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Chapter 1735 Han Yarou's request

Just when Zhang Yi was extremely happy, thinking that Han Yarou had regained her memory.

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Didn't you tell me last night that your name is Zhang Yi?"

Zhang Yi: "It's sloppy"

Then, Zhang Yi took out the food he brought and had lunch with Han Yarou.

Obviously hungry, Han Yarou ate vigorously.

After all, she is no longer alone, but two.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Zhang Yi couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw Han Yarou devoured and his cheeks were bulging.

And Han Yarou also looked at Zhang Yi a little embarrassed, and then began to chew slowly.

At this moment, Han Yarou suddenly looked at Zhang Yi seriously and asked, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

"Because it's you! Fool." Zhang Yi looked at Han Yarou's blank face, and said, "After a while, I will find a way to make you recover, and then you will remember me."

Saying that, Zhang Yi reached out and touched Han Yarou's head, but Han Yarou did not resist Zhang Yi's action, and allowed Zhang Yi to touch her head very gently and well-behaved.

It seems that even if she loses her memory, Han Yarou still knows that there is a person she deeply loves like Zhang Yi.

If you start over from now, it's not bad, and it can make Han Yarou forget the painful memories of being coerced by the Dark Dragon King.

But the weak state in Han Yarou's body, Zhang Yi must find a way to help her get rid of it!

Standing by Han Yarou's side, Zhang Yi was not ready to leave until Han Yarou finished eating.

However, at this moment, Han Yarou stood up, looked at Zhang Yi, held the hem of her skirt with both hands, and said cautiously, "Zhang Yi, can you please accompany me again?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Han Yarou, who seemed to feel a little embarrassed by making this request, and felt inexplicably distressed.

During Zhang Yi's absence, when Han Yarou was pregnant, she was always alone, with no one to take care of or accompany her.

After a long time, she felt that it was a luxury to have Zhang Yi by her side.

Zhang Yi came to Han Yarou's side and gently hugged Han Yarou into his arms.

Han Yarou still did not resist, instead she reached out and hugged Zhang Yi tightly.

"From now on, I will never leave your side again, and I will never leave you alone again."

So, she stayed with Han Yarou for a long time.

Although there were not too many words during the period, even being held by Zhang Yi like this made Han Yarou feel extremely at ease.

Gradually, Han Yarou fell asleep in Zhang Yi's arms.

Looking at Han Yarou sleeping in her arms, Zhang Yi gently kissed Han Yarou's forehead, and then gently laid her flat on the bed.

I don't know how long it took.

When Han Yarou woke up, she found that Zhang Yi was gone.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of loss came to her heart. Han Yarou remembered the ring Zhang Yi gave her before, and said that she could contact him only through the ring.

So, Han Yarou took out the Dragon Soul Ring and was about to contact Zhang Yi through the Dragon Soul Ring, but hesitated for a while and put the Dragon Soul Ring down again.

"He also has his own affairs to be busy with, how can I keep him with me all the time."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yi took the initiative to send a message to Han Yarou through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Xiaoya, I heard that Nana said that the ganoderma lucidum on Lingshan has a certain recovery effect on you, and I came to Lingshan to collect ganoderma lucidum. I'll see you later. You have a good rest."

It turned out that he went to collect Lingzhi for himself!

Hearing Zhang Yi's news, Han Yarou felt no sense of loss. She hurriedly said to Zhang Yi through the Dragon Soul Ring, "Well, well, be careful!"

After speaking, Han Yarou stroked her abdomen and said softly, "Baby, we must all be safe!"

At this moment, a breath of darkness swept out from outside the Dragon Soul Palace!

Han Yarou looked up and saw that Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, flew in from outside the Dragon Soul Hall!

It seems that he is also worried about scaring Han Yarou and the fetus in the womb.

The Dragon King of Destruction sat down far away from Han Yarou, tried to keep his voice low, and said to Han Yarou, "Your physical condition is very unstable, you must use a lot of elemental power to recover and adjust."

"You should also be able to sense the human being who has been with you for the past two days. There is a lot of elemental power in his body. This power is at least several times that of the one eye that came a few days ago!"

After a pause, the Dragon King of Destruction then said to Han Yarou, "He loves you so much, if you tell him that the elemental power in his body can save you, he will definitely transmit this power to you without hesitation."

"No!" Han Yarou immediately refuted the Dragon King of Destruction: "If Zhang Yi was to sacrifice himself to save me, then I would rather be like this for the rest of my life!"

"It's just that there is no elemental power. For him, it does not matter if there is no elemental power." The Dragon King of Destruction said: "But for you, if you lack the elemental power for a long time, you will die."

Han Yarou said resolutely: "Don't say it anymore, and don't tell Zhang Yi about this! Otherwise, I'll leave the Dragon Soul Palace immediately!"

Riga hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive, I won't tell him."

As one of the nine leader-level dragon kings of the dark dragon clan, Liga, the king of destruction of the dragon clan, is also very clear: the members of the dark dragon clan will be directly related to the strength of the race.

At present, this person who is very likely to grow into a dark dragon camper in the future can't afford to provoke him!

Seeing that Han Yarou's attitude was firm, Destroying Dragon King didn't say anything more, but turned around and flew away.

At night, Zhang Yi returned to the Dragon Soul Temple.

In addition to Lingzhi, Zhang Yi also brought Han Yarou dinner.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming, Han Yarou also happily got up to greet her, but was picked up by Zhang Yi and carried back to the bed to sit down.

"Don't you jump around, do you hear? You just need to pay attention to rest now."

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi with a serious face, nodded, and said "oh" obediently.

So, when Han Yarou was eating, Zhang Yi picked up a few ganoderma lucidum that he picked on Lingshan in the afternoon.

About the use of Ganoderma lucidum, Zhang Yi has already learned from Viana.

So, Zhang Yi then summoned a minibus, let the minibus breathe out dragon flames, and use the dragon flames to bake the Ganoderma lucidum.

After a while, Ganoderma lucidum turned into a starlight and merged into Han Yarou's body.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi clearly saw that the complexion on Han Yarou's face was much better than the previous second!

Zhang Yi was also very pleased that his efforts in the afternoon were not in vain.

Thinking about going to pick Lingzhi tomorrow!

Thinking so, Zhang Yi casually opened the map, ready to check something.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi saw that a red dot that had been standing in Hell City for a whole day was now moving out of the city!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi couldn't help being a little excited: "Can you finally hold back?"

Having said that, Zhang Yi immediately opened the friend list and contacted the God of the Dragon Clan: "Get ready, the fish has already taken the bait."

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