Perhaps it is because of the relationship between the step-by-step growth from the first-order dragon king to the sixth-order dragon king.

Most of the rest of the Dragon Kings in the Apocalypse World were cultivated through crystallization by the Dragon Clan campers, and lacked the experience of growing up.

Therefore, Babu has a stronger aura than other normal sixth-order dragon kings!

It is no exaggeration to say that the aura he has now is no less than that of a seventh-order dragon king!

In addition to the greatly enhanced aura, the biggest change in Babu is his attributes!

His full attributes have also been greatly improved as he advanced to the sixth-order Dragon King!

It's just that now, Zhang Yi hasn't had time to look at Babu's attributes.

Because at present, although the promotion task and the faction task have been completed, there is still one important thing that has not been solved.

At this moment, Zhang Yi looked up at the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton in front.

After losing the dragon armor, Barton became more irritable.

At the same time, Babu, who was beside Zhang Yi, also let out a low growl. He seemed to be worried about his old father.

Zhang Yi couldn't bear to kill Patton.

Don't let it go, his current status is a sixth-order ghost dragon king!

One day, it will bring a threat to Hell City.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly recalled the scene when Linger cast a spell to purify all the corpses of Xuelong who had turned into ghost dragons in the Snow Palace.

Then he asked Linger: "Linger, can you purify the ghost power in Barton's body?"

Linger blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhang Yi, then looked at Patton in front of her, and said, "Linger try it!"

With that said, Linger flew to the top of Barton's head and waved the magic wand.

The next moment, bursts of white starlight fell on Barton.

Unexpectedly, Barton just sneezed and was not successfully purified!

Instead, he raised his head and spit out a dragon flame at Ling'er!


Just when the hot dragon flames were about to engulf Linger, Babu suddenly leaped away at a high speed, blocking Barton's attack from his body for Linger.

The dragon flame from the sixth-order Dragon King had a strong impact, forcing Babu to be shot down to the ground!

At the same time, the three little ones directly dispatched, riding the three-headed second-order dragon king, rushed to Barton, gave Barton a heavy blow, and temporarily repelled Barton.

When Linger was in danger, they were even more excited than Zhang Yi!

At this time, Zhang Yi expected: Ling'er's power cannot purify Barton, it should be because Barton, as a sixth-order dragon king, has too strong resistance in his body.

Now, there is another way that is worth trying.

Although there is no guarantee of success, this is probably the only way!

Zhang Yi decided to give it a try.

After all, Zhang Yi couldn't do it by letting the minibus's father, Barton, leave it alone.

So, Zhang Yi took advantage of Long Yu, took off, and quickly approached Barton.

In his hand, the super artifact's fire judgment energy overflows!

After entering the effective range, Zhang Yi waved his staff and locked Barton to attack!

Boom boom boom!

In the sky above the head, one after another enchantment in the shape of dragon shadows emerged, and then, countless fire dragons rushed down from the enchantment and bombarded Barton!

Barton couldn't dodge such a dense attack, so he opened the protective shield.

Under the protection of the shield, Barton obtained a great injury-free effect, and a large amount of damage between 3-4 trillion jumped above his head!

At the same time, under Zhang Yi's order, the three little ones also locked on Barton and launched an attack!

Only Babu kept making a roar.

One is the master, the other is the father.

At this moment, Babu didn't know where to stand, so he could only let out a helpless roar.

Barton's strength is indeed very strong, but unfortunately the opponent he faces this time is Zhang Yi.

Using the dragon flame to sweep around, the damage Barton caused to Zhang Yi and the three little animals could be quickly recovered by Ling'er or Zhang Yi's blood-devouring dragon soul.

Under the condition of maintaining more than 70% of the blood volume, Zhang Yi and the three little ones were full of firepower, surrounding Barton and attacking!

The 255-level sixth-order Dragon King, Barton's 500 trillion HP, although it can resist Zhang Yi's attack, but it can't resist for long.

Halfway through the fight, Patton realized that the enemy was too strong and he wanted to escape.

But the escape route was blocked by Zhang Yi's summoned dragon group!

Hundreds of fire-type battle dragons were summoned, spitting dragon flames at Barton at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the dragon's roaring attack resounded throughout the Skyfire Island, and countless fire dragons kept devouring Barton.

Zhang Yi, alone, had the momentum of a thousand troops.

In less than two minutes, Patton was killed!


With a wailing cry, the huge body of Skyfire Dragon King Barton crashed to the ground.

At the same time, a beam of golden light fell on Zhang Yi's head.

After obtaining the full combat experience of the 255-level sixth-order Dragon King, the experience bar, which was only one step away from the 240-level, was directly filled, making Zhang Yi rise to the 240-level!

In addition, next to Barton's corpse, there were also many golden spoils.

Zhang Yi leaned over to take a look and found that in addition to a few pieces of dragon quasi-artifact equipment with a full level of 200 stars, there were actually two red books and a golden skill book!

As expected of the golden id

The sixth-order dragon king!

This burst rate is really high!

A golden book can be exchanged for 1 point of golden proficiency.

So Zhang Yi picked up all the spoils and put them into his backpack.

At this time, look at Patton's body again.

At this time, Babu also flew over. He stayed beside Barton's corpse, rubbed his head lightly against Barton's body, and there were tears in his eyes.

Although Babu was born from eggs, the blood of the fire dragon family made him clear: Barton is his father!

Babu is also rational. He knew that his father was rendered by the dark power, so his master had to kill him. He didn't blame Zhang Yi for this, but felt sad.

After killing Barton, Zhang Yi looked at Linger and said, "Linger, try again."


Linger obediently flew over Barton's body, waved the magic wand again, and released starlight.

This time, when the starlight floated into Barton's body, it was not resisted, but was absorbed!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi was instantly relieved.

In this way, my guess is correct.

Because Patton was alive before, the resistance in his body was very strong.

But in the state of death, this resistance will be greatly reduced or even disappear directly, so Ling'er's purification power begins to take effect!

After a while, the ghost breath in Barton's body has been completely purified by Ling'er.

Immediately afterwards, Linger continued to cast spells.

Advanced Reiki Rebirth!


A burst of silver starlight fell into Barton's body.

next second.


With a light roar, Barton, who was already dead, suddenly opened his eyes again!

At this time, the "Ghost Race" logo behind the ID above his head has also become "Bright Dragon Race"!

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