Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1774 Dynasty's Blocking

The sudden restlessness in front and the two white lights rising into the sky made the people behind them feel an inexplicable panic.

"What's the matter, what happened ahead?"

At this time, there was news from someone in the front line: "Someone intercepted over there! You have to pay them tolls to pass, otherwise we won't let us pass!"

Hearing the words, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"What? Isn't this a robbery?"

"There's something wrong, why do you have to pay the toll?"

"What age is there still such a person??"

In the sound of words, Xing Tian and the scavengers passed through the crowd and arrived at the terminal of the bridge.

Looking around, I really saw a large group of players stationed on the other end of the bridge, and they were copying guys in their hands, looking menacing!

There are several of them, and the ids are even red!

Obviously, the two beams of white light that shot up into the sky just now were the two loose people who were killed by them!

The equipment of the group of players looked very well equipped, and their levels were all around level 220.

This level is quite high at this stage!

It can reach the level of first-tier players in the main city!

Moreover, the ids above their heads are all unified, with the word Dynasty as the prefix.

Search the Hell City team list and you will find: the 10th-level team Dynasty, ranked fifth in the Hell City team list, is indeed a well-known top family!

Since the underworld was completely reorganized, in addition to the main team, the average combat power of the major detachments in the underworld has dropped a lot, and many teams have taken this opportunity to start surpassing the underworld and board the hell city list.

As you can see, on the other side of the bridge, tens of thousands of players from the dynasty are waiting in full force, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

A large group of warriors and knights blocked the entrance and exit of the bridge. Behind, countless archers and magicians copied bows and staffs, aiming here, ready to go!

In addition, several officials were at the head of the crowd, and one of them was called Dynasty: Lethal, a 224-level assassin man who was the vice-captain of Dynasty, and shouted to the players who were trying to cross the bridge: "Want to come to our hell. City, you have to pay the protection fee! Not much, 100,000 gold coins per person!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"And the protection fee? Who are you, why should you pay the protection fee?"

"Yeah, when is this the time to charge toll protection fees, are you crazy about money!"

"When your hell city was invaded by ghosts, when we came from other main cities to support you, why didn't you say that you charged tolls?"

"Thanks to all of you who can think of it, is there any morality?"

No matter how controversial the players here are.

Chao Dynasty: The fatal thing is not to let it go: "In short, if you want to pass, you have to pay, otherwise, where did you come from, and where did you go back!"

"I advise you, don't think about going around other bridges. All the bridges around here have been blocked by people from my dynasty. No matter where you go, you have to pay the toll!"

"In addition, if you want to force the card, in case you fail, but go directly back to your original main city, then your trip for the day will be in vain."

In the face of the threat of Dynasty players, the players here are in a tangle.

100,000 gold coins is not much to be honest, but most people just can't swallow it!

Why do they give them money when they say they receive money?

However, there are so many people on the other side, these loose people from other main cities may not be able to match the dynasty.

Because these people who came to Hell City are mostly scattered players.

After the formation is closed, the energy materials that can be used to create main cities and villages and towns will be born in the main cities, and some other materials will also be produced in large quantities.

The real purpose of many people crossing the city is actually to expand the scope to collect materials, thinking that they can also build a main city for their own team in the future!

It's like Dynasty: Fatal said, if you hang up here and return to the original main city, then it will take a day and a night to get to this position!

What a waste of life!

Therefore, in order to avoid causing trouble, many people choose to take money to eliminate disasters after hesitating again and again.

As one player after another handed over the money, the dynasty responsible for collecting the money: Deadly Le's mouth could not close.

He even started to figure it out with a few younger brothers around him.

"100,000 per person, this time, there must be hundreds of millions of people who come to our hell city this time?"

"Even if you only receive half of the money, you're getting rich!"

"When the time comes, let's take this money and let all the brothers in the team develop well. The team's ranking will definitely rise several times. Maybe it will surpass the Underworld and Xingchen Palace and become the first family in Hell City!"

The players of the dynasty are excited one by one.

At this time, the scavengers who were mixed in the crowd and were walking towards the exit of the bridge looked at Xing Tian dejectedly and said, "Xing Da, shall we give you money?"

"The most urgent task is to meet Zhang Yi as soon as possible." Xing Tian said: "He asked you to come here, there must be something important for you to help explore. If you can avoid trouble, don't make trouble."

It seems that more is worse than less.

In fact, Xingtian just said that he was very euphemistic to say that he was afraid that the scavengers would be cut down.

With Xingtian's strength, the Dynasty players couldn't stop him.

I'm afraid that if I really fight with them, Huangzi will be stabbed to death in a while, and Xingtian still doesn't know how to explain to Zhang Yi.

After all, he promised Zhang Yi yesterday to bring the scavengers to him.

Huang Zi's strength is considered outstanding among ordinary people.

But compared to Xingtian, it's too far behind.

Therefore, Xingtian and the scavengers each prepared 100,000 gold coins, ready to spend money to buy roads.

However, at this moment, just when it was time for them, the dynasty responsible for collecting money: Fatal suddenly changed the price!

"100,000 is not enough, you have to increase the price, 500,000 gold coins!"

Obviously, seeing that these outsiders are easy to bully, none of them resisted, and they all paid the money obediently, allowing the players of the dynasty to taste the sweetness.

So they started getting worse!

If you say 100,000, you will endure it.

But starting from Dynasty: Fatal Increase, even Xingtian couldn't help it.

It's not that I can't get 500,000.

For Xing Tian personally, his worth has at least exceeded 100 million.

500,000 gold coins are just a matter of waving.

But what makes Xingtian angry is: the other party's behavior is really indecent!

It's as if he has put his face in front of you for you to hit, can you not hit him?

Simply put, Xing Tian also took away the 100,000 gold coins he planned to give.

Looking at the dynasty with deep eyes: fatally, he said in a deep voice, "Not satisfied? Then don't ask for it."

"Shit, are you courting death?" Chao Dynasty: Furious with fatal anger, he shouted at Xing Tian, ​​"Dude, you are very brave!"

At this time, the scavenger pointed his thumb upside down at Xingtian, and said to Dynasty: Fatal: "Do you know who he is, who am I?"

"I don't care who you guys are! Unless you're a man of Yinuo Qingcheng, I'll kneel down to make way for you! Otherwise, I will have to pay the labor and management when I come!"

Chao Dynasty: No nonsense to be deadly, he pulled out the dagger with a slam, and approached Xingtian with murderous aura: "If you don't want to pay, where did you come from, go back to where you are, and I'll give you a ride!"

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