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Chapter 1733 Revive the Underworld

As the news of the death of the Lord of the Underworld spread in Hell City, the whole city of Hell City celebrated!

Just because the threat that the Lord of the Underworld brought to Hell City players during his lifetime was simply too great!

How many people look at him unhappy, but they are powerless because of his strength.

Right now, Zhang Yi has done something that all the players in Hell City want to do but are afraid to do!

Inside the Dragon Soul Palace.

Zhang Yi was watching with relish the cheers of countless players on the public screen of Hell City.

At this moment, Ruochen sent a private message: "Although the Lord of the Underworld is dead, he has fifteen teams under his command, a total of 4 million underworld troops, and the power is still strong, I am afraid that someone will replace the Lord of the Underworld, Let the underworld rise again!"

"So why don't we take advantage of the underworld now that there are no dragons, and attack them! Kill their home team first!"

"There are four million troops in the underworld, and they are all elite divisions of Hell City. Don't you feel a little pity that such a huge force is destroyed?" Zhang Yi replied.

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Ruochen thought thoughtfully: "Then you mean to include them? But after all, they have followed the lord of the underworld for so long, and there must be many rebels among them, and they will not easily obey us, not to mention such a large force that wants to It will be difficult to annex them.”

Zhang Yi smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I have a way to deal with it."

Having said that, Zhang Yi closed the dialog box.

She turned to look at Han Yarou, who was quietly eating breakfast, and said to her, "Xiaoya, is there anything you want to eat? Tell me, I'll bring it to you."

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi and shook her head.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yi said, "Then you will rest here, and I will come to see you later."

After speaking, Zhang Yi turned around and left the Dragon Soul Palace.

Next, Zhang Yi still has some things to deal with, so he can't stay by Han Yarou's side all the time.

We can only let her continue to stay in the Dragon Soul Palace for a while.

After dealing with these matters, Zhang Yi will try to restore Han Yarou.

So, when he met Liga, the king of destruction, outside the Dragon Soul Hall, Zhang Yi said to Liga, "Help me protect her. If she has any mistakes while I'm not here, you are ready to become a dragon crystal."

Destroy Dragon King Riga: "?"

"Are you talking to the emperor?"

Anyway, as a seventh-order dragon king.

When was Riga, the Dragon King of Destruction, ordered in such a tone?

However, the 30% of its qi and blood that was knocked out by Zhang Yi last night has not been fully recovered until now.

under the pressure of force.

Destroying the Dragon King Lijia did not dare to disobey Zhang Yi.

It opened his mouth and said to Zhang Yi: "She is the pending member of the dark dragon camp. Needless to say, this king will also protect her comprehensively."

"Think about it for yourself! She will become the fourth camp member of the Dark Dragon Clan, which means that the power of our Dark Dragon Clan will be strengthened again! The light will eventually be defeated by the darkness!"

Obviously, Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, had seen through the relationship between Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, and concluded that Zhang Yi did not dare to do anything to Han Yarou, so he dared to say such things in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi didn't think so.

Even if Han Yarou really becomes a member of the dark dragon camp, Zhang Yi believes that she will not lead the darkness and fight against the light!

After explaining the destruction of the Dragon King, Zhang Yi came to the periphery of the Dragon Soul Hall.

Before leaving the Dragon Soul Palace, Zhang Yi took out the Dragon King Token.

next moment.


A huge crack tore open from behind Zhang Yi, and then, countless giant dragons leaped out of the barrier.

Under Zhang Yi's order, thousands of 235-level bright dragons quickly leaped around, and instantly surrounded the entire Dragon Soul Hall map!

"Guard the Dragon Soul Palace, and no one is allowed to step in." Zhang Yi gave orders to these giant dragons that he cultivated by himself.

And those giant dragons responded to Zhang Yi with roars.


The roar of thousands of giant dragons at the same time resounded through the sky.

This made the unleveled players who were leveling up on some other low-level wild area maps near the Dragon Soul Palace, could not help but be shocked!

With a seventh-order dragon king, Zhang Yidu was still worried.

After arranging the dragon group to guard the Dragon Soul Palace and protect Han Yarou, Zhang Yi left the Dragon Soul Palace with peace of mind.

Just when Zhang Yi rode the minibus and left the Dragon Soul Temple.

Inside the Dragon Soul Hall, Han Yarou came out.

Seeing Zhang Yi leaving in the sky, Han Yarou felt a sense of loss.

Caressing her belly, Han Yarou murmured:

"Who is he? Why do I feel so familiar when I know him?"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the city of hell, in a conference room, officials at the level of captains and vice-captains from various divisions in the underworld are gathering together for a meeting.

These people have a very high status and influence in the underworld.

Moreover, they are also the most trusted people around the Lord of the Underworld!

Now that the lord of the underworld is permanently dead, the underworld has become a mess. These officials are discussing how to rectify the plan of the underworld!

At this time, one of the 226-level middle-aged young armored warrior men, the captain of the fourth team of the underworld, said: "The captain is dead, now

People in the whole hell city are clamoring for our underworld, our underworld has been dissipated, brothers, we should think of a way to stabilize the army, don’t let our underworld be destroyed like this! "

The sound of the underworld sword myth just fell.

Another squad leader, the 225-level red-robed mage of the underworld, stood the staff on the table with a sound of "Qiang", and said imposingly: "Even if the captain is gone, we in the underworld are still the first family in hell city, no one can Don't try to bully us!"

Others followed suit:

"Yes, at this time, the more we must unite as one, and we must not let our enemies take advantage of it!"

"From now on, the captains of our underworld teams will be on an equal footing, and we will manage the entire underworld together!"

"What about Yinuo Qingcheng?" At this time, someone said the key point.

Immediately afterwards, another archer man Netherworld Wuxin said: "Don't worry, the guy in Yinuo Qingcheng is a virgin. As long as we don't provoke him, he will not do anything to us. He is very kind!"

The archer Netherworld Wuxin who was talking was one of the six people who went to the Dragon Soul Hall with the Lord of the Underworld last night and was attacked by Zhang Yi and finally released by Zhang Yi!

Because Zhang Yi didn't kill him last night, not only did he not repent, but he intensified his actions and even wanted to take revenge on Zhang Yi!

"Yinuo Qingcheng is the enemy of our underworld after all! We have developed a wave of wretchedness recently and continued to expand our power secretly."

"When our underworld power is completely strong and unmatched, we will go to Yinuo Qingcheng to settle accounts and destroy his dragon clan! And all their dragon clan allies! Let us in the underworld continue to dominate the king!"

"After all, we have four million elite teachers in the underworld, and his dragon clan has only 300,000 people. What can we fight against us?"

These underworld officials here have been following the Lord of the Underworld for a long time, and they have long been ambitious, and each has a heart to dominate the world of Apocalypse.

Therefore, the underworld Wuxin also responded, and everyone followed and shouted——

"Destroy the Dragon Clan! Step on a promise to allure the city and climb to the top of the Apocalypse!"

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