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Chapter 1756 The Snow Palace was attacked

Within the huge snow-capped mountains, there are Xue Long's corpses everywhere.

It seems that the snow dragons in the entire mountain range have been slaughtered!

This situation made Zhang Yi feel angry.

Because these snow dragons are giant dragons of the Bright Clan, as a member of the Bright Dragon Clan, seeing the Bright Dragon being killed by the Ghost Clan is like seeing his family members killed!

Walking through the mountains, walking between the corpses of Xuelong.

Zhang Yi's inner grief and anger seemed to be seen through by Linger.

Linger blinked and looked at Zhang Yi with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

Zhang Yi was sad, and Linger was also sad.

"Baba, let Linger save them!"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said, "It's too much to be saved."

Although Linger's Aura Rebirth can be used to revive these snow dragons, there are too many snow dragons. Ling'er's ability can only be used up to 5 times, and it can only revive five snow dragons at most.

It doesn't make any difference whether it is used or not.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was still sad, Ling'er also lowered her head, a little dejected.

She thought: Is there any way to solve Baba's troubles?

So, Linger suddenly had a flash of light.

She flapped her wings and flew over the snow-capped mountains, waving her magic wand continuously, and scattered golden starlight.

The moment those starlights fell on Xue Long's corpse, those Xue Long's corpses that were in a state of "waiting to die" suddenly turned into beams of light and disappeared!

It turned out that it was Ling'er who drove the power of the God Race within the body, and dispelled the ghost race within Xue Long's body!

Although this could not save them, it at least prevented them from transforming into ghost dragons after 24 hours.

see this scene.

Just waiting for Linger to fly back to Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi couldn't help but reach out and touch Linger's head, and said with relief, "Thank you, Linger."

Seeing Zhang Yi finally smiling, Linger also became happy: "Baba is happy, so is Linger!"

While talking.

In front of the line of sight, a beam of golden light suddenly rose into the sky!

Zhang Yi turned to look at the beam of golden light, feeling a little strange: "Strange, there was no such light just now."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi came to his senses: It must be that Xue Long's corpse covered the beam of light, preventing Zhang Yi from discovering it.

And now, the snow dragon covering it has been refreshed by Linger, so this beam of light has also appeared!

Zhang Yi immediately approached the past, and he found out: it was a teleportation formation!

It must lead to the Snow Palace!

Seeing this, Zhang Yi looked at Linger and said with joy, "Linger, you really helped me a lot!"

After all, he rode the minibus and took Linger into the beam.

In the next second, Zhang Yi disappeared into the beam!

Look around.

Zhang Yi appeared in a huge ice palace!

In all directions, there are palaces formed of ice blocks. Inside the huge palaces, the cold air is overwhelming.

The goal of the royal bloodline quest is to find Babu's mother, the Snow Dragon King: Tian Ji, and then receive the official promotion quest from Tian Ji.

Zhang Yi walked straight to the center of the Snow Palace, the largest and most prosperous palace.

On the way, Zhang Yi saw a lot of Xue Long's corpses again!

It seems that the ghosts have indeed broken into the Snow Palace!

At the same time, in Zhang Yi's hands, the super divine weapon Asylum Judgment appeared in illusion, ready to fight at all times.

The corpses of these snow dragons have not yet been transformed into ghost dragons, indicating that they have not been dead for more than 24 hours.

It is very likely that the ghost who invaded the Snow Palace has not yet withdrawn from it!

To be able to easily invade the territory of the fifth-order dragon king, it must be at least a five-star ghost king!

Otherwise, ordinary little devils would not dare to come and die.

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.


Accompanied by a loud roar, a snow dragon "flyed" out of an ice palace in front of Zhang Yi's line of sight. It was hit by a certain force, and fell to the ground. After struggling twice, it stopped. Move again.

Immediately afterwards, inside the ice palace, two ghost soldiers in golden armor, their faces were dry like a thousand-year-old mummy, their eyes were emitting an ice-blue cold light, and they held energy scepters in their hands!

Zhang Yi recognized their identities at a glance——

"Ghost clan forbidden soldier!"

The ghost clan banned soldiers, the grade is higher than the ordinary ghost soldiers and ghost beasts of the ghost clan, and their strength is second only to the ghost king.

It's the powerhouse of the ghost clan!

A ban was actually dispatched? No wonder so many snow dragons of more than 240 levels in the Snow Palace were killed.

The Xuelong I met earlier had been killed before Zhang Yi came, and Zhang Yi couldn't stop it.

But now, this ghost tribe dares to slaughter the Bright Dragon again in front of the Bright Dragon campers.

"Looking for death!" In Zhang Yi's eyes, a killing intent burst out!

At this time, the two have reached the full level of 255, and the ghost clan forbidden soldier of the mage department also discovered Zhang Yi here.

Without further ado, the two ghost clan forbidden soldiers picked up the energy scepter and approached Zhang Yi!

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to do it.


Behind Zhang Yi, Babu, the Dragon King Babu, spread his wings and soared, roaring, and leaping towards the two forbidden soldiers!

In other words, the Snow Palace is the Snow Dragon King

Tian Ji's residence, so it is also Babu's home!

And these snow dragons are Babu's older brothers, sisters, younger siblings (although they are not his own), and Babu felt great anger when he saw his brothers and sisters being slaughtered.

After entering the effective attack range, Babu directly opened his bloody mouth, and a scorching dragon flame of "roar" shot out towards the two banned soldiers!

What I didn't expect was that the two forbidden soldiers cast a spell to release the energy shield to resist the attack!

As a ghost clan forbidden soldier, both data and consciousness are much stronger than ordinary ghost soldiers and beasts.

If the ghost king is equivalent to a boss, every ghost clan forbidden soldier is equivalent to a lord monster!

After using the energy shield to block Babu's attack, the two ghost clan banned soldiers launched a counterattack.

Boom boom boom!

Lift up the energy scepter, release energy in the scepter, and hit Babu directly!

Those energies bombarded Babu, causing seven to eight hundred billion damages on top of Babu's head.

Facts have proved that even if it is a ghost clan forbidden soldier, in the eyes of the fifth-order dragon king, it is still very small.

What's more, Babu's data is strengthened by Linger's talent, which is 1.2 times higher than that of the fifth-order Dragon King of the same level!

Such damage is like scratching the itch for Babu, whose total blood volume has exceeded 500 trillion.

The next moment, the clever Babu changed his tactics and used dragon breath to petrify the two forbidden soldiers protected by energy shields, and then used dragon flame to bake them.

Under the continuous erosion of the huge damage of up to 3 trillion, the blood bars on the heads of the two banned soldiers dropped rapidly!

Zhang Yi, who was behind, did not rush to do it.

Because he could feel Babu's anger.

These two banned soldiers must be resolved by Babu to quell his anger and hatred.

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