Night fell, and darkness enveloped the earth.

In the city of hell, a restaurant.

Two players dressed a little differently from the usual players are having dinner in the restaurant.

The two players, a middle-aged man in red samurai armor, and a little loli in white and blue Lolita fashion.

The two are Miyamoto Musashi and Spirited Away!

The alternative dress attracted the attention of many other diners in the restaurant.

Of course, what attracted their attention the most was the beauty of Spirited Away.

When such a little loli with fair skin, clean and beautiful appearance appeared in his eyes, most men couldn't help but want to take a second look when they saw it for the first time.

At this moment, Chiyo Chihiro lay down on the table with her head down, and tapped the bowl with her chopsticks, as if she had no love for life.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?" Miyamoto Musashi hurriedly asked, "Why don't you eat, is the food here unpalatable?"

Spirited Away shook his head: "I miss home."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Musashi hesitated and said, "Then let's hurry up and finish the upgrade task of the Devouring Heart, and then go back to Sakura Country."

"But this task is too difficult, and the two of us can't complete it." Spirited Away murmured, "Yinuo Qingcheng will definitely be able to complete it, but I'm too embarrassed to always ask him for help."

"What's so embarrassing about that?" Miyamoto Musashi said: "Yinuo Qingcheng said last time that in the Star Kingdom, as long as we need it, he will definitely help us!"

Just when Spirited Away was hesitating whether to ask Zhang Yi to help with the task.

Suddenly, she received a private message from a friend, opened the message and found that it was actually sent by "Yinuo Qingcheng"!

The last time when the Dragon Soul Hall said goodbye, Zhang Yi promised to unconditionally help Spirited Away and Qianxun to solve any difficulties in the Star Country, Zhang Yi and Spirited Away added friends.

At this time, Spirited Away saw Zhang Yi's message: "Can you please do me a favor?"

Seeing this news, Spirited Away immediately replied: "Yes! What's the matter?"


Zhang Yi replied, "I'll lend you the original god-level necklace."

Spirited Away was stunned for a moment, but she did not hesitate, and said, "No problem, but you may not be able to equip this necklace of legal profession. What do you need to use the Heart of Devouring? I can help you. ."

After a pause, Zhang Yi said, "Well, that's troublesome."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not troublesome!" Spirited Away replied: "It's a lot of work!"

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who was on the opposite side, saw who Chiyo Chihiro was chatting with so happily, and he knew who he was chatting with: "Your Highness Princess, you won't be the beastmaster who likes this star country, Yinuo is all over the city, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense! How is it possible!" Qianyu Qianxun said immediately: "Yinuo Qingcheng asked me to do him a favor, the location has been sent to me, let's go! After helping him, just let him do it for me too. The upgrade mission of the Devouring Heart!"

Miyamoto Musashi was a little helpless: "I'm sorry to ask others for help, but I'm ashamed if they have to ask you for help!"

"I'll go first, Miyamoto, settle the bill, hurry up!" With that, Spirited Away ran out of the restaurant.

Miyamoto Musashi: After all, I carried everything alone

While rushing to find Zhang Yi, Spirited Away sent a message and asked in detail, "What are you doing with the Devouring Heart?"

"This necklace of yours can kill monsters, devour its soul, and subdue it for his own use." Zhang Yi burst out the devouring heart from the Lord of the Underworld last time, and before handing it over to Spirited Away, It has already seen through the ability and function of the Devouring Heart.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "It can currently swallow a boss below 200 stars, right? I happen to have a 120 star boss here. It's already disabled. I'll take it for you and swallow it."

Spirited Away was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure you want me to help you, not you?"

120 star boss!

Spirited Away never dared to imagine using the Heart of Devouring to devour such a big boss!

Before that, the highest-ranking boss that was swallowed was just a boss with more than 90 stars!

At this time, Zhang Yi said, "Help you first, and then you help me. After this is done, this boss will belong to you directly."

If you can swallow and manipulate a 120-star boss, then your strength will definitely skyrocket!

The next upgrade task, you can even use this boss to complete!

Thinking of this, Spirited Away smiled happily: "Okay! I'll be there soon!"

Meanwhile, on the other side

Mozu, outside the city of hell, a large group of black shadows are marching in the darkness.

They are the players of the underworld!

There were more than a thousand people in the group, and there were several captains of the Underworld Detachment and officials at the vice-captain level!

Including the silver-armored archer Underworld Wuxin, the blue-armored warrior Underworld Sword Emperor, and the red-robed Mage Underworld Heaven Punishment and others.

Taking advantage of the dark night, after leaving the city, the players in the underworld rushed straight to the wild.

"Damn, I've been suffocating to death after staying in the city for a day!"

At the head of the crowd, as the middle-aged red-robed mage man had just finished speaking of Heavenly Punishment in the Underworld, the blue-armored warrior Underworld Sword Emperor also said, "Yes, if you don't come out to get some air, you're going to die in the city!"

"It's all to blame for Yinuo Qingcheng. He made us headless in the underworld, and he became a street rat that everyone in hell city shouted and beat! So we can only hide in the city during the day, and only come out at night!"

In the voice of the speech, the silver-armored archer Netherworld snorted coldly, and said: "Wait for a period of time, let's get over the last limelight, let's develop the vulgarity, and after a while, let's integrate it and take revenge on Yinuo Qingcheng and the Dragon Clan. !"

Having said that, the underworld Wuxin ordered to his subordinates: "Let the other brothers in the city change their work and rest time from tomorrow. Recently, they will rest during the day and come out at night to level up. The strength must keep up and cannot stand still!"

"Also, everyone must carry an instant rewind scroll with them. If you encounter someone from Yinuo Qingcheng or Xingchen Palace in the wild, avoid confrontation with them and return to the city immediately."

"Especially beware of Yinuo Qingcheng's eldest son, don't be caught by his dragon on the map where he is resurrected from the dead!"


While talking.

The underworld Wuxin, who was walking at the forefront, suddenly seemed to notice something and stopped immediately.

"What's the matter?" Everyone around was blank.

At this time, the underworld Wuxin suddenly said: "Have you heard anything?"

The voice just fell.


A deafening roar came from the darkness ahead!

Crowd: "I heard"

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