If it is just an assessment task, the difficulty is not very high.

Of course, this is for Zhang Yi.

After all, Zhang Yi's last contact with Babu's sixth-order promotion task had a difficulty factor of 44.8 million, which was all taken by Zhang Yi.

And the difficulty factor of this sky is only 33.2 million, which is definitely not a problem for Zhang Yi.

But if you change to an ordinary player, it will be as difficult as going to the sky!

According to the strength level of ordinary players at this stage, they would not even dare to touch tasks with a difficulty factor of 10 million!

If you want to win this heaven and earth, it is impossible for ordinary players to join forces with tens of thousands of people.

But in Zhang Yi, he alone is enough.

For Zhang Yi, this task is nothing more than spending some time.

100 kinds of monsters, no less than 1,000 of each, add up to 100,000 monsters!

When ordinary people see this amount of work, they are afraid to give up the task on the spot.

However, this is a hidden field after all, and the entry conditions are naturally a bit harsher than other fields.

And about the activation conditions of this hidden field.

After the last life was made public, players in other first-level main cities followed suit, using all the supernatural realm quest scrolls in their cities together, trying to use this method to activate the hidden realms of the main cities.

However, it turns out that except for Hell City, there are no hidden areas in the other five first-level main cities of the Star Country!

This is the only hidden supernatural realm in the Xingguo District!

After obtaining this quest, Zhang Yi thought: At present, besides himself, there is another person in Hell City who seems to have reached level 230.

That is the punishment day!

So, Zhang Yi sent a message to Xing Tian: "How is the upgrade of the Dragon Saber?"

"It's a little difficult." Xing Tian said: "Currently, the SS level is medium. If you want to quickly reach the peak of the SSSS level, it is estimated that you can only wait for the ghost clan to launch an all-out attack on Hell City."

"Since you're not in a hurry, why don't you get the domain skills first?"

"Here in Hell City, there is a field that should be very suitable for you."

In this regard, Xing Tian seems to have studied it for a long time: "You mean, the dark realm?"


Xing Tian's occupation is Ghost Swordsman.

Although it is not a real ghost occupation, it is a occupation related to darkness after all.

The domain skills born in this dark domain must also be of the dark type, which is very compatible with the ghost swordsman Xing Tian!

Zhang Yi then said: "Don't raise the Dragon Saber first, go and clear the dark realm."

Xing Tian was silent for a while and said, "Do you believe me too much?"

"Of course I believe you." Zhang Yi said: "With your strength, you can win, be confident!"

It turns out that Xingtian has never dared to enter the supernatural realm, because he did not dare!

Xing Tian's character is relatively calm, and he will not try things that he is not sure about easily.

Originally, he was thinking that when the level is higher and the strength is stronger, he will challenge the super god realm and seize the realm skills.

But with Zhang Yi's encouragement, Xing Tian finally made a new decision: "Okay, I'll try."

It's not because Zhang Yi is selfish and wants to dominate this most valuable hidden realm, so he sent Xing Tian to get a second-tier realm.

Just because: Apocalypse world, each super god domain and corresponding domain skills are unique.

Moreover, once a player chooses a super god realm to enter, he can no longer enter other super god realms!

If Xing Tian and Zhang Yi are allowed to enter the hidden realm together, then only one of them will be able to acquire realm skills!

Domain skills can make any weak person who has no power to turn into a top-level powerhouse in an instant!

If it acts on someone who is a strong person, it will be even more powerful!

So, Xing Tian put down the task of upgrading the Dragon Saber, and immediately set off for the dark realm.

On Zhang Yi's side, he started to perform the assessment task in the hidden realm.

100,000 monsters with a level higher than their own level 5, placed on ordinary players, may be difficult to complete in ten days and a half months.

Zhang Yi set a goal: one day.

According to its own level of 243.

Zhang Yi opened the map and quickly locked it on the map. Some wild areas around Hell City were distributed in the wild areas above level 248, and marked them all until the marking of 100 locations was completed.

So as not to repeatedly brush the same map at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi quickly came to one of the 249-level maps that was relatively close: Saber-toothed Tiger Mountains.

Looking around, the entire mountain is full of 249-level violent saber-toothed tigers.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to slaughter them right away.

Instead, take out the Dragon King Token.

Without a word, summon dragons.


A huge enchantment transformed into the sky above Zhang Yi's head.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by a violent dragon roar.

Countless bright dragons leaped out of the barrier.

Under Zhang Yi's order, the dragon group leaped straight towards the Saber-toothed Tiger Mountains.

Soon, the dragon surrounded the mountains.

Countless giant dragons hovered over the mountains, almost blocking out the sunlight, making the Saber-toothed Tiger Mountains plunge into darkness!

Lock on the saber-toothed tigers all over the mountain, and the giant dragon immediately launches an indiscriminate attack!

Boom boom boom!

Countless hot dragon flames shot down towards the Saber-toothed Tiger Mountains, instantly engulfing the saber-toothed tiger on the mountain.

The damage as high as trillions devoured the blood of those saber-toothed tigers at high speed.

And as free-range chickens, those saber-toothed tigers had no chance to fight back against the dragon at all, and only had to be beaten.

Under the burning of the dragon flames, they let out bursts of mourning.

During this process, Zhang Yizheng was riding a minibus, watching the mountains silently at a height of several hundred meters from the Saber-Toothed Tiger Mountains, but did not take any action.

Under the oppression of thousands of dragons.

In an instant, countless saber-toothed tigers in the saber-toothed tiger mountain range were beaten to severe disabilities!

At this time, Zhang Yi finally acted.

Driving the sixth-order dragon king Babu, while leaping over the mountain range, he waved the judgment of ashes in his hand.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Wherever he went, one after another huge golden dragon shadow-shaped enchantment appeared from different positions in the air above the mountain.

The next moment, countless fire dragons rushed out of those enchantments, accompanied by a sound of dragon chirping resounding through the sky, devouring those saber-toothed tigers underground!

Huge damage as high as 6-7 trillion, frantically harvesting saber-toothed tigers that were maimed by dragons.

As long as the saber-toothed tiger is touched by Zhang Yi's attack, it will die directly!

Zhang Yi's damage is very high.

But it's still a little bit worse after all!

It is impossible to directly kill these saber-toothed tigers with one blow, so the dragon group is used to make up for the damage.

As Zhang Yi rode the sixth-order Dragon King and leaped over the saber-toothed tiger mountain range.

In just a moment of effort, the entire mountain range fell into a sea of ​​golden fire

Countless golden dragon seals bloom in the mountains.

And above those dragon seals, there are the corpses of saber-toothed tigers blooming everywhere.

The system prompts: "Ding~ You have killed a monster that is level 5 or higher than your own level, the Violent Saber-toothed Tiger, the number: 392, the killing progress: 39.2%!"

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