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Chapter 1750 The corpse in the abyss

Zhang Yi and the others continued riding the dragon and leaped to the bottom of the abyss.

In the boundless darkness, I didn't see any so-called main city of the ghost clan. It was gray in all directions except for the darkness. When I was at the bottom of the abyss, it was like night!

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "The edict only roughly records that the main city of the ghost clan is at this location, and all the ghost clan connections are extremely hidden, everyone should look for it, there should be some kind of hidden institution nearby, It can activate the connection to the main city of the ghost clan."

As soon as Zhang Yi's voice fell, everyone began to search around.

Realizing that he will face the most powerful enemy of the players in the world of Apocalypse: the ghost clan, and there may be several seven-star ghost kings at the same time.

The players in the Hall of Stars on the field are all tense.

Only Zhang Yi did not panic, but rather looked forward to it.

As long as the ghost clan main city on the side of hell city is broken, and the ghost emperor's edict is obtained here, the position of the ghost clan main city of another first-level main city can be activated again.

In the end, Zhang Yi will be able to get the complete six Ghost Emperor Edicts!

What secret is recorded in this edict?

In the last life until eight years later, no one has cracked this secret.

In this life, Zhang Yi is full of expectations for this secret!

I have to say that, as the core resident of the ghost clan on the Hell City side, even if it is just the entrance and exit, the rich dark aura emanating from the bottom of the abyss makes people breathless!

In the darkness, there seems to be an endless crisis lurking, making people unpredictable.

But the strange thing is: the group walked through the abyss for a long time, but they didn't even see the shadow of a monster!

In the corner of the abyss, Lin Qian, who was walking with Ruochen, clenched the dagger in his hand, looked around, and said vigilantly, "Brother, have you noticed something abnormal?"

Ruochen also said thoughtfully: "There is a strong dark atmosphere here, but there is no shadow of a monster?"

"Yes!" Lin Qian said, "This is too abnormal! I feel something is not right!"

"Be careful."

Just as the two were talking, a scream from the angel of the Star Palace suddenly came from their ears!

"What's wrong?"

The scattered people followed the source of the sound to find the Xingchen Palace warrior and the Xingchen Palace angel.

I saw that the ground in front of me was full of human corpses!

Next to each corpse, a black bead of life dropped!

"They are players!" The knight walked up to the corpses, squatted down and surveyed, and said, "Hell City loose people, the death time does not exceed 24 hours, and they are waiting for the transformation of ghost servants."

Right now, this scene is just incredible.

"How did these people get here?"

The voice of the Angel of the Star Palace just fell.

Bloody Battle Eight Wasteland said: "In contrast, I think it is more likely that the corpses were transported here after they died elsewhere."

"So, are there any monsters from the ghost race that have escaped from here?" The Star Palace battle general was unbelievable: "But the ghost race only haunts every year on the Ghost Festival, but is it usually sealed? Where did the ghost come from? Clan monsters killed these loose people?"

Several people on the field were very puzzled.

Even Zhang Yi was a little confused.

Logically, the ghosts in the main city of the ghost clan cannot go out until the Ghost Festival, unless they are not sealed inside the main city of the ghost clan, but are sealed outside, similar to the ghost king Arthur.

Could it be that when he killed Arthur last time, he didn't cut down the grass and roots, and left a little ghost that was not eliminated?

Otherwise, this phenomenon cannot be explained.

Moreover, in the past few days, Zhang Yi has indeed sensed the aura of the ghost clan lingering around him many times.

At this time, Ruochen said, "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

"First pick up the life beads of these loose people and bring them back to resurrect, don't let them become ghost servants."

So, a few people picked up the life beads that fell next to the corpses of the loose people.

At this time, Wei Wu Duzun realized a problem: "They haven't transformed ghost servants, which means that the death time does not exceed 24 hours. The ghost clan who killed them may be nearby, everyone be careful!"

While talking.

Next to Zhang Yi, Ling'er suddenly appeared and circled around Zhang Yi. Then her little hand tightly grasped Zhang Yi's arm and said to Zhang Yi nervously, "Baba, they're here! The bad guys are here!"

Others were at a loss: "What's coming?"

At this time, Zhang Yi was in a state of mind, and immediately said: "Hide!"

Having said that, Ruochen and the others followed Zhang Yi and quickly hid behind a nearby boulder.

After a while, there was a low roar unique to the ghost clan accompanied by "giggle giggle".


With a loud noise, two huge black four-legged beasts suddenly sat at the bottom of the abyss, appearing next to those human corpses, and appearing in Zhang Yi's line of sight!

I saw the two giant beasts that looked like fierce tigers, exuding a strong dark aura of ghost clan all over their bodies, and their eyes exuded an ice-blue cold light.

They are impressively level 245 ghost beasts!

At this time, it can be seen that the two ghost beasts are holding a human corpse in their mouths, and there are several corpses on their backs.

After reaching the bottom of the abyss, the two ghost beasts shook their human corpses to the ground.

In this situation, Ruochen and the others were surprised: "It turns out that those loose people were killed by them!"

"But why do they take their bodies so far away?"

The voice of the Angel of the Star Palace just fell.

Ruochen said: "It should be to prevent other players from finding these corpses, then picking up the life beads and resurrecting them."

"But, what is the purpose of these ghost beasts doing this?" Ruochen and the others were puzzled.

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "Expand the force."

"Apocalypse World, all permanently dead players and NPCs will turn into ghosts. This is the origin of ghosts."

Hearing this, the Star Palace warlord was extremely surprised: "So, didn't the Lord of the Underworld also become a ghost servant?"

"Well." Zhang Yi said: "But he was also sealed in the main city of the ghost clan, and he couldn't get out."

This time, when he came to the main city of the ghost clan, Zhang Yi also came with the purpose of being the master of the underworld.

Unsure why he is alone in the world, he is a little worried: "In this case, wouldn't the Lord of the Underworld become more powerful than before?"

"No." Zhang Yi said: "After becoming a ghost servant, he will lose his self-awareness. Maybe his attributes will be strengthened by joining the ghost clan, but without consciousness, there is no operation, just like a walking dead. The overall combat effectiveness will drop significantly, which is nothing to worry about.”

"Unless, he can give birth to self-consciousness and evolve into a ghost king."

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