Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1748 Do you think you are humorous?

Zhang Yi took out the two ghost emperor's edicts from his backpack that had been stored in the bag for a long time.

These two fragments were obtained when they broke the main city of the ghost clan and defeated the seven-star ghost king in Dawn City.

At this time, Zhang Yi combined the two scraps into one.

Suddenly, a red light appeared.

"Ding~ Congratulations on obtaining the Ghost Emperor's Edict (Volume 3)!"

At the same time, a loud system announcement fell from the sky——

Full Server Announcement (Star Country District): "Ding ~ Ghost Clan has come into the world, Ghost Emperor's edict said that the Apocalypse Continent has reappeared, and the Ghost Emperor may reappear in the human world. All players are requested to be ready to fight against the Ghost Clan and guard the Apocalypse Continent at any time. !"

As soon as this news came out, the world was in turmoil.

More, still puzzled.

"What is the ghost emperor's edict?"

"Who knows, it must be something related to the ghost emperor anyway. Isn't it said that the ghost emperor is the supreme leader of the ghost clan? Whoever becomes the successor of the ghost queen can take charge of the entire ghost clan!"

"I'm going, who got the edict of the ghost emperor? Does it mean that the person who gets the edict will be able to become the ghost emperor in the future?"

"Following this edict, it may be possible to find the ghost emperor. After all, according to the history of the Apocalypse, the ghost emperor is still unknown."

On Zhang Yi's side, he obtained the complete ghost emperor's edict.

When I opened the edict, I saw that it was blank!

How is this going?

When Zhang Yi was a little puzzled, he suddenly had a flash of light.

He opened the map of Hell City, and then printed the ghost emperor's edict on the map.

Sure enough, the next moment, on the blank ghost emperor's edict, there actually appeared the exact same layout as the hell city map!

That is to say, the layout of the entire hell city has all appeared on the ghost emperor's edict, and on the map presented by the edict, a small red dot is also marked.

It is conceivable that this red dot should be on the side of Hell City, the connection port of the ghost clan, which is the location of the main city of the ghost clan!

I learned from the archaeologists in Dawn City before that as long as the complete ghost emperor's edict is obtained, the location of the ghost clan's main city can be obtained according to the edict.

Now it looks like it's true!

Zhang Yi looked at it and found that the red dot marked on the map was located in the border area of ​​Hell City, and it was really far from Hell City.

If you ride a dragon, it is estimated that it will take two or three hours to arrive.

Zhang Yi thought about it, go to find out tomorrow!

Zhang Yi had already foreseen the next move.

After breaking through the main city of the ghost clan on the side of Hell City, get another ghost emperor's edict, go to the next first-level main city, and use the obtained ghost emperor's edict to continue to find the remaining first-level main cities, the ghost clan's main city. s position.

Destroy them one by one, until all the six ghost clan main cities in the last six first-level main cities are breached, Zhang Yi will also be able to get six ghost emperor edicts.

Combining these six edicts, it should be able to decipher the secrets of the ghost clan.

As for whether the edict records the secret of being able to find the ghost emperor, or the secret of becoming the ghost emperor directly, we will have to wait until that day before we can reveal it!

Thinking so, Zhang Yi put the ghost emperor's edict into his backpack.

At this moment, the God of the Dragon Clan suddenly sent a piece of good news: "Boss, the fifteen teams in the underworld have all been assembled, except for those who retreated and escaped, there are a total of 3.85 million people left, all of whom will pose a threat to the Dragon Clan. More than 80% of officials at the official level have been removed, and the remaining 20% ​​are currently absconding, but they should not be enough to pose a threat to us, and I have sent people to kill them throughout the city."

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel relieved: "Yes, well done."

"From today, you will officially take over the underworld. In addition, the managers of the various teams in the underworld will also be assigned by you. Whoever you think is capable of serving as an official will be appointed. You don't need to ask me, you can decide directly."

"Yes, boss!" The Dragon God replied.

The efficiency of the Dragon God's work is still good.

Moreover, he acted very decisively!

Kill if you should, no mercy!

After all, Zhang Yi has not worried about the underworld at all for the past week. From the inside to the outside, the dragon god is responsible for everything!

Most, that is, the people called Xingchen Hall beat the Dragon God and helped.

Until now, Zhang Yi was even more fortunate that he did not directly kill the Dragon God in the undead ruins.

Otherwise, you will really lose a general!

It seems that everything is slowly moving in the right direction.

As long as the ghost clan is solved, the world will be at peace.

Zhang Yi entered the Dragon Soul Hall, came to Han Yarou's side, squatted down and held Han Yarou's hand in his palm, and said softly, "You will also get better, Xiaoya."

The night is fleeting.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yi went to the field to pick up Ganoderma lucidum for Han Yarou.

After baking with dragon flame, let Han Yarou absorb it.

By feeding Ganoderma lucidum every day recently, Han Yarou's complexion and state have indeed improved a lot.

Just can't get a complete recovery!

Han Yarou's current state is that she cannot drive the power of the dark dragon faction within her body at will, otherwise she will easily be backlashed and cause her own huge damage!

She can only maintain the status quo for the time being, survive in the form of an ordinary person, and cannot leave the dark dragon region for a long time.

After she stabilizes, Zhang Yi will think of a way to make her recover completely!

Leaving the Dragon Soul Palace this time, Zhang Yi was a little more worried.

Outside the Dragon Soul Hall, Zhang Yi found Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, and said to it, "Help me protect Xiaoya."

"Otherwise, you will turn this emperor into a dragon crystal?" Li Jia stared at Zhang Yi with a look of "do you think you are very humorous".

"No." Zhang Yi said: "Otherwise I will make you unable to become Long Jing, and directly become scum."

"This emperor is a seventh-order dragon king, a member of the bright dragon camp, please pay attention to your attitude!"

As soon as Liga's voice fell, Zhang Yi suddenly mentioned the trial by fire: "I don't mind turning you into scum now, and then I will send the Dragon King of the Light Clan to take over the Dragon Soul Palace for you."

"This damn oppressive feeling!"

Destroying the Dragon King Liga thought so in his heart, and said to Zhang Yi on the bright side: "You still think of a way to save her, by the way, to remind you, the power of the elements in your body has a great recovery effect on her! "

"What did you say?" Zhang Yi was shocked when he heard this sentence.

At this moment, Han Yarou suddenly came out of the Dragon Soul Hall.

In order to distract Zhang Yi, Han Yarou deliberately said, "Zhang Yi, I want to go out with you."

"No." Zhang Yi came to Han Yarou and instructed, "You haven't fully recovered yet, so you can't leave the Dragon Soul Palace."

"You stay in the Dragon Soul Palace for a while. I have something to do. I'll come back to you when it's over." Zhang Yi touched Han Yarou's head and said softly.

"Okay." Seeing that the purpose of distracting Zhang Yi had been achieved, Han Yarou said, "Then I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, wait for me to bring you something delicious at noon."

With that said, Han Yarou was about to go back when she was suddenly picked up by Zhang Yi and carried back to the Dragon Soul Palace!

Leaving the Dragon Soul Hall again, Zhang Yi's eyes locked on the red dot marked by the Ghost Emperor's edict.

Open the friend list and send a message to Ruochen: "Take you to meet the big scene, do you want to go?"

"What big scene?" Ruochen replied in confusion.

Zhang Yi said: "Attack the main city of the ghost clan."

Domain Skills and Genshin-level Equipment Summoning Order: The national war is imminent, and the heroes will compete for each other. In the later stage, a lot of domain skills and Genshin-level equipment will be used. Brothers and sisters, keep the domain skills and Genshin-level equipment (including effects) you think of. Well, there are suitable authors who will choose, thank you! !

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