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Chapter 1731 The dark dragon camp is pending!

Hearing what Weiana said, Zhang Yi said thoughtfully: "You mean that Xiaoya counteracted the consciousness of the Dark Dragon King Iguono possessed in her body, and seized the power of the Dark Dragon King Iguno?"

"That's right!" Viana's inner shock couldn't be calmed down for a long time.

Maybe Zhang Yi doesn't quite understand what kind of concept this is, but Viana knows it very well!

"The seventh-order dragon king can sign a life-and-death contract with mortals, and since then the two are linked in life. In the process of this seemingly equal contract, human beings are always at a disadvantage, because human beings cannot unilaterally cancel the contract, but the dragon king can use the power of the dragon family to Terminate the contract."

Zhang Yi knew this.

Back then, the Dark Dragon King Iguno used this to deceive Han Yarou into signing a contract so that Zhang Yi could not kill it.

After a pause, Viana continued: "The only way for mortals to fight against the dragons is to fight back!"

"Seize the Dragon Clan and become the manipulator of the Dragon King!" Viana said: "Once the Human Clan succeeds in seizing the House, they can directly combine the power of the two into one and become the Dragon Clan camper."

Reverse the consciousness of the Dark Dragon King and turn this power into one's own.

It turns out that this is the source of the identity of the dark dragon camp in Han Yarou's body!

But when he heard this, Zhang Yi was a little bit incredulous: "You can become a dragon camper by winning the seventh-order dragon king. Wouldn't this condition be too simple, I mean, compared to wanting to join the dragon camp under normal circumstances, The challenges you have to go through?"

Wei Yana didn't think so: "The truth is such a truth, but the chance of successfully winning the house is too low!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked, "How low is it?"

"Almost zero." Viana said: "Let me tell you, since the birth of the Dragon Race, there has never been a Contractor of the Human Race. She is the first to do this successfully!"

"Maybe it's because the obsession in her heart is too strong, or because of the support of a certain belief, a resistance has formed in her body."

"Because of this belief, if she wanted to survive, she kept resisting. In the end, she turned against the guest and took the Dark Dragon King, Iguno."

"Faith" Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou's bulging abdomen, as if he understood something.

If nothing else, this is the belief that supports Han Yarou.

And, Han Yarou's reluctance towards Zhang Yi.

Because she was pregnant with Zhang Yi's flesh and blood, coupled with her longing for Zhang Yi, Han Yarou did not succumb to the darkness, and finally defeated Iguno with her own strength!

With the body of a mortal, against the seventh-order dragon king of the dark dragon family.

You know, Zhang Yi has only had the power to fight the seventh-order dragon king until now!

And Han Yarou is just an ordinary woman.

She hadn't even told Zhang Yi, but had been facing this all by herself.

Zhang Yi could not understand the hardships involved.

"Why are you so stupid? Didn't I tell you that I would definitely kill the Dark Dragon King and eliminate the black dragon consciousness in your body?"

Zhang Yi came to the bed and sat down, looked at Han Yarou with some distress, held her cold hand in his palm, and said softly to Han Yarou, "Xiaoya, from now on, I will not let you suffer any more harm."

Having said that, Zhang Yi asked Wei Yana again: "But her status in the dragon clan does not seem to be stable, she seems to be very weak, and she doesn't seem to remember me?"

"Maybe it's because she didn't take the complete body of the Dark Dragon King, but just its consciousness." Weiana said thoughtfully: "After taking the Dark Dragon King's consciousness, because the body from the Dark Dragon Race The power captured is not much, just a trace of residual consciousness, which prevents her from fully evolving into a dark dragon camper, but only on the surface, and if she wants to completely evolve into a camper, she also needs great assistance from outside forces."

"But what I have to say is that it is precisely because of her consciousness that the difficulty of her winning the house is reduced, and she finally succeeds in winning the house. If the complete Dark Dragon King is possessed by her, she may not be able to successfully win the house."

At this time, Wei Yana also saw Han Yarou's bulging belly and said, "As for the weakness, it is very likely that she was pregnant during the time of the dormitory. Now that the body is in a weak state, it must always be under the protection of the dragon power to ensure safety."

"Even the fetus in her womb is unstable, and the most natural elemental power in the Apocalypse Continent must be used to protect the fetus."

Hearing these words, Zhang Yi understood everything.

Han Yarou's current identity can be said to be "the dark dragon camp to be determined"!

Therefore, when she obtained this uncertain identity, she did not trigger the announcement and was unknown to the world.

Because of this, even the seventh-order dark dragon clan destroys Dragon King Liga, treats Han Yarou with respect, and always protects Han Yarou's safety!

Because in the Dragon Clan, the most authoritative is the Dragon Clan camper!

Even the super ancient Dragon King and the Absolute Beginning Dragon King must be in awe of those who see the dragon camp!

And as long as Han Yarou recovers and adjusts for a period of time, and then adds the help of external forces that Weiana said to evolve, it is very likely that she will officially become a member of the dark dragon camp in the future!

At this time, Zhang Yi also understood why Han Yarou became weaker and weaker after leaving the Dragon Soul Palace, because in the Dragon Soul Palace, there was a dragon power that could protect her!

At this time, Zhang Yi picked up Han Yarou.

Viana asked: "You want to take her

where? "

"Super ancient realm." Zhang Yi said: "The dragon power in the super ancient realm can protect Xiaoya more effectively than the Dragon Soul Palace."

"Are you stupid?" Viana said: "She is a member of the Dark Dragon Clan and cannot enter the Light Dragon Clan Domain."

"Send her back to her original place." Wei Yana then said to Zhang Yi: "There can at least ensure her safety. After she recovers for a period of time, if she can completely evolve into the dark dragon camp in the later stage, these negative states will , all will be solved.”

Zhang Yi thought about it, and it seemed that he could only do so.

At this time, Weiana pulled Zhang Yi aside and said softly to Zhang Yi: "But I have to remind you that you are a body of light, she is darkness, and one day she will completely evolve into darkness. Dragon campers, among you"

"No matter what she becomes, she is Xiaoya." Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou and said, "No matter what, she is my wife and my child is fucking."

"Nana, thank you for telling me this."

"I'll send her back to the Dragon Soul Hall first."

After that, Zhang Yi came to the bed and carefully hugged Han Yarou.

Leave the hotel, ride a minibus, and fly to the Dragon Soul Temple.

Outside the hotel, Viana looked up at Zhang Yi who was gradually leaving in the sky, and sighed.

He sighed: "I hope you two can use love to resolve the conflict between the light dragon clan and the dark dragon clan that has been maintained for thousands of years, and let the dragon clan return to the original harmonious era!"

"I also sincerely wish you all the best!"

Viana put her hands together and prayed silently for her apprentice.

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