The death of the Lord of the Underworld caused quite a stir in Hell City.

But there are not many people who are really sad about his death.

For the captains and vice-captains of those teams in the underworld, without the constraints of the underworld master, they can do whatever they want, eat, drink, and only one night has passed, as if nothing happened. Same.

It's just that because the Lord of the Underworld has just died, in order to avoid the sharp edge of Yinuo Qingcheng, the people of the Underworld choose to hide in the city for a while, instead of going outside the city.

Zhang Yi is here.

After leaving the Dragon Soul Palace, he returned to Hell City.

Not long after returning to the city, the Dragon God came over and said to Zhang Yi, "Boss, you only killed the Lord of the Underworld last night, and let go of the others who were following the Lord of the Underworld?"

"How did you know?" Zhang Yi was a little curious.

The Dragon God said: "This matter has now spread throughout the underworld. I still have a few cronies in the underworld, and they told me."

After a pause, the Dragon God said worriedly, "Boss, I'm a little worried."

"I stayed in the underworld for half a year, from the underworld's lord of 300,000 people to 4 million people now. I know the family of the underworld too well!"

"Although the Lord of the Underworld is already dead, most of those appointed as officials under him are the same as him, with ambitions. If they are not eradicated, the Underworld will surely make a comeback one day. Two, the third Lord of the Underworld!"

It can be seen that the God of the Dragon Clan is thinking about the Dragon Clan from the bottom of his heart.

The Dragon God used to be the number one general under the lord of the underworld, and the second in command of the underworld. Naturally, he knew the underworld best.

His analysis also makes sense.

But in fact, Zhang Yi has long thought of this.

At this time, Zhang Yi did not follow the words of the Dragon God, but suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Are you satisfied with your current status and status?"

Hearing Zhang Yi suddenly ask such a question, the Dragon God was obviously stunned for a while, and he didn't respond for a while, why did Zhang Yi suddenly ask such a question.

After a pause, the Dragon God said from the bottom of his heart: "I am very content. To be honest, at first I just thought about being able to join the Dragon Clan, and I didn't think about being the Deputy Captain of the Dragon Clan."

"Thank you boss for giving me this opportunity."

However, at this time, Zhang Yi said, "No, you are not satisfied."

The Dragon God was stunned again, and suddenly he was inexplicably flustered.

He hurriedly said to Zhang Yi: "Boss, I assure you, I definitely don't have the ambition of the Lord of the Underworld, you believe me!"

Seeing the serious face of the Dragon God, Zhang Yi suddenly laughed: "What are you thinking? I didn't say you have ambitions."

"Don't worry, I'm not doubting you."

After a pause, Zhang Yi thoughtfully said to the Dragon God: "How about it, do you want to do a big vote with me to prove your strength?"

"How to prove it?" asked the Dragon God.

Zhang Yi opened the map at will, only to see a flashing red dot appearing at the location of Hell City on the map.

Seeing the position of the red dot, Zhang Yi said to the Dragon God, "Wait for the fish to take the bait."

The God of Dragons saw the red dot on the map in front of Zhang Yi, and asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly and said, "Surprise."

Shift the focus from the underworld first.

Zhang Yi outlined some of his next tasks and goals.

The main purpose of coming to Hell City is to defeat the Lord of the Underworld and find Han Yarou.

Now the two main things have been completed, that is, Han Yarou's side, and she needs to find a way to restore her state in the future.

Whether it is to become a member of the dark dragon faction, or to return to the normal state before, Zhang Yi only hopes that Han Yarou can be well, and her fetus in her womb will be safe.

In addition, there is an ultra-rare domain here in Hell City, and Zhang Yi wants to obtain an ultra-rare domain skill from it!

Furthermore, it is to find some energy-based materials that can be used to create the main city.

As far as Zhang Yi knew, each first-level main city of energy system materials would only produce a small amount on a regular basis, and according to its birth time, it should not be long.

Domain skills and the main city, these two must be won before the national war starts.

Because the domain skills will allow Zhang Yi to be on the battlefield of the national war, and to face powerful foreign players with ease.

The main city is able to make a lot of contributions to the city battle.

In addition, there is also the sixth-order upgrade task of the minibus to complete, and the edict of cracking the ghost emperor!

These are big indicators that can't be completed in a while. Zhang Yi doesn't plan to touch them until he finishes dealing with the underworld.

So next, just wait!

When he was idle in the city, he was also idle, so Zhang Yi went outside the city to fight the boss.

In order to cultivate dragons and upgrade the Dragon King Order, I collect bright crystals. If you are lucky enough to find a few high-star bosses, you may even explode a few golden skill books, and accumulate some golden proficiency to upgrade the magic color skills.

Go all out, prepare for the national war, and win glory for the country!

Unify the entire Apocalypse Continent and become the No. 1 powerhouse in the Apocalypse World.

In this way, Zhang Yi has absolute status and strength behind him to explore where the world of Apocalypse came from, and

How to crack the secrets of this world

Therefore, Zhang Yi's brush was all morning.

Because he didn't know much about the layout of Hell City, Zhang Yi couldn't find the exact location of some high-star bosses.

It's just that the blind cat meets the dead mouse, and whichever boss it finds, it kills.

Zhang Yi is not a picky eater at all, he kills the boss when he sees it.

Those super bosses who were unrivaled in the eyes of Hell City players became vulnerable waste in Zhang Yi's hands.

After a long time, Zhang Yi slaughtered 13 boss-level monsters one after another!

Among them, there are two bosses with more than 240 levels and 210 stars.

In addition to a variety of 100-200 star equipment, I also harvested a lot of orange and red quality skill books from these bosses!

But there is no golden book.

It's still that Zhang Yishao's boss is not high enough, and he doesn't have the capital to explode the golden skill book.

In this way, even if you have the ability to upgrade skills, it is still difficult to get the magic color skills!

Time turned to noon.

With thoughts in his heart, Zhang Yi no longer craved the fragrant boss in the wild, and returned to Hell City early.

I came to a restaurant in the city, ordered a few dishes that Han Yarou likes to eat, and took them away.

In a flash, Zhang Yi rode a minibus to the Dragon Soul Temple.

Outside the Dragon Soul Hall, thousands of giant dragons summoned by Zhang Yi were still stationed at their posts.

Under their airtight protection, even if a fly tried to fly in, it would be blasted into slag by the dragon flames.

After Zhang Yi came to the Dragon Soul Palace, he saw Han Yarou standing under a bunch of sunlight that came in through the gap at the top of the Dragon Soul Palace, basking in the sun.

Zhang Yijing quietly walked behind Han Yarou and said:

"As long as there is light in your heart, you can't be afraid of the long night."

Hearing this, Han Yarou turned around and saw Zhang Yi, feeling a little happy unconsciously: "Zhang Yi, you are here."

Hearing Han Yarou calling out his name, Zhang Yi was shocked: "Xiaoya, have you recovered your memory?!"

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