billion level!

You know, even Zhang Yi has only 40 billion attack power!

Only relying on dozens of times the damage bonus effect, it is possible to deal trillion-level damage. Obviously, the damage bonus of the Lord of the Underworld is far less than that of Zhang Yi.

Makes: Even if his attack power is twice that of Zhang Yi, the damage he deals is much lower than Zhang Yi's.

This knife, no matter in the hands of any person, can instantly evolve it from an ordinary person to a top master!

The so-called "one knife for one child" is really not a cover!

I'm afraid that the lord of the underworld will have to drink a few more bowls of Mengpo soup before he can forget this dragon-slaying knife.

It's a pity that Zhang Yi can't use the equipment of the warrior profession.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi would want to change to this dragon slaying knife immediately!

Of course, Zhang Yi had thought of this for a long time.

When he knew that the Lord of the Underworld had obtained the original sword, Zhang Yi had already thought about what to do with the sword after the Lord of the Underworld had been killed.

In Zhang Yi's heart, he has already decided on the candidate for the Hell Dragon Saber.

But for the time being, I still put the Dragon Sword in my backpack.

At this time, the six underworld players on the field all looked at Zhang Yi with frightened eyes.

They dare not escape, and there is nowhere to escape.

Because the fifth-order dragon king Babu was behind them.

In front of him is Zhang Yi.

I saw that the master of the underworld, who was known as the first demon in hell city, was killed by Zhang Yi.

Those players in the underworld all have weak legs.

Just when they thought: Zhang Yi will kill them all next.

However, I heard Zhang Yi say: "Did I say that as long as you leave my sight within ten seconds?

Line, I'll let you go? "

"You have nine seconds left."

"Eight, Seven, Six"

When a few people in the underworld heard this, they all ran out of the Dragon Soul Hall in fright!

In the blink of an eye, they all disappeared in front of Zhang Yi.

It is only in the face of death that human potential can be unleashed.

Keeping them is because they are officials in the underworld, and they are still valuable to Zhang Yi.

Just waiting for a few people from the underworld to evacuate.

Next, Zhang Yi's eyes were set on the Dragon Soul Temple.

The last time I came to the Dragon Soul Palace, Zhang Yi's business had not been completed, so he was forced to go to the Lord of the Underworld because of the master of the underworld.

Later, because of the influence of the Heavenly Tribulation: Demon Dragon Curse, he did not come to the Dragon Soul Hall again.

This time, Zhang Yi came for the unfinished business last time.

Zhang Yi's eyes were locked on Lijia, the seventh-order Destruction Dragon King standing outside the Dragon Soul Hall.

He opened his mouth and said, "The last unfinished battle will end now."

With Zhang Yi holding the super artifact ashes to judge, he took a fighting stance.

The Dragon King of Destruction, Riga, who was facing off against him, also opened his bloody mouth and let out a violent roar of "roar".

It seems that the shadow that appeared in the Dragon Soul Hall last time, and the secrets of the shadow, can only be contacted after the destruction of the Dragon King is solved!


In the deafening roar, the Dragon King of Destruction Lijia incited the huge wings, soared up, and suddenly leaped towards Zhang Yi!

At this moment, the minibus flew up from the ground and spewed dragon flames towards the Destruction Dragon King.


The two scorching dragon flames converged together, producing a strong firelight.

The seventh-order dragon king, after all, is not comparable to the fifth-order dragon king.

After a while, the dragon flame that destroyed the Dragon King overwhelmed the dragon flame of the minibus and devoured the minibus!

One after another, the damage is as high as 1 trillion, quickly consuming the health bar of the minibus.

Just when Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, was suppressing Babu, the Fire-bathing Dragon King.

After Zhang Yi finished casting the spell, a golden barrier in the shape of a dragon shadow was torn apart in the air.

Boom boom boom!

Countless fire dragons shot down from the barrier, instantly engulfing and destroying the Dragon King Riga!

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