Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1751 The cracked G family capital!

According to Apocalypse History.

The origin of the ghost race is the death of human beings.

When the human beings in the Apocalypse Continent face permanent death, they will transform into ghost servants, and at the same time lose their self-consciousness, and become walking corpses that regard all living creatures as prey.

When human beings die permanently, there will be a very small probability that self-consciousness will be born. These ghost servants who are born with self-consciousness will evolve into ghost clan powerhouses because of their strong consciousness: ghost king!

The stronger the consciousness, the higher the grade of the evolution ghost king.

At that moment Zhang Yi also realized something: "These ghost beasts should be the forces left over from the last time Ghost King Arthur recovered."

At this time, the Star Palace battle general drew his sword and stood up: "I'll go and kill them."

"Wait!" Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to stop the warlords of the Xingchen Palace and said, "They may be the key for us to find the entrance to the main city of the ghost clan."

"I'm not sure, I'll take a look again~" So, the Star Palace warrior put down his weapon again.

Look at the field.

I saw that the two ghost beasts did not leave after placing the human corpses they carried on the ground.

But next to these corpses, a circle was turned!

Also at this time.


A red crack was torn apart near the two ghost beasts!

The entrance is out!

Only then did Zhang Yi realize that there was a dark magnetic field buried in the ground where these players' bodies were stored.

And the action of the two ghost beasts just circling was carried out around the magnetic field, in order to activate the underground magnetic field and open the connection entrance to the main city of the ghost clan!

Seeing this scene, the Star Palace Battle General couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, I didn't do it just now!"

After all, this way of opening the connection port, if there is no demonstration of these two ghosts, Zhang Yi and the others can't think of it!

Seeing that the two ghosts and beasts opened the crack, they were about to enter.


A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the two ghost beasts, blocking their way!

Lord of the Silver Moon Legion of the Star Palace: lv227 rank eight assassins fought bloody battles, holding a dagger, standing in front of the crack, staring at the two level 245 ghost beasts, smiling evilly: "Thank you for opening a passage for us, in return, I'll send you a day trip to hell!"


The two ghost beasts were also extremely surprised by the sudden appearance of humans.

Roaring, he flew directly towards the bloody battle!

The strength of the bloody battle is beyond doubt.

In Hell City, second only to Lin Qian, he is the top master of the second assassin level in Hell City!

No need for anyone else to do it.

With the super-fast speed of the assassin, the bloody battle was like a bolt of lightning, and it quickly shuttled around the two ghost beasts.

The dagger in his hand swung very fast.

Brush brush brush brush!

The slashes fell on the two ghost beasts again and again, and bursts of damage of eight or nine hundred billion burst on top of their heads.

In an instant, the two ghost beasts were killed!

At this time, Ruochen Lin Qian and the others just walked out from behind the hidden stone.

Dubu Tian applauded and said, "Brother Bahuang is getting better and better!"

The bloody battle is not low-key: "That is, if it wasn't for Qianqian, I would be the number one assassin in Hell City!"

"I have to find a chance to draw a gesture with you again." Bloody Battle Eight Wilderness looked at Lin Qian and said, "Prove that you are not my opponent!"

Lin Qian showed a helpless expression: "Okay, uncle, I'll let you do it next time!"

in speech.

The group was preparing to go in through the crack.

At this moment, Ruochen suddenly noticed that Zhang Yimo was silent, as if he was thinking about something.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit strange." Zhang Yi said thoughtfully: "The main city of the ghost clan was sealed by the Lord God. Logically, the ghosts inside can't get out, and the ghosts outside can't get in, unless you have the Ghost King Token."

"These two ghost beasts are obviously going to go in just now. How can they go in? Unless the seal of the main city has been lifted."

"Removed the seal? Impossible!" The Star Palace warrior said incredulously: "Wait, doesn't that mean that we are not from the ghost clan, and we are even less qualified to enter?"

"Those who hold a three-star or above Ghost King Token can freely enter and exit the main ghost city."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, everyone expressed their incomprehension: "We don't have anything that only a ghost king can have!"

"I have." With that, Zhang Yi opened his backpack and took out a token that radiated black light.

When everyone saw it, they all looked shocked: "Five-star Ghost King Ling!"

"Damn it!" The Bloody Battle Eight Wildernesses said incredulously, "Where did you get the five-star ghost king decree?"

This was originally found by Zhang Yi at the ghost clan resident in the third-level main city.

And through the killing value accumulated by hunting monsters before, Ghost King Ling has long been promoted to five stars by Zhang Yi!

In addition to being able to use the Ghost King Token to freely enter and exit the main city of the ghost clan, Zhang Yi can also use this Ghost King Token to authorize others to enter and exit temporarily.

It's just that Ghost King Ling's damage-increasing effect on the ghost clan is passive. In addition, Ghost King Ling had no role to play before, so it was always abandoned by Zhang Yi in the corner.

At this time, Zhang Yi picked up the Ghost King Token and turned his eyes to the road ahead opened by the two ghost beasts, and it became looming.

As if the crack was about to close, he said, "Let's hurry in."

With that said, Zhang Yi was the first to step into the crack.

Ruochen and the others followed after Zhang Yi's authorization.

Passing through the cracks, the other side you reach is an empty dark realm!

In front of the line of sight, there is a huge black city!

That is the main city of the ghost clan on this side of Hell City!

For the first time, everyone in the Xingchen Hall in the main city of the ghost clan was shocked.

"This is the main city of the ghost clan?"

"It's very stylish! This scale is no less than the first-level main city of our players!"

The strong ghost clan aura overflowed from the city.

Zhang Yi and several people approached the city.

But at this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly found out: the gate of this city is actually open!

And outside the city, there is no sense of the breath of the gods!

"How could this be? Could it be that the seal of this city has really been broken?"

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi entered the city without hesitation.

And Ruochen and the others also had extremely nervous moods, each clenched their weapons, and walked in one after another under the premise of being ready to fight at any time.

When he came to the city, Zhang Yi really found out: This is an empty city!

In all directions, it was desolate, and there was not a single soldier or soldier to be seen.

"Where are the ghost soldiers and ghost generals sealed inside, and the ghost king?"

At this time, Zhang Yi also suddenly understood:

"Unexpectedly, the ghost king Arthur still has a hand."

Lin Qian said thoughtfully, "Brother Zhang Yi, do you mean that it was the previous seven-star ghost king Arthur who lifted the seal on the main city of the ghost clan and released the ghost clan inside?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said, "Only seven-star ghost kings or seven-star ghost pets are qualified to activate the power of high-level main city energy crystals to break the seal of the main city of the ghost clan."

"The seal of the main city of the ghost clan was broken before the death of the ghost king Arthur."

Zhang Yi's words only made people feel a chill on their back.

"That means it has been at least ten days since the city was unblocked!"

"The ghosts in the city came out ten days ago, why didn't they attack Hell City?"

Even when the ghost king Arthur was killed by Zhang Yi, the other ghosts who had already left the city didn't even help Arthur!

They just watched as the ghost king Arthur was killed by Zhang Yi?

"What plan are they plotting?"

This is simply terrifying!

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