Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1775 Your takeaway has been delivered!

From Zhang Yi, he learned to keep a low profile.

Xing Tian habitually hid the id above his head, so that the players in the dynasty did not know the identity of the person they deliberately wanted to make things difficult at the moment.

That Assassin Man Dynasty: With a fatal dagger, he rushed towards Xingtian!

Xing Tian stood there, unmoved.

The next moment, the dynasty is approaching fatally


Swinging the dagger, the knife went straight into Xingtian's body.

Xing Tian didn't dodge, but hit the knife in the middle.

However, in the next second, a shocking damage number jumped up from the top of the head——

-14.1 billion!

The dynasty was fatally shocked.

With his strength, even in the face of level 230 monsters, he can easily deal 200 billion upwards of damage.

"This guy, the skin is so thick??"

Just when the dynasty was terribly shocked, the id above his head also turned gray with the malicious attack on Xingtian!

And Xing Tian was waiting for this moment!


Draw the sword and swing the sword, in one go.

In just an instant, a deep sword mark appeared on Chaos Fatal's chest, and at the same time, a blood-red injury in stark contrast to the damage he had just done on Xingtian jumped up from the top of his head:

-2525.8 billion critical hits!

A 224-level assassin, the blood volume that did not exceed 1 trillion to death was instantly emptied by one blow.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chao fatally widened his eyes and stared at the expressionless Xing Tian in front of him in disbelief.


Xing Tianjian pointed at the ground, and his body exuded a strong murderous aura that was exclusively for ghost swordsmen!

Up to this point, the players in the rear dynasty had not realized who the demon warrior they were provoking was.

They only know: Xing Tian killed the vice-captain of their dynasty in front of them!

"kill him!"

In the crowd, I do not know who heard a cry.

Ahead, a large group of Dynasty players rushed towards Xingtian!

Xing Tian held the blood sword in his hand, stood calmly in the same place, and said to the scavenger behind him: "Your hind legs, they hand it over to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, behind Xing Tian, ​​the scavenger who had already retreated 100 meters away waved his hand and shouted, "Come on, Xing Da!"

In the face of the large group of dynasty players who rushed in, Xing Tian remained calm.


A faint red light radiated from his body.

All pk mode!

Holding the long sword in his hand, the ghost swordsman's breath of darkness bloomed all over his body, and with a powerful killing intent, Xing Tian rushed into the crowd.

Brush brush brush brush!

The long sword was swung, but all Dynasty players who were touched by Xingtian fell down one by one under the huge damage of trillions.

In contrast, Dynasty players, their attacks fell on Xing Tian, ​​who was protected by a god-level talent with a steel body, and all of them could only deal a tiny amount of damage of 10 billion to 20 billion!

Mixed with bursts of screams one after another.

Whoa whoa whoa!

A streak of white light continued to light up from the crowd.

"Rely on this guy! Why is the damage so high!"

"Who the hell is he? How can he be so strong!"

Just when the players of Dynasty were beaten by Xing Tian alone and doubted their life.


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

In the air, a giant dragon of the Bright Race leaped over the crowd.

On the land, a group of players raised their heads when they heard the sound of the dragon.

I saw that when the giant dragon flew right above Xingtian's head, it suddenly dropped something.

Then, the giant dragon slid into the crack and disappeared.

And what was thrown down by the giant dragon just fell directly in front of Xing Tian's body.


With a loud bang, a long knife that weighed thousands of pounds and exuded endless brilliance suddenly plunged into the ground!

Just when Xingtian didn't know the reason, with a "ding", Zhang Yi suddenly sent a private message:

"Your takeout has been delivered, please sign for it."

Xing Tian froze for a moment, as if he suddenly understood something.

Looking at the sword in front of him, Xing Tian's heartbeat suddenly accelerated involuntarily!

Taking a step forward, Xing Tian stretched out his hand from the ground and pulled out the sword.


Just as Xing Tian pulled up the sword, a strong light of the sword followed the sword, stunned in all directions.

In all directions, a large group of dynasty players close to Xingtian were overturned by the powerful sword light!

Xing Tian looked at the knife in his hand, even though he had experienced hundreds of battles at this moment, there was no big scene he had never seen before, and he couldn't help but be extremely excited!

Immediately, he replied to Zhang Yi with a message: "Received!"


Zhang Yi returned the message: "Remember the five-star praise!"

"Then we have to see how the effect is, and then make an evaluation."

After saying that, Xing Tian immediately replaced the long sword in his hand with the unusual looking sword with red lightning flowing in its appearance.

At the same time, in all directions, Dynasty players look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

"The knife in his hand

Why does it look familiar? "

"What is the origin of this guy? It doesn't seem very ordinary!"

"It doesn't matter who he is. The deputy team just said that unless it is someone from the great god Yinuo Qingcheng, no matter who comes and dares to provoke our dynasty, it will be a dead end!"

"Brothers, let's go together and blow him up!"

Under the cry.

Thousands of troops of the dynasty, with overwhelming momentum, swept toward Xingtian!

Xing Tian held the sword and began to charge up.


Bursts of red lightning converged on the sword from all directions.

Seeing the Dynasty player in front approaching.


With a loud bang, Xing Tian swung his saber to the ground, and suddenly released a strong arc-shaped saber light toward the front!

In an instant, hundreds of Dynasty players in the front line were swallowed up by this sword light.

In a burst of screams one after another, a large area of ​​2-3 trillion explosion damage floated from the top of the crowd.

next second.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Hundreds of white lights lit up at the same time, and in just such an instant, within a large area in front of Xingtian, nothing would grow!

The dynasty players on the periphery were shocked.

Xing Tian, ​​on the other hand, looked at the sword in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh, "Is this the power of the original god-level equipment?"


In front of him, the players of the Dynasty did not dare to take another half step in the face of Xing Tian, ​​whose strength was exploding.

Just ask from a distance:

"Who the hell are you?!"

The voice just fell, before Xing Tian opened his mouth to answer.


Another fierce dragon roar came.

In the air, two giant dragons with flames all over their bodies descended from the sky, just around Xingtian.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw the giant dragon.

Because that is not an ordinary dragon, but the second-order dragon king of the Guangming Dragon family!

Seeing these two somewhat familiar Fire Dragon Kings, each of the Dynasty players felt a chill on their backs.

"Is this dragon under the command of Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"Wait! Is this person?"

Just when Dynasty players were shocked.

Xing Tian finally lit up the id that was hidden above his head——

lv230 Rank 8 Ghost Swordsman Xing Tian (Dragon Race/Deputy Captain)!

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