"Damn! He's really a man who promises to win the city!"

"And he is also the vice-captain of the Dragon Clan!"

"It's over, it's over, we're over, we've provoked Yinuo Qingcheng!!"

Seeing the id logo on Xingtian's head, the players from the front dynasty were all shocked and pale.

Some have already started crying.

"Why doesn't your sister recognize that he is from the Dragon Clan??"

"Who would have thought that he is really a person who promises to win the city!!"

"He's the deputy captain of the Dragon Clan! Brother Yinuo Qingcheng! We even tried to kill him just now."

"Brothers are really finished this time. Before Yinuo Qingcheng has been found, let's leave Hell City quickly!"

"Code brothers, let's be brothers again, I'm leaving the team, the dynasty can't stay!"

In the sound of words, among the Dynasty crowd, several elite-level officials of the team, as representatives, actually knelt directly in front of Xingtian.

And begged for mercy: "Great God, we have no eyes, we don't know you are from the Dragon Clan!"

"Yes, yes, if we knew that you were from the Dragon Clan, we would definitely not dare to offend you!"

"I beg your lord to forgive us a lot this time! This time we really took the plunge."

Can't blame the people of the dynasty for such a big reaction.

After all, since Zhang Yi came to Hell City, he first killed the seven-star ghost king Arthur, and then the devil who defeated Hell City: Lord of the Underworld, and slaughtered bosses, killing more than 100 bosses a day, and the fastest solution in 3 seconds. A boss with more than 100 stars.

In the eyes of all Hell City players, Yinuo Qingcheng has become their god!

Who dares to provoke Yinuo Qingcheng?

Dogs dare not!

Everyone in the dynasty knows the fate of the underworld.

The four million army of the underworld has been incorporated by the dragon clan, and even the underworld cannot offend Yinuo Qingcheng.

Their dynasty, even less dare!

The people present were also extremely frightened, for fear that Yinuo Qingcheng would order the killing of their dynasty tomorrow!

At this time, standing between the two dragon kings, Xingtian, holding the hell dragon slayer knife, is like a god at this moment.

He said to the trembling Dynasty players in front: "Those who don't know are innocent, pay attention next time."

Hearing this, all the people in the dynasty couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Xing Tian's two words brought the heart of the Dynasty player to his throat again: "But"

"Immediately arrange for all your people to withdraw and form the formation. If you continue to collect tolls, I will tell Yinuo Qingcheng what you just did and let him see how to deal with you."

"Don't dare!" The people of the dynasty were so frightened that they panicked: "We will withdraw immediately!"

After all, the people of the dynasty evacuated in a state of embarrassment.

Behind him, walking with Xingtian and the others, players from other major cities clapped their hands and applauded.

The scavenger walked up to Xing Tian and said to Xing Tian, ​​"Xing Da, when you said that last sentence just now, it seemed like when I was studying, the class loved to make small reports with the head teacher!"

"Is there?" Xing Tian fell silent.

The scavenger looked at the knife in Xingtian's hand, couldn't help but wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said, "This is the original god-level weapon that my brother exploded from the Lord of the Underworld, the hell dragon-slaying knife, right?"

"As expected of the original god-level equipment, its power is so strong!" The scavenger couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Xing Tian also said with emotion: "It's really strong, my damage is twice as high as before!"

"I didn't expect my brother to send the Dragon Saber here! And he sent the Dragon King to pick us up!" The scavenger ran over and touched one of the Fire Dragon Kings, and said, "Is this the royal treatment?"

So, the two of them each rode a dragon king, and in the envious eyes of countless players on the land, they leaped in the direction of Hell City.

The flying speed of the Dragon King is much faster than that of ordinary flying mounts.

After receiving Xing Tian and the scavengers, it took only 4 hours, and before 4:00 in the afternoon, they arrived at Hell City!

After arriving in the city, the two immediately changed their positions and changed Hell City to a permanent first-level main city.

The people in Xingchen Hall personally welcomed Xingtian and the scavengers, which made the scavengers a little flattered.

"The two brothers are here!"

The Xingchen Palace warrior and the Xingchen Palace angel, along with a group of people from the Xingchen Palace, received Xingtian and scavengers on the west square of the city.

The Xingchen Palace Battle General said very politely: "I've been tired this way. I've already asked someone to open a hotel. Let's go and rest first!"

"Thank you." Xing Tian looked at the generals of the Star Palace and asked, "Where's Zhang Yi?"

"Oh, he killed the boss outside."

"Kill the boss?" Xing Tian was a little curious: "Level up?"

"Yeah." The general said: "Others kill monsters to level up, he kills bosses to level up, kills hundreds of bosses a day, isn't it awesome?"

At this time, the scavenger sent a message to Zhang Yi: "Brother, Xing Da and I have already arrived in Hell City. What are you asking me to look for? After all, I will start work immediately!"

"Don't worry, you guys rest first, and I'll see you later when I go back in the evening."

At the same time, outside the city of hell.

A 237-level wild area, a wild tribe.

Zhang Yi is fighting fiercely with a 238-level 170-star savage boss.

Combining the Warcraft Group and the Dragon Group, Zhang Yi finally won the boss!

After cleaning up the boss' loot, Zhang Yi pretended to leave the wild tribe and went to the next boss location.

In fact, it was hidden in a hidden corner of the tribe!

From a distance, Zhang Yi stared at the corpse of the barbarian boss.

After a while, I saw a ghost general in black armor: the Lord of the Underworld, sneaking up to the boss's body.

The Lord of the Underworld looked around and found nothing unusual, then "puchi" pierced the barbarian's chest, took out a bloody heart, and began to swallow it!

This scene is simply creepy!

At this time, Zhang Yi noticed that the level of the Lord of the Underworld has evolved from the previous 235 four-star to a 242-level five-star!

After eating the guts of this 170 star boss.

Bursts of red light enveloped the Lord of the Underworld, and at the same time, the Lord of the Underworld let out a low roar.

His power has been strengthened again! It has been upgraded again!

In front of Zhang Yi, the lord of the underworld rose to the six-star ghost king!

"Good guy!"

Seeing that under his own feeding, the Lord of the Underworld has grown stronger day by day, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel relieved.

Involuntarily showing an old father-like "kind" smile

It seems that nearly 200 bosses have been slaughtered one after another in the past two days. The improvement of the Lord of the Underworld is really great!

However, this is not enough.

"Grow up a little longer, and it will be perfect when you grow up to seven stars!"

"Give me some strength and eat more!"

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