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Chapter 1729 The secret of the Dragon Soul Palace

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Mixed with bursts of dragon roar attack sound.

The fireball technique released by Zhang Yi, which was strengthened by the bright dragon camp, evolved into a rain of fireballs, which fell on Liga, the king of destruction.

A large area of ​​damage of about 1.5 trillion yuan kept appearing on top of Riga's head.

Due to the high damage-free effect of the 255-level seventh-order Dragon King, Zhang Yi's damage to Lijia, the Dragon King of Destruction, was greatly reduced.

at the same time.

The three little ones, Ling'er, also launched an attack on the Destruction Dragon King Lijia!

The three little ones each rode a second-order fire dragon king summoned by Zhang Yi's consumption of dragon soul points, turned into three dragon knights, surrounded Lijia, and kept looking for opportunities to attack Lijia.

Ling'er is always behind her "Baba", waving a magic wand to attack Liga from a long distance.

Facts have proved that after Linger evolved from childhood to adolescence, she is not the only one who has been promoted.

But an improvement in all aspects!

Because of Ling'er's talent, it can enhance the dragon's combat power. After the enhancement rate is increased from 1 to 1.2, it means that all the dragons summoned by Zhang Yi have gained 20 more on the original basis. % boost!

The combat power of the three little ones has also improved with Zhang Yi's improvement, and it is all due to Ling'er!

Is this the positioning of the dual-race god-level support of the Dragon Clan?

The last time they played against each other, Zhang Yi felt that he could fight Lijia, the Dragon King of Destruction.

But this time, not long after the battle, Zhang Yi was confident that he could defeat Lijia!

Just because Ling'er strengthened Zhang Yi's entire Warcraft group and dragon group!

Boom boom boom!

Zhang Yi kept launching various skills, madly attacking and destroying the Dragon King Lijia.

Destroying the Dragon King's 800 trillion qi and blood would not be able to resist the 1 trillion rapid and continuous damage of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

And the attack of destroying the Dragon King, the damage caused to Zhang Yi or the beast group, the giant dragon, can always be sucked by Zhang Yi using the blood-devouring dragon soul to suck blood!

There is also Linger.

Linger is cured by a high-level aura, and the recovery amount is as high as 4 trillion. Even a dragon blood knight who was beaten with blood can be instantly milked back!

High-level aura light waves can be attacked and defended, and the effect is similar to Zhang Yi's blood-devouring dragon soul.

Under the extreme assistance of Ling'er, in the face of the powerful attack of the seventh-order destroying Dragon King Liga, the blood bars of the Warcraft Group and the giant dragon can almost always remain above the 60% safety line!

On the other hand, under the restraint of Zhang Yi's God-level Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, could not recover blood, and its blood bar would be reduced by one bit after being knocked out, and it could not be recovered.

Gradually, its blood has dropped to 70%!

Singled out the seventh-order dragon king of the dark dragon family.

It's unbelievable.

If this is broadcast live, Zhang Yi will definitely skyrocket in popularity!

However, Zhang Yi did not do so.

Because in the Dragon Soul Hall, there is another person Zhang Yi may know.

If that person is really the person Zhang Yi guessed, she must not be exposed in this situation.

At this time, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, with 70% of his blood, retreated outside the Dragon Soul Hall.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "Why is this abominable Bright Dragon faction so powerful!"

And for Zhang Yi.

Now reposition your own strength, it should be no problem.

As long as the destruction of the Dragon King Lijia is solved, it proves that Zhang Yi has the strength to match the seventh-order Dragon King, and the strength level can be defined as the second king of the Bright Dragon Clan after the Super Ancient Dragon King!

On the other hand, Destroying Dragon King Riga, although following this trend, it knows that it is very likely to lose to the current human who has the identity of the bright dragon camp.

And if it retreats now, it's still too late. After all, it can't beat it, and the Dragon King of Destruction is still confident that it can outrun Zhang Yi.

However, it seems that in order to protect an important person in the Dragon Soul Palace, Lijia, the Dragon King, did not leave the Dragon Soul Palace for half a step, and put on a posture of swearing to protect the Dragon Soul Palace to face Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi is no nonsense.

Pick up the trial of ashes and prepare to continue to attack the Destruction Dragon King.

At this moment, in the Dragon Soul Hall behind the Destruction Dragon King, a voice suddenly came out—


Looking at the voice, I saw a black figure in a black robe walking out of the Dragon Soul Hall!

She went straight to Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, and stood side by side with the Dragon King of Destruction.

Seeing the shadow, that familiar feeling came oncoming again!

At this time, the shadow said to Zhang Yi, "We didn't mean to offend you, why did you come to attack the Dragon Soul Palace?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yi's heart suddenly trembled.

I am even more convinced of my inner guess!

Looking at the shadow, Zhang Yi asked, "Xiaoya, is that you?"

However, the shadow seemed to be somewhat puzzled and asked, "What are you talking about?"

This voice, this familiar feeling

She is Han Yarou!

The person Zhang Yi loves, the person he has been thinking about for more than four months.

Zhang Yi's intuition is absolutely not wrong!

The last time I came to the Dragon Soul Palace, Zhang Yi already had this feeling!

So, Zhang Yi approached the shadow.

step by step

Step, walked straight to the shadow.

In this process, the destruction of Dragon King Riga did not stop him.

Because it seems to be able to feel: this human seems to be very friendly to its "master" and will not hurt her!

Only when Zhang Yi came to Hei Ying, he looked at each other up close, and when he saw his face clearly, he was suddenly surprised and happy.

Because what Zhang Yi saw: Beneath the black robe, is a face that is very familiar to him.

She is Han Yarou!

"Xiaoya!" After confirming that the other party's identity was Han Yarou, Zhang Yi hugged Han Yarou without hesitation.

A feeling of being lost and regained came to my mind.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? Why did you lose the Dragon Soul Ring?"

However, at this time, Han Yarou's body suddenly released a dark force, which knocked Zhang Yi back!

Zhang Yi, who was attacked by this powerful force, did not lose 1 blood, because the opponent turned on the protection mode and did not hurt Zhang Yi.

But when Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou again, he was stunned to find that behind Han Yarou, a huge dragon shadow flashed with black brilliance!

At this moment, Han Yarou was like a god in the darkness.

This dragon shadow is exactly the same as the golden dragon shadow behind Zhang Yi!

Gold represents the light dragon, and black represents

"Dark Dragon faction!" Zhang Yi was stunned.

Han Yarou actually became a member of the dark dragon faction! ?

how is this possible!

How did she become a member of the Dark Dragon faction? Why didn't the announcement trigger when I became a member of the dragon faction?

Just when Zhang Yi was extremely shocked.

The dragon shadow behind Han Yarou disappeared shortly after appearing.

At the same time, Han Yarou suddenly stroked her abdomen with both hands, and a very painful expression appeared on her face.

Zhang Yi's gaze followed Han Yarou's move and looked at her abdomen inadvertently.

I saw Han Yarou's abdomen bulging slightly.

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