the next day.

Just like yesterday, Zhang Yi acquired a lot of boss information from Hell City players, and directly asked them to send the boss's location on the Hell City public screen.

Then, according to these positions, Zhang Yi went to kill these bosses one by one.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of his "Seven-star Ghost King Cultivation Plan", Zhang Yi also went to the place where he killed the boss yesterday, and found that the corpses of the bosses killed yesterday were not refreshed, and their internal organs were eaten. Waiting to die!

That is to say: The Lord of the Underworld really followed Zhang Yi all the way and ate the bosses killed by Zhang Yi!

This ghost, under the feeding of Zhang Yi, has grown up slowly.

Just remembering that the Lord of the Underworld is a ghost with player consciousness, the scene where he eats the boss's internal organs must be disgusting!

In order to become stronger, in order to have enough strength to defeat Zhang Yi, the Lord of the Underworld really dares to do anything!

So, Zhang Yi pretended not to know anything and continued to kill bosses everywhere.

In the eyes of outsiders, they only think that Zhang Yi killed the boss simply to level up.

After all, ordinary players just don't have that economy and strength. Even if they find the boss, they won't be able to kill them.

Not to mention spending money to buy bosses everywhere like Zhang Yi.

If they have Zhang Yi's strength, they will kill bosses everywhere to level up, and they won't stop until they hit a boss ten times!

In contrast, Zhang Yi only took the first kill per boss, which was already very low-key.

Because the first kill has the highest value, the second kill is not worth much.

What's more, the corpses of these bosses were eaten by the Lord of the Underworld and could not be refreshed.

So, it took Zhang Yi all morning to kill more than a dozen bosses!

He alone, in more than a day, almost wiped out the boss-level monsters in the entire hell city!

Even because of this, he also got the golden title of a boss harvester, the effect is to increase the basic damage to the boss by 50%

In the eyes of 200 million players in Hell City, Zhang Yi has become a terrorist.

Forget about players.

Now even the bosses in Hell City run away with their tails between their tails when they see Zhang Yi!

As long as it is in the field where the boss exists, passing dogs will suffer two big pockets.

Zhang Yi is a real boss harvester!

Time flickered, and it was ten o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the formation of the six first-level main cities of the three major races, the Demon Race, the Alien Race, the Human Race, was closed!

Loud system prompts resounding through the sky——

System Announcement (Xinguo District): "Ding ~ Attention to all players: The formation of the first-level main city has been closed, and within 72 hours, all players will get a chance to migrate the main city!"

At this moment, the players in the major cities were all excited.

People are always like this.

Some people get tired of staying in the same place for a long time and want to live in a different environment.

And some people stay in the same place for a long time, they get used to it and don't bother to run to other places.

Between the first-level main cities, there is no teleportation array.

Because they are actually in the same realm, they were only separated by formations and could not communicate with each other.

Now that the formation is closed, players who want to go to other first-level main cities only need to pass through the formation field and walk over.

However, this road will be quite long.

It takes one day and one night to walk from a first-level main city to the formation position and use a mount.

After entering other first-level main city areas for the first time, you cannot use the city return scroll. You must walk to the inside of the main city to locate.

Otherwise, once you use the city return scroll, you will directly return to the original main city, because the player's positioning is still there.

That day was gone!

In other words, it would take Xingtian and Huangzi two days to come to Hell City from Dawn City!

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry. Before Xingtian and the others came over, he continued to kill the boss and raise ghosts.

In the past few days, the Lord of the Underworld has been eating various bosses with Zhang Yi, and he has indeed grown very fast.

Within a week of just evolving into a ghost king, it was a golden period for growth.

If you don't take advantage of this time to develop quickly, it will be difficult to grow in the later stage.

Therefore, Zhang Yi took advantage of this time to feed quickly.

The Lord of the Underworld takes advantage of this time to eat quickly

Fortunately, the Lord of the Underworld is not a picky eater.

As long as it is a boss, even if Zhang Yi kills a dung beetle, he will eat it!

the other side.

People who want to move to the city, no matter how far away, can't stop them.

Many players swarmed in groups, heading for the first-level main city of their own goals.

Xing Tian and the scavengers were also included in the queue that departed from Dawn City of Human Race to Hell City of Demon Race.

At this time, it is much more convenient for those players who have one-of-a-kind flying mounts.

With land-type mounts, it takes at least a day to reach the formation position.

If it is a flying mount, it only takes seven or eight hours.

Xingtian and scavengers are exactly the kind of free-range chickens

The two of them could only follow the large army and head towards Hell City.

have some

Those who are bright will arrive at the formation position in advance, and only after the formation is closed, they will directly pass through the formation and reach the other side.

However, in fact, there is no need to rush this day. Most people pass after the announcement of the system.

Walking and resting all the way, from ten in the morning to eleven in the next morning, it took a full 25 hours. The players from the first echelon from Dawn City finally arrived at the formation position leading to Hell City. !

Looking around, the formation in the closed state is an endless river.

Every other mile on the river there is a bridge, and these bridges are the passage to the city of hell.

Some have already arrived, while others are still halfway there.

The first batch of players to arrive was about a thousand people.

At this time, Xing Tian and the scavenger were mixed among the players.

The players marched on the long bridge, and they were all discussing the deeds of Hell City.

"Listen to a friend of mine who is developing in Hell City: There is a 230-level map in Hell City called Town Demon Tower, and the highest level of 230 and 100-star equipment can be produced in the tower! This trip is here, I have to go to the Demon Suppression Tower to get a set of equipment!"

"What is the Town Demon Tower? It is said that there is a dungeon here, which can drop a large number of artifact fragments. My goal is the whole body artifact!"

"Really or not? Where is that copy? Brother, take me to one!"

"Good talk good talk!"

When people are talking.

Xingtian and the scavengers rode the sky leopard and the big yellow duck, respectively, and marched among the crowd.

At this time, the scavenger said helplessly: "But I'm exhausted! It's unbelievable to walk for a day and a night. I will live in Hell City in the future, and I will never move the city again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xing Tian glanced at the scavenger and said, "Is it you who is tired? Isn't that the duck under your seat?"

The scavenger touched the rhubarb duck and said distressedly, "Da Huang, thank you for your hard work!"

Big Yellow Duck: "Quack"

At this moment, the person walking in front suddenly stopped!

"What's the matter, why didn't the people in front leave?" Someone shouted in the crowd.

Then, there was a sudden commotion in the front, as if something had happened!

Mixed with a scream.


Two white lights, symbolizing the death of the player, rose into the sky.

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