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Chapter 1764 The sixth-order dragon king is born!

Skyfire Island.

Zhang Yi's mission has reached the final stage.

That is: to seize the dragon armor of Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton: Judgment!

There are two ways to capture, one: kill Patton and explode directly.

Two: By attacking the spar on the chest of the dragon armor, shoot down the dragon armor and get the dragon armor.

Although with Zhang Yi's strength, Barton, who is the sixth-order dragon king, can be easily grasped.

But Patton was Babu's biological father after all, and Zhang Yi was still a little unbearable.

"Then attack the spar!"

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi's eyes were locked on the dragon armor worn by Barton, on a diamond-shaped blue spar on his chest.

at the same time.


With a deafening dragon roar, Barton leaped towards Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi unfolded his dragon feathers, took off from the ground, and flew towards Barton.

After entering range.

With the super fast attack speed, Zhang Yi launched the attack first.

Boom boom boom!

Fireball, Freeze, Aurora.

The three single burst skills were deliberately not strengthened by the dragon camp, but were released as they were.

Because the skills that have been strengthened by the dragon camp are all scoped, maybe before the dragon armor is down, Barton will be gone first.

The three skills accurately hit the spar position.

It can be seen: the energy bar displayed below the spar has dropped from 100% to 97%!

In this way, attacking the spar position does not calculate the damage, as long as you hit it, the energy will be reduced by 1%!

Just as Zhang Yi was about to continue attacking the spar.


Barton opened his bloody mouth, spit out a hot flame from his mouth, and took Zhang Yi directly!

Zhang Yi quickly flashed, and while dodging the attack, he switched to another position and continued to attack the spar.

However, this time, Zhang Yi's attack failed to hit the spar, but was blocked by Barton's dragon armor wrapped around him.

What surprised Zhang Yi was that after Patton's dragon armor blocked Zhang Yi's attack, he was completely immune to Zhang Yi's damage!

good guy!

This dragon armor is completely immune to injury? so smart? ?

Soon, Zhang Yi found the answer in the battle prompt.

"Ding~ Since your attacks are rich in fire attributes, Tianhuo: Judgment ignores all fire damage!"

It turned out that except for the spar position, the rest of the dragon armor on Barton's body was completely immune to fire damage!

And Zhang Yi's attacks are automatically strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul, and all the hits are fire damage!

It's better that way.

After all, Zhang Yi was afraid of accidentally hurting Patton, so if he attacked with all fire elements, he would not be afraid of accidentally hurting Patton!

So next, Zhang Yi is no longer cautious because he is worried about accidentally hurting Patton, but directly fires at full force!

All skills have been strengthened into fire-type attacks through the fire-bathing dragon soul, and it is enough to lock the position of Patton's chest. Whether it can accurately hit the spar depends on luck.

Under this strong attack, Barton's head kept jumping up, dealing 0 points of damage.

And the spar in his chest, in the process of being constantly attacked, the energy is rapidly decreasing!

On the other hand, Barton, although he is the sixth-order dragon king, can't pose any threat to Zhang Yi!

His counterattack seemed to be slowed down several times in front of Zhang Yi, who was blessed with Linger's advanced: Reiki acceleration skill!

It was difficult to hit Zhang Yi who had Long Yu in his body.

After all, Zhang Yi already has the strength to rival the seventh-order dragon king, so the little sixth-order dragon king naturally does not need to be taken seriously.

It's no wonder that the difficulty level of this faction's mission is only A-level.

If you have to kill Barton to get the dragon armor, this quest level should be able to rise to s or ss level.

If you can grab the dragon armor just by attacking the spar, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

Of course, for Zhang Yi, regardless of the former or the latter, the difficulty level is unified D in Zhang Yi's eyes.

Through constant attacks, the energy of the dragon armor on Barton was finally exhausted by Zhang Yi!

When the energy of the spar drops to 0%, the light it emits fades away.

The dragon armor shrouded in Barton disappeared immediately!

In turn, the miniature version of Skyfire: Judgment dropped to the ground, shrunk by dozens of times!

Zhang Yi flashed past and picked up the dragon armor.

At this moment, a pleasant system prompt fell from the sky.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your acquisition of Skyfire: Judgment, your faction quest The Inheritance of the Dragon King of Skyfire has been completed, please submit the quest!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have completed the exclusive upgrade task of the Dragon King of Bathing Fire: Babu. Your mount Dragon King of Bathing Fire: Babu's rank has been improved, and he has been promoted to the sixth-order Dragon King!"

Suddenly, Babu saw bursts of flames blazing.

The flames began to spread around.

Even the temperature of the entire Tianhuo Island has risen sharply!

Around, the sand and stones all over the place were directly incinerated into ashes at this moment.

Babu, devoured by the fire, is undergoing a transformation.

At this moment, Zhang Yi, the owner of Babu, was also a little excited.

Looking around, as if everything was about to be incinerated, Zhang Yi could not help but sigh: "This is

Is it the deterrent of the sixth-order Dragon King? "

Even, the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton, who is also the sixth-order dragon king, is not as strong as Babu!

at this time.


A strong shock wave spread rapidly around the flames that devoured Babu.


A deafening roar resounded in the fire.

In the air, there was lightning and thunder, and a huge ashes enchantment was torn apart from the sky above Tianhuo Island.

Immediately afterwards, countless fireballs fell from the barrier.

Under the baptism of the fireball rain, Babu, the sixth-order fire-baked dragon king who was reborn from the fire, leaped out from the raging fire!

At this time, Babu's body is obviously much larger than that of the previous fifth-order.

And the aura is stronger than before! Fire was burning all over.

Wherever you leap, the corresponding ground is burning with flames!

As the so-called "green out of blue is better than blue".

In contrast, the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton lost all face of the sixth-order Dragon King in front of Babu, the Bathing Fire Dragon King.

The entire Tianhuo Island seems to have become Babu's home ground!

Zhang Yi, who witnessed the whole process of Babu's evolution from the fifth-order to the sixth-order Dragon King, felt extremely relieved.

This feeling is like seeing my son grow up

After a while, Babu flew to Zhang Yi's side, guarding Zhang Yi with a more powerful dragon aura!

Babu was not arrogant because he became stronger.

Instead, he will use his own power to better protect his master.

Because he knows: it is because of Zhang Yi that he can achieve such evolution!

Zhang Yi looked up at Babu with a kind expression of "father looking at son"

Level 6 is not the end.

Next, let Babu become the second seventh-order dragon king of the Bright Dragon Race who was born through non-crystallization but evolved from his own growth in the Apocalypse Continent!

As for the first one.

That is the super ancient Dragon King: Zhou.

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