Level 255 ghost clan banned soldier, with a total blood volume of 100 trillion.

Relying on the damage of one person from the minibus, although it is not enough to cause a spike-like threat to them, it is enough to slowly kill them.

After a while, the two ghost clan forbidden soldiers recovered from the petrified state of the dragon's breath and continued to cast spells to attack Babu.

Zhang Yi directly put a layer of god-level second-order guardian dragon soul on Babu, which brought him 60% injury-free, which greatly reduced Babu's damage from forbidden soldiers to three or four hundred billion!

Babu was not at all cowardly, and went directly to the two banned soldiers.


Under the continuous swallowing of the dragon flame, even the nearby ice cubes began to melt.

The two forbidden soldiers finally couldn't resist Babu's attack, and finally fell under the scorching dragon flames!

End the fight.

Babu Fei landed next to the corpse of Xue Long, who had just died, and gently rubbed his head against his body. Seeing that there was no movement, after realizing that the other party was dead, Babu's eyes actually shed tears!

at this time.


Accompanied by a horrific cry.

In all directions, countless ghost clan forbidden soldiers dressed in golden armor suddenly appeared and surrounded Zhang Yi and Babu!

good guy! There are so many banned soldiers!

Looking around at at least thirty or forty forbidden soldiers of the ghost clan, Babu let out a "roar" with an earth-shattering and violent dragon roar, bursting with more intense anger than before, ready to attack!

At the same time, Zhang Yi also brought up the trial by fire and began to cast spells.

The two soldiers just now let the minibus play.

But now that there are so many banned soldiers, the minibus is still too difficult to deal with alone.

What's more, Zhang Yi had a quick decision.

Since these ghost clan banned soldiers are still here, it means that the big guy is definitely still in the Snow King Palace, maybe he is fighting against the Snow White Dragon King!

After solving these soldiers, Zhang Yi has to find Snow White Dragon King Tianji as soon as possible!

Therefore, Zhang Yi activated the power of the Dragon Soul Master and used the Dragon Soul value to summon three 239-level second-order Fire Dragon Kings.

hoo hoo hoo!

Under Zhang Yi's order, the three-headed fire dragon kings leaped in three different directions after Zhang Yi put on ten layers of guardian dragon souls, Tyrannosaurus dragon souls, and speed dragon souls.

They locked the ghost clan forbidden soldiers around them and launched a dragon flame attack.

After attracting their hatred, the three-headed dragon king flew to Zhang Yi's side again.

At this time, those ghost clan forbidden soldiers who were attracted to hatred, surrounded Zhang Yi fiercely!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Yi's mouth rose slightly.

His purpose is to gather the enemy so that he can kill.

It only took dozens of ghost clan forbidden soldiers to enter Zhang Yi's effective attack range.

Zhang Yi brought up the trial by fire and cast spells quickly.

Whoa whoa whoa!

One after another enchantment in the shape of golden dragon shadows morphed out of different positions in the air.

Immediately afterwards, countless fire dragons fell from the barrier, accompanied by the sound of dragon roaring attacks, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, swallowing all the dozens of ghost clan forbidden soldiers within Zhang Yi's body!

A huge amount of damage up to 6-7 trillion, madly swallowing the blood bars of those banned soldiers!

With the bonus of Ghost King Ling and the red legendary title Ghost Jianchou, Zhang Yi's damage to ghosts is higher than normal.

However, it's not too high, because these two bonus effects are not "final bonuses".

While Zhang Yi's attack covered those forbidden soldiers, the three little ones summoned by Zhang Yi, each riding a second-order dragon, turned into dragon knights, attacked those forbidden soldiers!

Ling'er also kept waving the magic wand, while helping her "Baba" attack the forbidden soldiers, while using various spells to strengthen, heal and assist the group of beasts and dragons.

In Linger's eyes, Zhang Yi is her Baba.

And Zhang Yi's demon beasts, dragon blood knights, soul reapers, and undead crossbowmen are all her brothers!

Although these elder brothers looked a little ugly, and even a certain crossbowman looked a little weird, they still took great care of this younger sister Ling'er!

The definition of the three little animals is: Except for Zhang Yi and the people allowed by Zhang Yi, anyone else who dares to approach Ling'er will be killed!

So Linger also likes these big brothers very much!

The super-powerful area-based attacks from the bright dragon campers are overwhelming, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth!

In an instant, within a huge area of ​​Zhang Yi's body, no grass grows!

On the ground, only one after another huge golden dragon shadow marks were left, as well as the corpses of more than 30 ghost clan forbidden soldiers.

The trial from the dragon camp is truly shocking, weeping ghosts and gods!

It is no exaggeration to say: If such a group of 255-level ghost clan banned soldiers are dispatched at the same time, even if a 10,000-strong group of players in Hell City join forces at this stage, they will not be able to fight against them, and they may be destroyed by the group.

But in Zhang Yi's hands, their beautiful life was permanently fixed in the eighth second after seeing Zhang Yi.

After destroying this group of banned soldiers, Zhang Yi's experience bar has risen by a visible trend!

And there are a lot of bright crystals falling next to their corpses.

This is much higher than the income from brushing ordinary monsters!

If conditions permit, Zhang Yi hopes to have another batch of ghost clan banned soldiers~

After easily destroying this group of ghost clan forbidden soldiers

, Zhang Yi led the group of beasts and dragons, and continued to approach the main palace.

Arrive outside the main palace.

Sure enough, I could clearly feel: a strong ghost clan aura came from the hall!

This breath is far more powerful than those ghost clan forbidden soldiers.

It seems that the ghost king is right!

However, as for the ghost king of several stars, it is still worth guessing.

"I guess six stars."

With that said, Zhang Yi stepped into the palace.

Inside the palace, darkness shrouded.

The strong dark atmosphere of the ghost clan invaded from all directions!

This is obviously the ghost world released by the ghost king.

Even the fifth-order Snow White Dragon King Tianji can't crack the ghost world.

It seems that this ghost king is really not low grade!

However, in Zhang Yi's eyes, it's all just on the surface.

Just entered the palace.


Behind Zhang Yi, the golden dragon shadow, which symbolizes the members of the Bright Dragon Clan, blooms.

The originally dark hall was instantly illuminated by golden light.


Accompanied by a violent dragon roar.

Zhang Yi's vision suddenly became clear.

Looking around, I can only see the front, the two dragon kings are fighting together!

One of them is snow-white in appearance, and it is the 246-level fifth-order Snow Dragon King: Tian Ji.

And the other end is a black 252-level fifth-order ghost dragon king Jiye Dragon King: Bai Bing!


Also standing on the ground was a ghost clan archmage wearing a black robe, holding a skeleton staff in his hand, and exuding a powerful aura—

lv255 Five-star Ghost King: Alpha (Magic Department)!

"Not even six stars?" Zhang Yi was slightly disappointed: "I really overestimate you."


The roar of the two-headed dragon king resounded through the sky.

The same as the fifth-order dragon king, Tianji Yu'erfa's strength is basically the same.

In addition, there is also a five-star ghost king, so it is no wonder that the Snow White Dragon King lost to his opponent, and it is at a disadvantage at this time.

It seemed that the Snow Dragon King would be defeated soon.

It seems that Zhang Yi came quite timely!

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