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Chapter 1772 The way to restore Han Yarou

Hearing what Weiana said, Zhang Yi hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

Viana was silent for a while and said, "It's just that this method is very risky and very difficult."

"You tell me what to do." Zhang Yi said: "As long as there is a way, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely do it!"

"The high-level kings of the ghost clan have absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for many years. The high-level ghost cores in their bodies contain a great deal of the energy of heaven and earth. Using the energy of heaven and earth can strengthen the power of the elements."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi said: "The meaning is: as long as you get the ghost core in the seven-star ghost king, and then find a hidden occupation scroll or a hidden occupation, you can use the ghost core to strengthen the hidden occupation's elemental power and achieve complete recovery. Xiaoya's effect?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Weiana said: "But it is recorded in the ancient books of the dragon race that the energy of heaven and earth and the power of elements must coexist as one to achieve the effect of mutual absorption and fusion, and then extract it at the end."

"What does this mean?" Zhang Yi didn't understand.

Viana said: "It means that it must be a high-star ghost king who contains the power of elements in their bodies. The power of elements in their bodies is far more powerful than the power of ordinary elements! To kill this type of ghost king, take away the power of the elements. Get the ghost core in his body, the power of the elements contained in the ghost core, and you can restore your lover."

Zhang Yi understood.

The meaning of Wei Yana is to say: You must be a seven-star ghost king with a hidden occupation to meet the conditions!

"Find a seven-star ghost king, put a hidden occupation on it, and then kill it to get its ghost core." Zhang Yi said: "In this way, it is not difficult."

Zhang Yi's words made Viana fall into silence.

Viana's inner os: Seven-star ghost king, brother! Let's just say, is it possible to be a little bit of a normal person's fear? How did you manage to talk about the Seven Star Ghost King so calmly?

And Viana went on to say: "But what you need to know is: the general ghost kings will be very resistant to the power of the elements, because although the power of the elements and the air of heaven and earth in their bodies can be fused with each other, but before the fusion is completed, These two forces will form antibodies in the ghost king's body, which can easily damage the ghost king's vitality, so even if you find a hidden occupation scroll by yourself, and are willing to help the ghost king complete the job transfer task, they may not be willing to accept this occupation."

Just when Wei Yana was helpless, Zhang Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a person in his mind.

The corners of his mouth rose and he said, "There is a ghost king, I must be willing to accept it."

That's right, the injustice that Zhang Yi has chosen to cultivate powerful ghost core materials is the Lord of the Underworld!

Zhang Yi's original plan was just to fatten up and kill the Lord of the Underworld, so that he could gain greater benefits from him.

What Zhang Yi didn't expect was that his greed actually planted a seed for Han Yarou's recovery!

Train the lord of the underworld into a seven-star ghost king.

With the nature of the Lord of the Underworld, it is absolutely impossible for him to refuse the hidden profession!

After all, he was very distressed when he lost his Sword Sovereign career before.

In order to pursue power, the Lord of the Underworld can do anything. In the face of power, any sacrifice is insignificant!

After he became the seven-star ghost king, Zhang Yi loaded him with a hidden occupation, so that the elemental power contained in the hidden occupation and the energy of heaven and earth in his body formed a powerful force in the ghost core.

Then kill the lord of the underworld, get his ghost core, and you can completely restore Han Yarou!


"It's perfect!" Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but said to Viana: "Nana, thank you for telling me this!"

Instead, Weiana looked blank: "Do you have a way to load the power of elements into the Seven Star Ghost King's body, and then get its ghost core?"

"There is a way!" Zhang Yi said: "Just leave this to me, thank you, Nana!"

"You're welcome." Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Viana was relieved: "I wish you success. In addition, I still want to tell you that only if you have enough strength, you can protect your loved one and never give up. The power that you have, to fulfill others."

"I understand." Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Listen to the teacher's teaching."

"You still know that I'm your master!" Viana on the other side of the Dragon Soul Ring smiled and said, "Go, I'll leave it to you next!"

End the conversation.

Zhang Yi quickly determined a goal: to find a hidden occupation scroll for the warrior occupation!

However, hidden occupations in the world of Apocalypse are extremely rare.

So far, the hidden professionals around Zhang Yi are Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Fatty, Yi Ye Guzhou, and Qiyue Liuhuo.

There is also a scroll for orienteering, where can I find it?

According to the setting, there are indeed countless hidden occupations buried on the Apocalypse Continent.

But it's so hard to find them!

Zhang Yi really didn't know where to start looking.

I don't know why, at this time, Zhang Yi suddenly thought of a person: Huangzi!

Known as "a scavenger who knows astronomy and geography, and knows everything and knows everything", the scavenger has always been first-class in terms of finding people and things!

At the beginning, Zhang Yi discovered the ability of scavengers because he was a group leader of a "scavenger group". As a group leader, scavengers could learn all kinds of information through group friends, so he had a wide range of knowledge. .

until later

After the scavenger group was disbanded, Zhang Yi slowly discovered that the first-class reconnaissance ability of scavengers had nothing to do with his group friends.

Anywhere, any local resident can become a "group friend" of scavengers!

Scavengers can always use various means to explore the hidden secrets of the Apocalypse World.

It's like his innate ability!

If the scavenger were there, he would definitely be able to find such a hidden occupation scroll!


At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly thought: At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the teleportation formation of the first-level main city is about to open, and the scavengers can be called to Hell City!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi immediately sent a message to Xingtian: "When you come to Hell City tomorrow, bring Huangzi with you."

"Yeah." Xing Tian replied, "Who else are you looking for?"

Simply, since when did Xing Tian know Zhang Yi so well!

Zhang Yi said bluntly: "I'm not looking for someone, this time I'm looking for something, and it has to be Huangzi, I can't find it."

"Okay, then I'll bring Huangzi with me tomorrow." After a pause, Xingtian said again, "King Zherong said he missed you, and asked if you could let me take him with him too."


Zhang Yi shivered involuntarily: "Don't come and call him, stay in Dawn City and get me materials."

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