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Chapter 1730 Capture the Dark Dragon King!

Looking at Han Yarou's slightly bulging abdomen, Zhang Yi was once again surprised.

Could it be that Xiaoya is pregnant?

The shock in my heart, wave after wave.

At this moment, Han Yarou suddenly fell to the ground very weakly!


Zhang Yi hurried to Han Yarou's side and picked her up.

At this moment, I saw: Han Yarou's face was pale, and her hands were cold, and she was in a weak state.

It is hard to imagine what she has experienced in the past four months since she left Zhang Yi's side!

Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou with a distressed face.

Then he picked up Han Yarou, who weighed less than 100 even though she was pregnant, and prepared to take her out of the Dragon Soul Palace and back to Hell City.

Yet at this moment.

With the sound of "roar", the Dragon King of Destruction, Liga, fell from the sky, sitting in front, blocking Zhang Yi's way with its huge body!

"Go away!" Zhang Yi's eyes revealed a strong killing intent, staring at Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, and shouted angrily.

Destroying the Dragon King did not give in at all. Instead, he opened his bloody mouth and started accumulating energy towards Zhang Yi and Han Yarou!

Although he knows that with his own strength, he can already handle the seventh-order dragon king.

But right now, Zhang Yi doesn't have the time to entangle with this guy. The most urgent task is to bring Han Yarou back to the city as soon as possible!

Zhang Yi doesn't care about everything else for the time being, he only worries about Han Yarou's safety.

Therefore, Zhang Yi chose to avoid the battle and directly activated the bloodline skill Dragon King Possession. Together with Han Yarou, they entered the state of being unselectable.

next moment.


Accompanied by a roar, bursts of golden light spots erupted from the mouth of the Destruction Dragon King!

The light spots covered Zhang Yi and Han Yarou.

What surprised Zhang Yi was that those golden stars actually ignored Zhang Yi's Dragon King possession and gradually merged into Han Yarou's body!

Just when Zhang Yi was surprised, he suddenly saw that after absorbing the starlight, Han Yarou's complexion was gradually improving, from pale to rosy!

and many more!

This guy is not attacking Zhang Yi, but is transferring the power in his body to Han Yarou to heal Han Yarou?

Therefore, its "attack" will ignore the protection of the Dragon King's possession.

Because of the nature of the Dragon King Possession, it can be immune to all attacks for those of the dragon bloodline, but the Dragon King Possession will not block the gain effect that is beneficial to oneself.

Seeing that under the recovery from the destruction of Dragon King Liga, Han Yarou gradually recovered her complexion, and the original painful expression on her face gradually faded away.



With a light roar, Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, suddenly fell to the ground.

It seems that due to the excessive transfer of his own power to Han Yarou, the Dragon King of Destruction himself became weak.

Although her complexion returned to normal, Han Yarou in her arms was still drowsy with her eyes closed.

According to the extent of Han Yarou's abdominal bulge, it should be about four months.

And she and Zhang Yi separated just four months ago!

Unexpectedly, it was at that time that Han Yarou became pregnant!

At this time, Zhang Yi also suddenly woke up: No wonder when Linger was still in the state of Lingzhu, Han Yarou could guess that Linger was hungry based on one of Lingzhu's actions!

It turned out that it was precisely because Han Yarou herself was pregnant that she could deeply understand what it was like to be a "child".

But for so long, Han Yarou has not told Zhang Yi about her pregnancy.

It's hard to imagine how she got here by herself for the past four months.

At this moment, Zhang Yi only felt a shock in his heart, and felt extremely ashamed towards Han Yarou.

Just as Zhang Yi hugged Han Yarou and was about to leave the Dragon Soul Palace.

A low voice suddenly came from Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction: "You can't take her out of the Dragon Soul Palace, or she will die."

How could Zhang Yi listen to the words of a dark dragon king.

Given that the Dragon King of Destruction rescued Han Yarou just now, Zhang Yi did not intend to kill it.

He ignored the destruction of the Dragon King, hugged Han Yarou, rode the minibus, and flew straight away from the Dragon Soul Palace.

After a while, he returned to the city of hell.

Immediately, Zhang Yi opened a five-star room in a hotel in the city, settled down with Han Yarou, and then quietly stayed by Han Yarou's side.

However, at this time, Zhang Yi was stunned to discover that Han Yarou, who had finally recovered some complexion with the help of the Dragon King Destroyer, turned pale again!

"How can you be like this, Xiaoya, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly remembered what Liga, the Dragon King, said when he left the Dragon Soul Palace.

If you leave the Dragon Soul Palace, Han Yarou will die!

Could it be true what the Destruction Dragon King said!

What should I do, is there any way to help Han Yarou?

In desperation, Zhang Yi thought: Since destroying the Dragon King can transfer the dragon power in his body into Han Yarou's body, can he also transmit the dragon power in his body to Han Yarou?

After all, Zhang Yi is a member of the Guangming Dragon camp!

No matter how bad it is, if you are not a real dragon, you can use the minibus to make an operation. After all, the minibus is also the dragon king, and I will make up for the minibus in the future~

But the key

How it works, Zhang Yi doesn't know.

So, Zhang Yi thought of his professional mentor-Dragon Soul Master Viyana!

Immediately passed the dragon soul ring and contacted Viyana: "Nana, do you know how to transmit the dragon power in your body to others?"

After a while, the Dragon Soul Ring flashed.

Viana's voice came from it: "I know, but why are you asking this?"

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately turned on the projection function of the Dragon Soul Ring, projected Han Yarou lying on the bed to Weiyana, and said, "Xiaoya is unconscious, I need to transmit my power to her!"

"Wait." Inside the Dragon Soul Ring, Viana's voice became a little anxious: "Why is there a dark dragon aura flowing on her body?"

As for the fact that Han Yarou was once possessed by the consciousness of the Dark Dragon King Iguno, Wei Yana also knew that Zhang Yi did not explain much, just said: "After I killed the Dark Dragon King Iguno, Xiaoya lost contact with him. Now, when she finds her again, she will become a member of the dark dragon camp."

The reason for this can only be known when Xiaoya wakes up.

At this time, Viana said: "Dark dragon campers? It's a big deal, where are you, let me go."

Zhang Yidang even sent his position to Weiyana.

A few minutes later, Viana, dressed in a white robe, came down to Hell City on the ice and snow dragon king like an angel, attracting the attention of countless night owl players in the city.

Immediately afterwards, Viana came to Zhang Yi's hotel and met with Zhang Yi.

I saw that Weiana went straight to the bed and looked at Han Yarou who was in a state of drowsiness.

Reaching out to Han Yarou, Viana closed her eyes, as if sensing something.

After a long time, Viana suddenly opened her eyes, and she said in shock, "How is this possible?"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yi hurriedly asked.

Wei Yana looked at Han Yarou and said incredulously, "She took the Dark Dragon King!!!"

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