Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1767 Deterrence of the sixth-order Dragon King!

Darkness enveloped the earth.

lv234 Blood Bone City, the breath of darkness of ghosts, overflowing.

A large number of players poured into the blood bone city.

They were all the reinforcements from the Underworld who were leveling in the nearby wild area, and immediately rushed to support after receiving the news!

In the city of blood and bones, there are already corpses everywhere, and the corpses of players in the underworld are everywhere!

The god of dragons led a group of people from the underworld, and in order to delay time, they continued to confront the lord of the underworld.

In the face of the powerful four-star ghost king, the master of the underworld, players in the underworld are afraid.

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld stopped killing.

Eyes exuding ice blue cold light, staring straight at the player in the underworld in front of him, said solemnly: "I used to be in the underworld, I treated you well, and this is how you repay me? A group of traitors!"

"However, I can give you a chance for the sake of the former brotherhood." The lord of the underworld pointed to the dragon god and said to the rest of the underworld players around him: "As long as you kill him for me, today I will I will spare your life, and allow you to rejoin my command and continue to serve me!"

Hearing this, underworld players look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

They are now under the name of the underworld, but in fact they are already from the dragon family.

Just joined the Dragon Clan, are you going to betray the Dragon Clan?

Anyone with a brain would not do this.

If you resist the Lord of the Underworld, you will at most be the enemy of the four-star ghost king in front of you.

But if you betray the dragon clan, it means that you will have to fight against Yinuo Qingcheng, who is strong enough to compete with the seven-star ghost king!

What's more, taking a step back, people in the underworld are somewhat greedy for life and fear of death, but their humanity is not lost, they are human after all, how could they be willing to be with the ghosts?

Those who betrayed were not only the dragon race, but the entire human race!

Next to the Dragon God, a rank 226 eight-turn mage man who had just been appointed as the captain of the fifth team in the underworld held a staff and shouted to the lord of the underworld, "We will not join the ghost clan!"

"It is your honor to join the ghost clan." The Lord of the Underworld said in a deep voice, "Whoever obeys me will live, and whoever goes against me will die!"

After all, the Lord of the Underworld held a long sword and approached the God of the Dragon Race!

At the same time, the God of the Dragon Clan carried a spear and a shield, and without giving in, charged directly to the Lord of the Underworld!

"court death!"

The Lord of the Underworld screamed, and his body suddenly disappeared in place!

Domain skills, space conversion!


The Lord of the Underworld suddenly moved dozens of meters away and moved to the front of the Dragon God in an instant. The "swipe" slash fell, and the Dragon God who reacted in time used the shield to block the attack.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Underworld continuously launched space transformation, constantly changing positions around the Dragon God, and constantly launched attacks.

The repeated attacks were parried by the Dragon God with his extraordinary speed and sensitivity, and the damage was greatly compressed to 50 to 60 million, which was not enough to deal with the first place in Hell City, whose total HP had exceeded 5 trillion. The god of knights and dragons, posing a deadly threat.

Facts have proved that after evolving into a ghost king, although the attributes of the lord of the underworld have been strengthened, but without the dragon slayer and sword king professions, his explosive power is not as good as before!

After a few rounds, the Lord of the Underworld can also clearly perceive: Whether it is speed, defense, or damage, the Dragon God is much more powerful than before!

"It seems that Yinuo Qingcheng has worked hard on you!" The Lord of the Underworld also quickly realized that it was Zhang Yi who changed the equipment for the God of the Dragon Clan, which caused his strength to increase by leaps and bounds!

Can fight back and forth with the four-star ghost king.

It's really hard for ordinary people to do it!

At the same time when the dragon god and the underworld lord were fighting.

The people on the side of the God of the Dragon Clan also fought against those who have joined the Underworld Lord's gang from the Holy Shield of the Underworld!

But the god of the dragon race can resist the lord of the underworld for a while at most, and it is impossible to kill the four-star ghost king alone.

Not long after, the god of the dragon race was defeated and was slashed to the ground by the lord of the underworld.

Before he got up, he was stabbed through the shoulder by the Lord of the Underworld, and the whole person was pinned to the ground, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld looked down at the God of the Dragon Clan, and said in a deep voice, "After following me for so long, you should know that what I hate most is the traitor!"

"Don't you think it's all thanks to you that I am able to be today?" The Dragon God was also stubborn, gritted his teeth and said to the Lord of the Underworld, "I don't regret joining the Dragon Clan, and I have to thank you back then. Force me, or I am afraid that by now I will become like you and become a slave of the ghost clan!"

"Giggle~ I don't regret it!" The Lord of the Underworld said, "Yinuo Qingcheng is your god? But when you are in danger, where is he? What do you think you are in his eyes?"

"You are just a pawn in his hand to manipulate the underworld! When you are no longer valuable, he will erase you without hesitation."

"You are talking about yourself!" The Dragon God shouted: "Only you will use the brothers who are doing their duty for you as chess pieces. In Yinuo Qingcheng's eyes, all the Dragons are brothers!"

"Then I want to see how he will save your brother!"

After all, the Lord of the Underworld took out a long knife from the Dragon God's body, and was about to chop off the Dragon God's head.

at this time.


A fierce dragon roar came from far in the sky!

In the city of blood and bones, everyone raised their heads and looked into the sky.

In the air, a mass of "fire" was approaching the blood bone city at a high speed!

At the same time, as the fire approached, the temperature in the blood bone city suddenly rose rapidly!

Even the blood on the ground began to boil, and some places started to burn!

In this situation, the Underworld Sacred Shield and the others were shocked.

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!"

"Damn it! Why is the ground so hot all of a sudden! Don't tell me this is the special effect of the dragon of Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"How is it possible, the fifth-order dragon doesn't have such a strong deterrent!"

"It's so hot, so hot! My ass is on fire! Help me put out the fire!!"

On the other hand, the Lord of the Underworld, seeing the fire dragon flying in the air, regained his composure after a brief surprise.

"Yinuo Qingcheng, you are finally here!"

The voice just fell.

The Dragon God suddenly took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Lord of the Underworld and escaped smoothly!

At the same time, Zhang Yi was already riding Babu, the Dragon King Babu, in the City of Blood Bone!

In the city of blood and bones, the ground burst into flames!

Zhang Yi sat directly in front of the Dragon God and the Underworld players, staring straight at the people of the Underworld Holy Shield in front of him, shouting, "Who dares to touch my Dragon Clan!"


A deafening roar from the seated chin, made the Lord of the Underworld, a four-star ghost king, involuntarily take a few steps back under the shock of this powerful force!

The powerful deterrent force forced everyone's attention to involuntarily focus on Babu wearing a pair of dragon armor.

When they saw Babu's current level, the people on the field were shocked.

"Why is his dragon still wearing clothes?"

"Sixth-order Dragon King! Remember that it wasn't fifth-order before? When did it become sixth-order???"

"This guy is perverted again! I knew it should be withdrawn earlier, this is over, Barbie is q"

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