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Chapter 1768 Kill me, you deserve it too?

lv234 Blood Bone City.

Fourteen rebels from the underworld confronted Zhang Yi.

Those from the Bright Dragon Clan camp, together with the sixth-order Burning Dragon King of the Bright Dragon Clan: Babu's powerful deterrent force forced the fourteen players to feel a sense of fear that they had never had before!

At this moment, even the dragon god behind Zhang Yi and the underworld players who have joined the dragon clan all felt a sense of shock!

What shocked everyone on the field was that the Dragon King under Zhang Yi's seat, which was originally a fifth-order, was upgraded to a sixth-order!

And on his body, he is also equipped with a pair of fire-bathing dragon armor!

On the bright side, it is a sixth-order dragon king, but the unparalleled powerful aura emanating from Babu is no less than a seventh-order dragon king!

At this time, the players in the underworld behind the Dragon God, the original fear in their hearts, calmed down with the arrival of Zhang Yi.

The appearance of Zhang Yi made them feel inexplicably at ease.

Just because of what Zhang Yi just said: "Who dares to touch my dragon!"

Even before in the underworld when he worked for the lord of the underworld, the people in the team encountered danger, and the lord of the underworld never cared about it.

This feeling of being shrouded by a family leader is so reassuring!

On the other hand, the group of anti-bones in the underworld had already scared their legs soft.

Only the Lord of the Underworld, the Ghost King, who was at the head of the crowd, exuded a strong ghost clan aura, and his right eye glowed with ice-blue cold light, was calm.

He stared at Zhang Yi and said in a deep voice, "Yinuo is all over the city, I can't imagine that we can meet again!"

As the voice of the Lord of the Underworld just fell, Zhang Yi said, "I didn't expect it."

"I originally thought that you could evolve into a ghost king with six or seven stars, but I didn't expect it to be a small four-star~ It's a bit unexpected."

Seeing Zhang Yi was not surprised at all, on the contrary, he did not take himself in his eyes even more than before.

The Lord of the Underworld was surprised, and at the same time, he was furious: "I knew you would come!"

"So why do you stay here and wait to die?" Zhang Yi stared at the Lord of the Underworld and said lightly, "I finally got a chance to be reborn, isn't it bad to live?"

"Wait for death?" The Lord of the Underworld smiled "giggling" and said, "Yinuo is all over the city, you are too confident!"

"I am not what I used to be! I am the four-star king of the ghost clan!"

The body of the Lord of the Underworld reveals self-confidence.

At first, he also thought that with the strength of his four-star ghost king, he might not be an opponent of Yinuo Qingcheng.

But just now, he suddenly woke up to something!

That is: when he was alive before, he was not Zhang Yi's opponent, just because his qi and blood were too weak.

But after evolving into a level 235 four-star ghost king, all the attributes of the lord of the underworld have been greatly improved, and the total blood volume has reached the height of a normal level 235 four-star ghost king: 280 trillion!

With this amount of HP, no matter how high the damage of Yinuo Qingcheng is, it is absolutely impossible to win him in seconds!

As long as he can't stop himself, then he has absolute certainty that he can kill him!

Even if there is no hell dragon slaying knife, the master of the underworld still has domain skill space conversion!

Relying on the powerful consciousness of the first demon of the demon clan in Hell City, coupled with the domain skills, the Lord of the Underworld believes that his current strength is no less than that of the Seven-star Ghost King!

So this time, the Lord of the Underworld is very confident that he can defeat Zhang Yi!


The long knife in his hand pointed directly at Zhang Yi, and the Lord of the Underworld said in a deep voice, "Is the Dragon Saber on you? Did you hand it over yourself, or did this king come to get it in person?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, the Lord of the Underworld continued: "Forget it, then this king will take it himself!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly and said, "You really look like a ghost."

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld suddenly ordered the fourteen underworld rebels around him: "It's time to test your loyalty! If you really want to be loyal to the ghost clan, show me your sincerity! "

"Give it to me!"

Under the orders of the Lord of the Underworld, everyone behind them looked at each other in dismay.

The meaning of the Lord of the Underworld is to let them fight against Yinuo Qingcheng?

Isn't this a gift?

Seeing that they were unmoved by the Holy Shield of the Underworld, the Lord of the Underworld suddenly shouted: "Why, dare not?"

"Those who are greedy for life and fear death are not qualified to join the ghost clan!"

After hesitating for a while, the Underworld Sacred Shield and the others finally picked up the guy and aggressively attacked Zhang Yi!

"Down with the dragon clan! The ghost clan is unparalleled in the world!"

"Brothers, kill Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Seeing the scene of the Underworld Sacred Shield and the others rushing over regardless of the consequences.

The Dragon God couldn't help shaking his head and muttered: "If you don't change your mind, you are hopeless!"

In the face of the underworld anti-bone attacking full of murderous intent, Zhang Yi's eyes filled with murderous intent: "Kill me, you are also worthy?"

The voice just fell.


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

Beside Zhang Yi, Babu, the Dragon King of Bathing Fire, opened his bloody mouth, and suddenly spit out a ball of scorching dragon flames, instantly swallowing up all the 14 underworld rebels who were rushing towards him!

Accompanied by a scream.


Whoa whoa whoa!

Fourteen white lights soared into the sky!

The former officials of the underworld, the powerful and prominent figures of the underworld, were so vulnerable to being wiped out by a dragon flame from the minibus!

In this scene, all the players in the underworld who had taken refuge in the Dragon Clan behind Zhang Yi were stunned.

A burst of drooling sound resounded in the crowd

They each thought to themselves: This new boss is simply too fierce! Much stronger than their previous boss, the Lord of the Underworld!

Just this action has also made the players in the underworld even more determined to fully integrate into the dragon race in their hearts!

Look at the field.

With the Dragon King minibus under Zhang Yi's seat, a dragon flame annihilated the anti-bone mass of the underworld.

next moment.

The figure of the lord of the underworld stood directly against the dragon flame, and charged towards this side like lightning!

Boom boom boom!

Zhang Yi activated his skills, and after being strengthened by the dragon camp, he summoned countless fire dragons from the enchantment that emerged from the air and engulfed the lord of the underworld!

Relying on his own blood, the Lord of the Underworld didn't even bother to dodge.

Under the continuous devouring of the fire dragon, a huge amount of damage as high as 6-7 trillion points continuously jumped from the head of the Lord of the Underworld.

If it was placed before, the lord of the underworld would have long since disappeared.

But now, the Lord of the Underworld, who has a total blood volume of 280 trillion, can resist Zhang Yi's repeated attacks without any problem at all!

Therefore, the Lord of the Underworld directly faced Zhang Yi's attack and used space transformation to move several times to reach Zhang Yi.

The long knife in his hand slashed towards Zhang Yi very quickly!

"go to hell!"

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