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Chapter 1749 Don't treat him like a human!

Attack the main city of ghost clan! !

Seeing the message sent by Zhang Yi, Ruochen said incredulously, "You are crazy! Are you kidding me?"

"What a joke, you think I'm a juggernaut with a mouth full of trains." Zhang Yi said, "Seriously, I'm ready to go, do you want to go and see the world? It's the Xingchen Palace anyway. Captain, I have not even seen the chief of the ghost clan for most of my life, so don’t tell people to make jokes.”

"No," Ruochen replied to the message: "Where can I find the ghost clan's main city, do you know where the ghost clan's main city is?"

Having said this, Ruochen seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Wait the announcement last night that you got that ghost emperor's edict?"

"Just say whether to go or not." Zhang Yi asked again.

"Go!" Ruochen also said decisively: "I'm definitely going, where is it? I'll go over immediately!"

Zhang Yi looked at the location on the map and replied, "Wait for me in the city, I'll go back to pick you up."

After that, Zhang Yi closed the dialog box.

Then, he crushed the scroll of returning to the city and left the Dragon Soul Palace.

As for the ghost clan aura outside the Dragon Soul Hall that I sensed last night.

Although I don't know where it came from, even if the ghosts really come, it is basically impossible to enter the Dragon Soul Palace!

After all, Zhang Yi sent thousands of giant dragons to guard outside the Dragon Soul Hall.

Inside, there is also a seventh-order dragon king personally stationed!

Even the seven-star ghost king would not be able to break into the Dragon Soul Palace.

So Han Yarou's situation is safe, even if Zhang Yi is not there.

After returning to Hell City, Zhang Yi came to the place where he had an appointment with Ruochen and the others, and found that Ruochen and the others had not arrived yet.

So, recalling what the Dragon King said just now, Zhang Yi contacted Viyana through the Dragon Soul Ring.

"Nana, can the power of the elements restore Xiaoya?"

Hearing this, Wei Yana asked Zhang Yi, "Where did you hear it?"

"So, the power of elements can really restore Xiaoya?" Zhang Yi hurriedly said, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Viana was silent for a long time before she said: "Well, I didn't tell you specifically, the power of the elements is the key energy to restore her, I am worried that after you know, you will use the power of the elements contained in your profession to go to restore her."

"In your body, the Dragon Soul Master's elemental power is very strong, but it's still far from enough to fully restore her. I'm afraid you really do this, and in the end you lose the Dragon Soul Master's ability, but you can't. Xiaoya can recover."

"I'm thinking of other ways to recover her these days. I originally thought I'd tell you if there was a way."

"The power of the elements." Zhang Yi raised his hand, looked at his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Then, did Xiaoya know that the power of the elements in my body can save her?"

"She should know, she just didn't tell you."

At this time, Zhang Yi recalled: Even just now, when Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, mentioned the power of elements to Zhang Yi, Han Yarou deliberately came out to confuse the public and prevent the Dragon King of Destruction from telling Zhang Yi more

At this time, Viana hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I'm discussing countermeasures with Jon, there will be other ways, your professional power must not be lost, otherwise what power will you use to protect your beloved in the future? man of?"

Zhang Yi said, "Trouble you Nana, let me know immediately if you have a solution!"

At this moment, Zhang Yi had a feeling that the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

Because before that, he didn't know how to recover Han Yarou completely.

Now that he knows that the elemental power rich in hidden professions can be used to restore Han Yarou, even if the elemental power is difficult to obtain, Zhang Yi will try his best to find the elemental power for Han Yarou.

Even if it is a last resort, you need to sacrifice your profession—Dragon Soul Master!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

Ruochen and Lin Qian, they rushed over with a large group of people from the Xingchen Palace!

Seeing the group of people behind Ruo Chen, Zhang Yi frowned slightly and said, "Why are you bringing so many people?"

"Kill the ghosts!" Ruochen said, "Didn't you mean to attack the main city of the ghost clan? I am ready to dispatch the entire Xingchen Palace."

Zhang Yi was a little surprised.

He glanced at Ruochen, Lin Qian, the generals of the Xingchen Palace, the angels of the Xingchen Palace, and the three lords of the Xingchen Palace, and said, "Just go with me, no one else needs to go."

"This battle, you can't help, and I called you mainly to let you see the world."

The Star Palace general said indifferently: "What level of ghost? Can we all deal with it?"

"If there is no accident, it should be no less than two seven-star ghost kings." Zhang Yi said: "In addition, a dozen five- or six-star ghost kings are added."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, the audience was stunned.

"I rely on!"

The battle general of the Star Palace shouted, and shouted to the players in the Star Palace behind: "Brothers, let's go, don't go to die!"

So, after disbanding the Star Palace army.

Zhang Yi only took Ruochen and the eight officials of Xingchen Hall, respectively, riding a minibus and a few other giant dragons summoned by Zhang Yi, and left Hell City to go to the main city of the ghost clan.

On the way, riding on the back of a giant dragon and walking side by side with Zhang Yi in the air, the Star Palace Battle General felt like he was dreaming: "We are really going to fight the main city of the ghost clan.

, Challenge the Seven Star Ghost King? "

"What's the matter, are you afraid?" Zhang Yi glanced at the generals of the Star Palace and asked.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid!" The Xingchen Palace battle general said arrogantly.

At this time, the angel of the Xingchen Temple said with some worry: "However, in such a big event as the main city of the ghost clan, will we be too hasty? Can only the few of us be able to fight the main city of the ghost clan?"

Take over the words of the Angel of the Star Palace.

The bloody battle on the back of the other dragon glanced at Zhang Yi and said, "Just don't treat him like a human!"

The four giant dragons moved forward rapidly.

In the end, it really took more than two hours of travel to finally reach the destination!

According to the detailed instructions on the Ghost Emperor's Edict, Zhang Yi and Ruochen stopped at the border of Hell City, beyond an abyss.

What caught my eye was a bottomless dark abyss.

It was like a huge mouth of blood spreading out on the ground. Standing on the edge of the abyss, looking at the endless abyss beneath his feet.

Lin Qian asked, "Brother Zhang Yi, is the main city of the ghost clan here?"

"Well, it should be down here." Zhang Yi looked at the ghost emperor's edict and said, on the edict, the position marked by the red dot is the area under Zhang Yi's feet!

"The main city of the ghost clan should be under the abyss." Zhang Yi put away the edict and said, "Get ready to go."

The voice just fell.

Ruochen, Lin Qian, the generals of the Xingchen Palace, the bloody battles in the Eight Wildernesses, they all picked up the guys, each with a nervous and serious expression, ready to deal with the strong enemy at any time!

Only Zhang Yi remained calm.

As if he did not come to attack the main city of the ghost clan, but to visit relatives

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