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Chapter 1777 Don't take the usual path

In more than two days, the lord of the underworld was promoted from a four-star ghost king to a six-star ghost king, indicating that Zhang Yi's development plan was very successful!

The next step is to continue to feed the Lord of the Underworld, raise it to seven stars, and then find a warrior to hide his occupation and arrange it for him, so that he can enjoy the happiness of his family before he dies!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi quietly evacuated the wild tribe and headed for the next boss location!

In the barbarian tribe, just after swallowing the internal organs of the barbarian boss, he was promoted to the master of the underworld of the six-star ghost king. He was very satisfied with the enhancement he had received.

In his heart, there was a strong hatred and killing intent.

"Yinuo Qingcheng, you think you are smart, but you never thought that I would always follow you and eat the bosses you killed. Thanks to you, I can grow so fast during this period of time!"

"In a few days, when I appear in front of you again as the seven-star ghost king, your expression will be wonderful!"

"Giggle, self-righteous idiot, prepare to go to hell for me!"

After all, the Lord of the Underworld also left the wild tribe

One after another, Zhang Yi slaughtered dozens of bosses in one afternoon!

At this time, Zhang Yi's level has reached level 243!

Almost all the bosses in Hell City were killed.

There are fewer and fewer bosses found by Hell City players.

But Zhang Yi was in no hurry.

The big deal will take a few more days. As long as you keep feeding it, the Lord of the Underworld will surely grow into a seven-star ghost king!

Anyway, Zhang Yi has not found the hidden scroll of the warrior profession.

It is not enough for the lord of the underworld to grow into a seven-star ghost king. He also has to find a hidden profession and arrange for the lord of the underworld.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi returned to Hell City at seven o'clock in the evening.

In the city, Xingtian and Xingtian, who had rested for an afternoon, met in a restaurant.

Seeing Xingtian, Zhang Yi asked, "How about it, is the Dragon Saber easy to use?"

"Tried it, it works fine."

As Xing Tian's voice just fell, Zhang Yi said, "Just don't forget the five-star praise."

"The only original god-level equipment in Xingguo is in your hands." Zhang Yi then said to Xingtian: "Juggernaut, the war generals asked me for it, but I was not willing to give it. How about it, what are you going to do? Repay me?"

Xing Tian was silent for a while and said, "I will help you slaughter the dark dragon clan, so that the light will last forever."

good guy!

"You are a true dragon slayer! When the Lord of the Underworld was holding this knife, he didn't even dare to have this idea."

Xing Tian said: "This knife has not yet reached the highest level, and it needs to kill the dragon to upgrade it."

"Don't worry, you will have the opportunity to level up soon." Zhang Yi said: "It shouldn't be long before the ghosts will invade Hell City."

Hearing this, the scavengers were a little confused: "Can the Dragon Slayer Sword and Ghost Slayer also be upgraded??"

"There are ghost dragons in the ghost clan." Zhang Yi said: "And by then, there should be quite a few ghost dragons."

Xing Tian glanced at Zhang Yi with uncertain eyes, and said thoughtfully, "Did you let them out?"

"What, are you talking about the ghost clan?" Zhang Yi said, "That's right."

Although Zhang Yi did not directly release the ghost clan in Hell City, it was also indirect.

If he hadn't let the people of Xingchen Temple release the ghost king Arthur, he would not have let Arthur find the opportunity to release the ghost clan.

Therefore, Zhang Yi is the mastermind behind the scenes, the source of evil

The scavenger couldn't help but sigh: "Brother, you really never take the usual path! You can still be so calm after releasing the ghost clan!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "The basics are not six."

After a pause, Zhang Yi then said to the scavenger: "By the way, I called you to Hell City this time because I wanted you to help me find something."

The scavenger patted his chest and vowed: "What? Brother, just say, I can get you anything! As long as you don't let me help you get the original god-level equipment! Then I really can't get it!"

Zhang Yi said straight to the point: "I need a hidden occupation scroll for the warrior occupation."

The "Hidden Profession Scroll" scavenger frowned slightly.

"This is not easy to do, but I will think of a way!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Then this task is handed over to you, you must help me get it, this is very important to me."

"After this is done, I will make a first-order dragon king for you as a mount."

Hearing this, the scavengers were ecstatic: "Really, brother!?"

"Truer than pearls."

The scavenger was suddenly full of confidence: "Don't worry, brother, even if I traveled to the ends of the earth, I will find a hidden scroll of the warrior profession for you and come out! Even if I can't find it, I will make one for you!"

With that said, the scavenger didn't even eat dinner, he rushed out and started his mission on the spot.

It seems that the temptation of the Dragon King's mount is not ordinary!

Of course, for Zhang Yi, who already has thirty first-order dragon king eggs in the Dragon Domain, and will soon be able to harvest thirty first-order dragon king eggs, it is not a big deal to take one of them for Huangzi to ride.

That is to say, there is no attribute bonus of ordinary mounts, and it is quite acceptable to use it to force!

The task of finding occupation scrolls is handed over to the scavengers.

Next, Zhang Yi only needs to continue feeding the Lord of the Underworld.

At this time, Xingtian

Some doubts asked: "Why are you in such a hurry to hide the occupation scroll?"

"Raising ghosts." Zhang Yi's answer only called Xing Tian a little bizarre.

"It seems Huangzi is right." Xing Tian sighed, "You really don't take the usual path."

Zhang Yi smiled and said to Xing Tian, ​​"Since you're here, then help me get the materials."

"The exclusive dungeon for the birth of energy-related materials will be opened when the first-level main city is reactivated. I may not have time to play this dungeon, you can play it, and if you get the top ten, there will be an energy-related dungeon. Rewards for materials, and some materials can also be collected in the dungeon.”

Because Zhang Yi knew that because of the need to collect energy all the time, the Mysterious Land dungeon was time-consuming, and it would take at least a day to clear the customs.

And Zhang Yi couldn't miss the golden period of one week when the lord of the underworld had just become the ghost king. He had to cultivate the lord of the underworld into a seven-star ghost king within the golden period.

Otherwise, once this golden period has passed, the difficulty of upgrading the Lord of the Underworld will increase by more than ten times!

So Zhang Yi has no time to waste in the Mysterious Land dungeon.

Xing Tian also said without saying a word: "No problem, give me the copy."

Zhang Yi also has full confidence in Xingtian.

His strength itself is very strong, and now he has the original god-level weapon, the Hell Dragon Slayer Sword, which is even more powerful, and his combat power is even more doubled!

With Xingtian present, the first place in the Mysterious Land dungeon must be stable.

Next, Zhang Yi can continue to implement his "Seven-star Ghost King Cultivation Plan" with peace of mind!

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