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Chapter 1753 I'm here, don't worry

According to the previous layout in another ghost clan main city: King's Landing.

There should also be a blood spring in this Devil City.

So, Zhang Yi walked around the city and found a blood pool full of blood!

Beneath the blood pool is hell.

At this moment, occasionally white starlight fell into the blood pool.

These starlights represent the permanently dead players in Hell City.

They will be "resurrected" under the pool of blood.

Zhang Yi took the city's defense token, cast a spell to smash it, and scattered the fragments into the blood pool.

The next moment, the ground shook under his feet.

"Ding~ Please note: Due to the destruction of Castlevania's defense token, the Castlevania is about to collapse, please leave the Castlevania map as soon as possible!"

The purpose has been achieved.

Zhang Yi immediately summoned the minibus and rode the minibus away from Devil City.

After a while, Zhang Yi passed through the light curtain and returned to the previous abyss.

I only saw: Ruochen Lin Qian and the others were waiting outside.

Then, the light curtain leading to Castlevania disappeared.

At this time, Ruochen said: "I immediately ordered to search for ghosts outside the city."

"Yeah." Zhang Yi replied: "Tell them to send the location as soon as they find the trace of the ghost clan, and don't rashly attack the ghost clan."

"The ghost clan who absconded from the Devil City this time are not small, and they must have developed a lot of new forces in the recent period."

As soon as the words fell, the Star Palace Warrior suddenly said to Zhang Yi: "Brother, what are you going to do next? Can I come with you?"

Zhang Yi: "?"

"I just feel that I have a sense of security with you!" The Xingchen Palace general was eager to hug his tense legs.

On the side, the angel of Xingchen Temple slapped the forehead of the general of Xingchen Temple, rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Promise!"

In the sound of words, the group of people crushed the City Return Scroll and returned to Hell City.

Although I didn't meet the ghost clan this time, at least I saw what the main city of the ghost clan looked like.

For Ruochen, the Xingchen Palace warriors, it is worth it!

For Zhang Yi, at least he knew that all the ghosts in the Devil City had escaped.

As for what plan they are conspiring against Hell City, and what they are going to do next, Zhang Yi is not too worried.

But the matter has come to this point, it is time to let the people of Hell City know the truth and prepare them psychologically.

So Zhang Yi opened the Hell City chat interface and posted a message.

Yinuo Qingcheng (lv239 Rank 8 Dragon Soul Master): "Everyone, pay attention, the ghosts on this side of Hell City have been unsealed and are lurking in Hell City. From now on, everyone must be careful when they are outside the city."

After Zhang Yi sent this news, the players in Hell City suddenly became restless.

"Really? It means that all the ghost monsters in our hell city have been released?"

"Didn't you say that ghosts only haunt every ghost festival every year? What's going on?"

"No wonder my unjust brother hasn't come back since he went out to the wild last night, and his id has turned gray! My big brother, you died so miserably!"

"The one upstairs first sympathizes with your experience, and secondly, I want to say, is it possible for your brother to be saved? After all, the time of death has not exceeded 24 hours, as long as the body is found and the life bead is found, it can be resurrected."

"Ah! So are they likely to attack Hell City at any time? I'm so scared."

"Where are they hiding? Is it unsafe outside the city?"

"What to do I'm so scared"

Just when people in Hell City were panicking.

Zhang Yi said, "Don't worry if I'm here."

"From now on, everyone encounters ghosts outside the city and avoids the battle as soon as possible to ensure their own safety. If you can't avoid it, you will immediately send the location of the ghosts on the public screen, Aite me, people in nearby locations can Go over to support first, and I will go there as soon as I see the news."

Zhang Yi's words made the players in Hell City feel inexplicably at ease, and also played a great inspiring role.

"Fortunately, Yinuo Qingcheng is in our hell city!"

"Yeah, with brother Yinuo Qingcheng, no one can bully our hell city!"

"Brothers and sisters in Hell City, let's unite as one, this time, let's fight the ghost clan together! Destroy the ghost clan and protect us humans!"

The unity of the nation is awakened in the heart only in the face of real crisis.

At this moment, Zhang Yi seemed to suddenly think of something.

"If there has been no attack on Hell City since the seal of Devil City was lifted, it is to strengthen the power, then"

Having said that, Zhang Yi immediately rode the minibus and left Hell City alone.

After a while, he arrived at a dry wood outside the city.

In this forest, there is a black bear boss, which was killed by Zhang Yi yesterday when he was helping Qian Yu Qianxun to perform the last upgrade mission of the Devouring Heart.

According to the time, the boss should have been refreshed at this time (after the normal boss killed by the player is refreshed, the value of the second brush is reduced by 50%, and the value of each subsequent refresh will be reduced by 50% on the basis of the previous one) .

However, when Zhang Yi sat down in the forest, he found the corpse of the black bear boss, still lying on the ground quietly!

Zhang Yi got close to the past and found out: the boss of the black bear

I don't know what was piercing my heart, and the internal organs of the large intestine were scattered all over the place, and a fishy smell came on my face.

Zhang Yi observed carefully and found that the heart of the black bear boss was taken away!

Originally, the purpose of Zhang Yi's trip was to see if the ghosts would take the opportunity to pick up the leaks, that is, to convert the bosses he killed into ghost servants.

It seems that Zhang Yi's guess is correct!

This black bear boss was killed by Zhang Yi yesterday, and the corpse was corroded by ghosts again, so that it could not be refreshed, and could only wait for 24 hours to transform into a ghost beast!

So: Zhang Yi guessed right, the reason why the ghost clan army that escaped from Devil City did not attack Hell City is because they have been developing their forces secretly, and they are ready to launch an all-out attack on Hell City when their forces become stronger. !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi sneered: "Pick up my leak? You guys are really fat."

However, there is one thing that makes Zhang Yi very puzzled.

After thinking about it in his mind, Zhang Yi couldn't come to a conclusion.

So, I had to contact Viana through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Nana, do you know the internal organs of boss-level monsters, what is the use for ghosts?"

After a while, the dragon soul ring flashed, and Viana's message came: "Boss internal organs? It should be useless."

"Oh right!" Weiana seemed to suddenly remember something, and added: "For the ghost who has just evolved into the ghost king, it has a great promotion effect. The ghost who has just been promoted to the ghost king can eat monsters or The human heart can greatly increase its own strength."

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