Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1752 Devil City, meet the gods!

Looking at the empty city right now, Zhang Yi could only think of one possibility.

More than ten days ago, the ghost king Arthur lifted the seal of the main city of the ghost clan. After releasing the ghost clan, in order to avoid being discovered by the people of the hell city, he deliberately entered the hell city alone, sacrificing himself to cover up the entire ghost clan in the hell city. The fact that it has been released!

Then, the ghosts who were released here were secretly plotting some plans.

Although it is not clear what they are conspiring specifically, it can be guessed that it must be a plan that is not good for Hell City and even the entire Apocalypse Continent!

After all, the ghosts are the natural enemies of all creatures in the Apocalypse Continent!

At this time, Ruochen expected: "So, didn't the Lord of the Underworld also escape?"

Recalling the ghost clan aura that always appeared in the dark these days, Zhang Yi suddenly had an ominous premonition.

It seems that perhaps because of his special identity, Zhang Yi has been targeted by the ghosts who escaped from this main city!

After a pause, Lin Qian said thoughtfully: "Is there a possibility: these ghost clansmen know that Brother Zhang Yi, your strength is very strong, and they dare not rashly attack Hell City because they are afraid of you. Secretly reserve power and wait until you have sufficient power. Then launch a full-scale attack on Hell City?"

What Lin Qian said was not without reason.

"Yes, wasn't there a lot of corpses just outside?" The Angel of the Star Palace pondered: "They must have been near Hell City all this time, secretly hunting players, turning them into ghost servants, and growing their power!"

"We have to find a way to stop them, otherwise, if this continues, I'm afraid that the entire hell city will be slowly swallowed by them!"

With the voice of the only one who just fell.

Ruochen said: "Since all the ghosts in this city have been evacuated, let's get out of here quickly."

"After going out, I immediately sent people to search for the forces of the ghost clan outside the city!"

With that said, everyone prepares to leave this ghost realm.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly said, "You go out first, I still have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Ruochen asked.

Zhang Yidao: "You guys go out and wait for me, I'll go out and find you after I solve it."

"That's fine."

Ruochen didn't ask much, and he knew that with Zhang Yi's current strength, even if there were seven-star ghost kings hidden in this city, it wouldn't hurt Zhang Yi.

What's more, even if there is an accident, as a member of Zhang Yilong's camp, after death, he will ignore all death restrictions and be resurrected in the Bright Dragon Domain.

So, Ruochen and the others first withdrew from the ghost realm.

And Zhang Yi is walking towards the depths of this ghost clan's main city!

The only way to stop the continuous birth of ghosts is to destroy the main city of ghosts and the connection port of ghosts.

In this way, if players or monsters in Hell City are killed by ghosts, their corpses cannot be sent to the ghost realm to be "resurrected" as ghost servants.

The reason why I know this is because Zhang Yi did this in the Ghost Race King's Landing City!

And Zhang Yi also remembers: as long as you find the defense token corresponding to the main city of the ghost clan, you can use the token to destroy the city!

As for the token, it is generally sealed by the main god in the main city of the ghost clan, and guarded by the god.

Zhang Yi's purpose is to find the main city of the ghost clan: the city's defense token, and then use the token to destroy the demon city!

In addition, Zhang Yi also remembered: as long as you follow the traction of the breath of the Protoss, you can find the location of the defense token!

So, Zhang Yi took out a magic scroll exuding golden light from his bag.

This scroll is the God Trial Scroll that was accidentally obtained in the Ghost Race King's Landing City: Son of God!

Just because Weiana once said: The trial opportunity of the son of the gods is extremely difficult, and there is only one person for him. If he completes it, he can become one of the hundreds of gods under the main god and gain the supreme power of the gods.

Zhang Yi was worried that he would not be able to complete the trial of the gods with his current strength, so he never dared to use this scroll. , go to this trial again!

When Zhang Yi took out the scroll of the Son of God, there was indeed a burst of golden starlight on the scroll, pulling Zhang Yi to one direction!

Following the guidance of the scroll, Zhang Yi came to an ancient circle in the city.

Zhang Yi stood above the unmoved array.

At this moment, a reminder sounded in my ear——

"Ding~ The system has detected that you are the caller of the gods, and will ignore the god race barrier!"

As soon as the words fell, the magic circle under Zhang Yi's feet lit up with golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi was "sucked" into it!

Turning his eyes, he came to an empty field.

In the field, on a high platform, a token was quietly placed.

At the same time, there was a person floating in the sky, full of golden stars and a pair of white wings, who looked like a god!

"God's caller." The god suddenly said, "Nice to meet you."

Seeing this god, one of the hundreds of gods under the lord's throne, Zhang Yi only had the feeling that the other party could wipe out his ashes with just a wave of his hand!

This aura is far more powerful than the seventh-order dragon king and the seven-star ghost king!

As expected of the guardian under the throne of the Lord God who sealed the entire ghost clan with only a hundred gods a thousand years ago


Zhang Yi also said respectfully, "Hello, senior."

Looking at the token on the high platform, Zhang Yi went on to say, "I'm here to get the Castle Guard token of Devil City, hoping to use it to destroy Devil City."

What I didn't expect was that the goddess directly agreed to Zhang Yi's request without saying a word: "You can take it."

so easy?

Zhang Yi didn't realize that he was a little puzzled: "You can destroy the main city of the ghost clan as long as you use the defense token. Why do you have to stay here for a thousand years, instead of destroying the city with the token, and then completely destroying the ghost clan?"

"The mere ghost clan is not worth mentioning." The god said something that made Zhang Yi doubt his life: "Not to mention this errand can relieve loneliness, otherwise this thousand years will be too boring."

Even the ghost clan can only be called "not worth mentioning"?

Even the existence of ghosts is just to relieve the loneliness of the gods?

What kind of identity is this Lord God!

At this time, the god went on to say: "I look forward to the day when you can become the one hundred and first god under the throne of the Lord God. At that time, we can fight side by side with the Lord God."

Fight alongside?

Isn't it even worth mentioning that the ghosts are not in the eye?

Still need to fight side by side, who?

Could it be that in this Apocalypse Continent, there is a race that is stronger than the Dragon Race and Ghost Race, and even comparable to the Protoss?

Zhang Yi became more and more curious about this main god!

And after saying this, the gods disappeared.

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate, and got the city's defense token from the high platform.

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