Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1792 Hidden realm, heaven and earth!

According to Apocalypse History.

Thousands of years ago, ghosts were rampant.

In order to fight against the ghosts.

The three major races, the Demon Race, the Alien Race, and the Human Race, once had a short-term alliance period.

During this alliance period, the elites of the three major races gathered their respective strengths together to create the most powerful weapon - domain skills!

Using these powerful domain skills, the three major races successfully held their territory.

Until later, the ghost race was sealed by the main god of the god race, and the three races fell into conflict again. Those domain skills created by them were also sealed by their founders in the super god domain because of the split of the three races.

If you want to regain domain skills, you must pass many challenges in the super god domain.

And every super god domain is guarded by the descendants of the founders from generation to generation.

Right now, the NPC soldiers outside the Frost Realm are the guardians of the Frost Realm!

Zhang Yi sat down toward the ground.

Come under that ice blue beam.

I only saw the demon npc soldier in ice blue armor and a bull-headed battle helmet on his head, with a line of golden id displayed on the top of his head——

The guardian of the ice field, Mosen (level 255, 255 star physics boss/npc)!

A powerful aura emanated from Mosen's body and spread around.

For a few miles around, no wild monster dared to approach this area!

The boss with the golden id, the giant dragon, Zhang Yi has seen a lot.

But it was the first time he saw an NPC with a golden id!

A 255-level 255-star gold boss is an NPC, and its strength should be able to reach the level of a full-level sixth-order dragon king, or a six-star ghost king.

To be honest, Zhang Yi has killed a lot of 100-200 star bosses outside Hell City recently.

Suddenly seeing such a top-level boss with 255 stars, I couldn't help but have a thought in my mind

"No, you don't want to! Be restrained, they are the guardians of the supernatural realm!"

Zhang Yi tried his best to regain his sanity

Of course, in fact, even if Zhang Yizhen had the idea of ​​bursting this boss, he would not be the opponent of this magic forest.

Because the guardians of the super god realm have a characteristic, that is, they are completely immune to the damage of people with the bloodlines of the three major races of demons, aliens, and humans!

Although Zhang Yi belongs to the dragon camp, his body still has the original human blood flowing in his body.

He can't hurt the domain guardian.

Zhang Yi came to Mosen.

Facing the 255-level 255-star, Jin-named boss known as the strongest demon, even Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling a powerful deterrent!

Zhang Yi immediately triggered the dialogue.

"Adventurer, do you want to crack the ice field and capture the supreme weapons and field skills handed down by our demon ancestors?"

Mosen stared at Zhang Yi through the bull-headed helmet and said, "The skills in the field of supreme weapons used by the three major races of the demon race, human race, and alien race to fight against the ghost race, are beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

As Mosen's voice just fell, Zhang Yi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "I will pass your test to prove my strength."

"Very good!" Mosen said: "The ghost clan is on the rise. I sincerely hope that you can successfully break through the ice field and obtain the field skills. When the ghost clan breaks the Millennium Seal, make good use of this field skills. , to defeat the ghost clan!"

After all, Mosen took out an ancient copper-colored scroll, handed it to Zhang Yi, and said, "Complete the challenge task recorded on this scroll, and I will let you enter the ice field!"

Zhang Yi took the scroll and glanced at it.

Super God Realm Quest Scroll (Ice Realm):

Description: Use this scroll to get an exclusive assessment task in the supernatural realm of ice and ice. After completing the task, you will be eligible to enter the ice realm.

Remarks: Each player can claim this scroll at most once. If the scroll mission fails, you will permanently lose the qualification to enter the ice field. And players can only perform at most one field task at the same time.

After getting the scroll, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to use it immediately.

Instead, he put it in his backpack and left the teleportation array in the ice field!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi followed the map guide and successively came to the opening of another teleportation channel in the Skyfire Domain.

Like the Frost Realm, there is also a 255-level 255-star Jin-name boss-level npc soldier stationed in the Skyfire Realm.

Through the dialogue, Zhang Yi also received a Skyfire Domain quest scroll!

Zhang Yi didn't use it either, and put it in the bag together.

Then he arrived at the other three areas, and received the quest scrolls for the three areas of Superspace, Darkness and Berserk!

With all five quest scrolls in different fields in hand, Zhang Yi took them all out!

In fact, according to the rules, if Zhang Yi used any of the scrolls, the other four could not be used.

This gives the illusion that only one of the domain tasks can be performed at the same time!

But in fact, it is mixed with an unknown secret.

That is: if you crush five scrolls at the same time, there will be a miracle!

Zhang Yi put the five scrolls together and crushed them at the same time.

next moment.


system error! Program tampering"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have obtained the hidden realm assessment task - Tianluo Wanxiang! Please complete the task according to the task prompts, and you will be able to activate the hidden realm - the realm of heaven and earth!"

The system prompt made Zhang Yi feel happy.

On the surface, it looks like a system bug, but this is actually a system setting!

Why do other first-level main cities have 7 super god domains, but Hell City only has 5?

It is precisely because there is a hidden area of ​​extremely high value in Hell City!

In the last life, someone had a whim and accidentally activated the hidden realm in Hell City by using five scrolls at the same time.

Because the strongest domain skills in the Star Country are hidden in the Heaven and Earth Domain, the difficulty of conquering this domain is far more difficult than that of ordinary domains!

According to Zhang Yi's knowledge: the first player who discovered the world of heaven and earth in the previous life, but failed to obtain the domain skills.

Later, other players took away that domain skill.

In this life, Zhang Yi is bound to acquire the strongest domain skills in this star country!

Zhang Yi immediately opened the task list.

Tianluo Wanxiang (hidden realm assessment task).

Difficulty factor: 3320w.

Description: All things in the world, all kinds of scenes. Players are asked to hunt down 100 different monsters, and the number of kills of each monster is not less than 1000 (the target level of the kill must be higher than the level 5 of the player, and the final blow must be obtained to calculate the progress).

Time: Unlimited.

Reward: Obtain the qualification to enter the hidden supernatural realm of heaven and earth.

Remarks: The first player to complete this quest will receive the only activation reward for Heaven and Earth Domain

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