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Chapter 1732 I sit at the child's table

late at night.

Zhang Yi took Han Yarou and rode a minibus to the Dragon Soul Palace.

At this time, Lijia, the Dragon King of Destruction, was standing quietly outside the Dragon Soul Hall, as if waiting for Zhang Yi's arrival!

It was only when Zhang Yi rode the minibus and just sat down, holding Han Yarou from the dragon's back and stepping on the dragon's wings slowly.

Destroying Dragon King Riga immediately said, "Are you back?"

"Well, I'm back." Zhang Yiman responded casually.

Then, ignoring the Dragon King of Destruction, he carried Han Yarou into the Dragon Soul Hall.

As an ordinary person, at this time, the Dragon King of Destruction cannot send him away directly with a mouthful of Longyan, and then personally pick up the "Master" back to the temple.

But now this person, it can't afford to offend, and it is also very self-aware.

Just stepped into the Dragon Soul Palace.


Bursts of red starlight continued to flow into Han Yarou's body from all directions.

This is the natural dragon energy in the Dragon Soul Hall, which can be used to protect Han Yarou!

In the center of the Dragon Soul Hall, Zhang Yi discovered a red light circle!

That was the only place that was relatively clean, and it seemed that it was also where Han Yarou had lived in the Dragon Soul Hall before.

Zhang Yi summoned Babu there, made Babu lie on the ground, and then temporarily settled Han Yarou on the softest part of Babu's body.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi came to the outside of the Dragon Soul Hall and used the instant rewind scroll to return to Hell City.

I bought wooden boards, nails and other equipment from a mall in the city, and I bought a quilt.

Then, riding a second-order dragon king, he quickly returned to the Dragon Soul Hall.

After a while of beating, I made a bed myself and came out.

Mattress, bedding.

When she was about to carry Han Yarou to the bed, she found out: Han Yarou woke up!

"Xiaoya, you are awake!" Zhang Yi came to Han Yarou's side and said happily.

However, Han Yarou took two steps back, looked at Zhang Yi cautiously, and asked, "Who are you?"

"You really don't remember me?" Zhang Yi said, "I'm Zhang Yi!"

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi and shook her head.

At this moment, Zhang Yi recalled what Viana had said.

When Han Yarou was taking over the Dark Dragon King, she was pregnant, and after consuming too much energy, she also fell into a weak state, and she also suffered from memory loss!

Therefore, the moment Han Yarou lost the Dragon Soul Ring should be the time when she successfully captured the Dark Dragon King!

Zhang Yi knows: memory loss and weakness are both temporary.

After a period of recovery, these negative states of Han Yarou will be automatically eliminated.

Zhang Yi just needs to be sure: Han Yarou is fine.

So, Zhang Yi said to Han Yarou softly, "It's okay, it's okay, take your time, you will remember me."

Han Yarou's beautiful eyes were full of doubts, she looked at Zhang Yi cautiously, but did not speak.

At this time, Zhang Yi took out the dragon soul ring that belonged to Han Yarou, handed it to Han Yarou, and said softly, "The dragon soul ring is here for you, you can keep in touch with me at all times, this time, don't lose it again. "

Han Yarou stared blankly at Zhang Yi.

Obviously I don't know this person, but why, there is a feeling of familiarity?

Just when Han Yarou was thinking so, she involuntarily reached out and picked up the Dragon Soul Ring that Zhang Yi handed over.

Zhang Yi then instructed Han Yarou: "You have a good rest here, protect yourself, and protect our children."

"Our child?" Han Yarou stroked her abdomen, even more surprised.

After telling Han Yarou, Zhang Yi left the Dragon Soul Palace.

However, he did not leave the Dragon Soul Palace completely, but set up a tent outside the Dragon Soul Palace and planned to rest in the tent.

Because Han Yarou didn't resist some of Zhang Yi's performance towards her now, but now she doesn't remember Zhang Yi anymore. If Zhang Yi stayed in the Dragon Soul Hall, I'm afraid it would make Han Yarou feel uneasy.

Guarding outside is the same for Zhang Yi.

Just settling down in the tent, Zhang Yi felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

I don't know if it's because I finally found Han Yarou, or because I'm going to be a father soon!

Or, both.

This is really a surprise!

At this moment, Zhang Yi also feels that the responsibility on his shoulders is even greater!

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of your mother and child, or both!"

Zhang Yi's eyes revealed firmness.

Previously, due to lack of strength, in the secondary main city, Zhang Yi could only watch the Dark Dragon King Yigunuo take away Han Yarou, but he was powerless and could not save Han Yarou.

But now, Zhang Yi already has the peak strength to win the Tianqi Xingguo theater, even if he is the seventh-order Dragon King and the Seven-star Ghost King, he is not Zhang Yi's opponent.

There will no longer be anyone who can threaten Zhang Yi's loved ones!

Stationed outside the Dragon Soul Hall overnight.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yi returned to Hell City to buy breakfast, and then came to the Dragon Soul Palace.

Entering the Dragon Soul Hall, she found that Han Yarou woke up at an unknown time, sitting alone by the bed in a daze.

So Zhang Yi walked over.

"Xiaoya, let's see what delicious food I brought you." Zhang Yi Jiang

Bought, still warm pancakes were handed to Han Yarou.

When Han Yarou saw the cake, she immediately smiled: "Thousand-layer cake!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat."

Han Yarou carefully glanced at Zhang Yi, but she didn't refuse, she took the cake and ate it!

This scene made Zhang Yi very happy.

Because Han Yarou doesn't remember him anymore, but subconsciously, she seems to have another impression of Zhang Yi!

So she resists anyone, except Zhang Yi!

Seeing that Han Yarou was obviously thinner than four months ago, Zhang Yi felt a little distressed.

In the past four months, I have not been able to take care of their mother and daughter.

Only in the next step, make up for the debt to their mothers.

Just when Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou, who was eating breakfast, with doting eyes.

With a "ding", Zhang Yi received a message from Ruochen: "Okay, brother! It really belongs to you! I heard that the Lord of the Underworld is gone? Did you do it?"

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi smiled lightly and replied, "You have discovered this, let me show you something."

With that said, Zhang Yi sent the picture book of the hell dragon slayer knife to Ruochen.

At this moment, on the other side, Ruochen, who was having breakfast with Lin Qian and the generals of the Xingchen Palace in a breakfast shop in Hell City, saw the picture book of the Dragon Saber, and excitedly slapped the table, "Damn it!"

This scene made the other people at the table tremble with fright.

"What's the matter, brother? What happened?" Lin Qian asked with a bewildered expression. She had never heard Ruochen say swear words.

The battle generals in the Star Palace, the bloody battles in the Eight Wastelands, and the others, all looked at Ruochen with a bewildered expression.

Ruochen said excitedly: "The Lord of the Underworld was slaughtered by Zhang Yi! The dragon-slaying knives have exploded, hahaha!"

Hearing this, the generals of the Star Palace also clapped the table excitedly and shouted "Lying c"!

"Yinuo is awesome!!"

at the same time.

I don't know who spread the news about the death of the first Demon Lord of the Underworld in Hell City. It spread throughout the entire Hell City overnight!

On the public screen of Hell City, everyone is discussing this topic.

Up and down the city was boiling.

"The Lord of the Underworld is dead? Really?"

"Really! Didn't you see that his name was not on the list of Hell City? It is said that he was killed by Yinuo Qingcheng outside the city last night!"

"This pig is finally dead! It's great! Yinuo Qingcheng did a great job! When will the brothers have dinner? I want to sit at the children's table!"


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