on purpose?

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell, everyone around the table was surprised.

At this time, Lin Qian also seemed to remember something, she said thoughtfully: "Remember, Brother Zhang Yi, you told us before that the newly born ghost king of the ghost clan can improve his own strength by devouring the internal organs of monsters. , The higher the level of the devoured, the greater the improvement, and the Lord of the Underworld must have evolved into a four-star ghost king through this means."

Hearing what Lin Qian said, Ruochen seemed to be relieved: "So the news you posted on the public screen is actually for the Lord of the Underworld to see?!"

Zhang Yi replied, "Yes, let him see it."

"Good guy!" Hearing this, everyone around the table sighed: "You are raising ghosts!"

"Deliberately want to fatten the Lord of the Underworld before killing him?"

"Four-star ghost king, the value is too low." Zhang Yi said: "Wait for him to be a little fatter and grow to six-star, seven-star level, wouldn't the value be high?"

Zhang Yi's words only made people feel fortunate in their hearts: "Fortunately, it is not the enemy of Yinuo Qingcheng!"

"This old sixth, it's just too scary!"

Other beastmasters raised beasts, and he came to raise ghosts!

Also fatten up and then kill!

"Grab the bamboo shoots!"

I don't know what the main thing in the underworld would be like if I knew it.

At this time, the angel of the Star Palace said thoughtfully: "But now that he has become a ghost clan, shouldn't he be able to see the information on the public screen of Hell City?"

"He can't see it." Zhang Yi said, "But the boys under him can see it."

It turned out that Zhang Yi deliberately let players from all walks of life publish the boss location information on the public screen to send them to the Underworld Holy Shield!

The Lord of the Underworld needs to rely on devouring the internal organs of the boss to grow. His loyal little brothers will definitely notify the Lord of the Underworld when they see the news on the public screen, and let him follow Zhang Yi to pick up the leaks of these bosses!

Therefore: Zhang Yi killed more than 100 bosses today, and the Lord of the Underworld should have eaten more than 100 boss internal organs.

If it is the internal organs of ordinary wild monsters, it is not worth mentioning.

But you must know that the Lord of the Underworld eats all the internal organs of the boss!

After this day, the Lord of the Underworld has no six-star ghost king, and he has definitely risen to five-star!

When Zhang Yi continues to slaughter some bosses tomorrow and feed him, won't the value of the Lord of the Underworld increase?

"Seven-star Ghost King Cultivation Record" said the battle general of the Xingchen Palace: "Why do I have a feeling of chills on my back? It's you!"

At this time, Ruochen said: "We also got a lot of light behind today, come, tonight, this meal is counted as my Xingchen Palace!"

While the npc waiter had not yet started to serve the food, Zhang Yi said, "You guys eat first, and I'll pick someone up."


When everyone looked puzzled, Zhang Yi had already left the restaurant.

Mo about ten minutes later.

Zhang Yi took a girl and walked into the restaurant.

I saw the girl wearing a black robe with a slightly bulging abdomen.

The fresh and refined temperament, as well as the beautiful and moving appearance, instantly attracted the attention of many diners in the restaurant.

There was a lot of discussion, and it followed.

"Look! Who is that woman next to Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"They are holding hands! Isn't it Yinuo Qingcheng's girlfriend?"

"Yinuo Qingcheng has a girlfriend? Yinuo Qingcheng has a girlfriend! How can I do this? I'm so sad!"

"As expected of a person who is worthy of a promise! That girl is really watery and beautiful!"

"What's wrong with her belly, she's pregnant? Yinuo Qingcheng is going to be a father? Not sure, I'll take a look. Maybe the girl is just a little belly."

"Look at the fart! Can't you see that you are so pregnant? Everyone is going to be a father, and you are still here in Makabaka!"

"Awesome! Is this the winner in life? Not only is the strength to the top, but he also has such a beautiful wife. In comparison, I really feel like I have lived in vain in my life!"

At the same time, the players in Xingchen Palace saw Zhang Yi leading Han Yarou to the restaurant, and they all stood up to greet him.

Except for Lin Qian, almost everyone present saw Han Yarou for the first time, and they were not even sure who Han Yarou was.

But the person who can be held by Zhang Yi must have an extraordinary relationship with Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi lightly supported Han Yarou to the table and sat down, and said to everyone at the table, "Introduce me, this is my wife."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the Xingchen Hall shouted in unison: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Han Yarou looked at Zhang Yi blankly.

At this time, the Star Palace general looked at Han Yarou and couldn't help sighing: "My sister-in-law is so beautiful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the angel of the Xingchen Temple on the side stomped on the warrior under the table, and the pained warrior shouted "oh".

"What's the matter?" The eyes of everyone at the table shifted to the Star Palace warrior.

The Star Palace general grinned and said, "Ah, my stomach is suddenly a little uncomfortable."

"It doesn't matter, or I will help you to go to the hotel to rest?" The Angel of the Star Palace said with a "smile" on his face.

The general said quickly: "It's okay, it's probably because I want to drink! I'm addicted to alcohol! Just drink some wine in a while!"

It was the first time I saw Han Yarou's true bloody battle, she couldn't help but sighed at Zhang Yi: "No wonder you kid

For some time, I ran away every day at the o'clock, so it turned out that such a charming little wife was hidden outside! "

Han Yarou blushed.

Zhang Yi laughed and said, "This is a responsibility and a concern."

Zhang Yi didn't want too many people to know about the power of the dark dragons contained in Han Yarou's body.

Zhang Yi only hoped that she and the child in her belly would be well.

After dinner, Zhang Yi sent Han Yarou back to the Dragon Soul Palace.

Because after taking Ganoderma lucidum for a long time, Han Yarou's condition is much better than at the beginning, but she still can't leave the dark dragon realm for too long.

Otherwise, it will fall into a weak state like before!

Next, we must find a way to obtain the power of elements and completely remove the weakness in Han Yarou's body as soon as possible!


In the Dragon Soul Hall, Zhang Yi stayed by Han Yarou's side until Han Yarou fell asleep in Zhang Yi's arms.

Zhang Yi just carefully placed Han Yarou on the bed.

Then, through the dragon soul ring, contact Weiyana: "Nana, have you thought of any way to restore Xiaoya?"

After a while, the dragon soul ring flashed, and Viana's voice came.

"There is no other way than to use the power of the elements."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Yi was suddenly shocked.

Mixed with incomparable loss.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yi asked, "If I extract the elemental power contained in the Dragon Soul Master in my body to Xiaoya, what is the chance that she will be able to recover?"

"To tell you exactly, no more than 10%."

Wei Yana's answer was like pouring a basin of cold water on Zhang Yi again.

Just when Zhang Yi was at a loss, Viana suddenly said, "But Jon and I have found a way to strengthen the power of the elements!"

"Using this method, you only need to combine a small amount of elemental power to restore her with a high probability."

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