Right now, the moment the black cloak lifted the cloak, the underworld player was shocked.

Because what caught his eye was a demon warrior man in black armor with a blindfold on his left eye, leaving only one right eye.

He is the Lord of the Underworld!


The underworld players on the field all had a ghostly expression: "Captain, aren't you already dead? How could it be?"

The Lord of the Underworld did not speak.

Moreover, there was a black shimmer all over his body, his face was expressionless, his eyes were dull, like a walking dead!

Immediately afterwards, the right eye of the Lord of the Underworld radiated a burst of icy blue cold light!

This scene forced the players in the underworld to retreat again and again, horrified.

"Ghost clan!"

"The captain has become a ghost servant!"

The dozen or so officials of the underworld on the field never dreamed that they would meet the master of the underworld again in this way!

After discovering that the lord of the underworld had become a ghost servant, players in the underworld fell into panic.

Because they thought: The Lord of the Underworld came to ask for their lives!

The black armored knight underworld holy shield was frightened and panicked and said: "Captain, we didn't do anything to be sorry to you, even now we have not betrayed you and joined the dragon clan."

"Yes, Captain, everyone has a different path. For the sake of our brotherhood, please forgive us."

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes were blue, and the ghostly lord of the underworld suddenly approached the underworld player!

Just when the people in the underworld were terrified, the master of the underworld suddenly spoke: "Don't be afraid, brothers, I'm still the captain you used to be!"

People from the underworld, look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

"What's going on? After ordinary people die and become ghost servants, won't they lose their sense of self?"

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld then said in a deep voice: "I am not an ordinary person, I am the devil of Hell City!"

Looking at his hands, the lord of the underworld said, "Yinuo Qingcheng, thank you for giving me a new life!"


With a roar, a powerful force burst out from the body of the underworld, instantly shaking all the people in the underworld back!

At the same time, a blood-red id logo appeared on the head of the Lord of the Underworld——

lv235 Four-star ghost king, the master of the underworld (physics department)!

"This, this, this ghost king!?" The people in the underworld were even more frightened: "Is this a human or a ghost!!!"

"How could this be? Are you still our captain?"

"Of course I am your captain." The Lord of the Underworld said: "But at the same time, from now on, I have also acquired another identity: the king of ghosts!"

Zhang Yi guessed it right.

After the lord of the underworld was killed by Zhang Yi at that time, his consciousness was not erased because of his super-powerful thoughts, and he even evolved into a ghost king!

During this period of time, the bosses that Zhang Yi killed in the wild were all swallowed up by the Lord of the Underworld.

In this way, the Lord of the Underworld has grown into a level 235 four-star ghost king in just one week!

And he is also the first ghost king evolved from the player in this life!

Seeing that the current Lord of the Underworld does still retain the memory and consciousness of the past, the players of the Underworld turned their fear into excitement.

"Captain, this is Nirvana's rebirth!"

"Blessed by misfortune, life should not end!"

A dozen people from the underworld gathered around the Lord of the Underworld and complained to the Lord of the Underworld.

"Captain, you don't know that since your death, our underworld has been devastated by Yinuo Qingcheng!"

"He handed over the underworld to the god of the underworld to manage, and all the officials-level brothers in the team were killed by the god of the underworld! Now the entire underworld is under the control of Yinuo Qingcheng, and we are the only ones left. Brother, you are still evading Yinuo Qingcheng's pursuit!"

Hearing this, the Lord of the Underworld was unusually calm: "I know."

"It's okay, the brothers are still here."

Just when they were confused by the Holy Shield of the Underworld.

As the Lord of the Underworld clapped his hands.

The next moment, a large group of ghost servants with blue eyes came out from the ruins of the city behind the Lord of the Underworld!

And these ghost servants are the obliterated officials of the underworld!

Not surprisingly, they also turned into ghost servants after they died.

It's just different from the Lord of the Underworld. After they turned into ghost servants, they have lost their self-consciousness. Just because the Lord of the Underworld is a four-star ghost king, they must obey the instructions of the ghost king!

At this moment, the Lord of the Underworld clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "Yinuo Qingcheng, what you owe me, I will find you to pay it back tenfold!"

However, the Lord of the Underworld, who has self-consciousness, also knows that even if he has evolved into a four-star ghost king now, he will definitely not let Yinuo's opponents fall.

After all, at the beginning, he watched Yinuo Qingcheng kill the seven-star ghost king Arthur with his own eyes!

You still have to develop for a period of time. When you reach the height of the Seven Star Ghost King, and then join forces with a few ghost clan seniors from the Devil City, you will definitely be able to defeat Yinuo Qingcheng!

Therefore, this account can only be put aside for a while, and tolerated.

But there is one thing that the Lord of the Underworld can't bear: "The traitor, the God of the Underworld, I have to let him know the fate of betraying me!"

At this time, the Holy Shield of the Underworld was the representative of a group of people.

Watching, he said to the Lord of the Underworld: "Captain, what are we going to do next? No matter what you tell me, the brothers will go through fire and water for you, and they will do whatever they want!"

"From now on, don't call me captain again, call me Lord Ghost King!"

Although he became a ghost king, the lord of the underworld still retained his own consciousness.

But now that he is the ghost king, he is somewhat like a ghost king!

After a pause, the Lord of the Underworld said: "I can't be exposed for the time being that I evolved into a ghost king, don't let Yinuo Qingcheng know."

"Next, I want to give some color to the traitor, the God of the Underworld!"

Although it is not an opponent of Yinuo Qingcheng, but with the current strength of the Lord of the Underworld, he still has full confidence in grasping the God of the Underworld.

Saying that, I only saw that the Lord of the Underworld ordered a few words to the Holy Shield of the Underworld, and then I heard the Holy Shield of the Underworld say: "Understood! Lord Ghost King!"

The Lord of the Underworld looked in the direction of Hell City, and said with a deep smile: "I can't think of it, Yinuo Qingcheng, I'm back!"

"What you took from me, I will take back ten times!"


With a roar, the nine-day ghost phoenix with icy blue eyes emitting a cold light is sitting beside the Lord of the Underworld.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Inside the icy mountains on the eastern outskirts of Hell City.

Zhang Yi, who was looking for the entrance to the Snow Palace, suddenly sneezed!

"Who is scolding me?"

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