Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1795 Knowing mistakes and correcting them is a good spirit!

Zhang Yi doesn't need to instill any thoughts on the people of the underworld at all. Just by using the spoils of war, he instantly gained the favor of four million people in the underworld!

Following the side of the Dragon God, the first and second batches of loot were distributed to the officials of each detachment.

Every member of the detachments in the underworld got resources.

They no longer doubted what Zhang Yi did.

"Yinuo Qingcheng's boss treats his subordinates very well!"

"My God! Is this something for me? So much gold!!"

"The boss said, everyone has a share!"

"Don't say anything else, Yinuo is awesome! It's much better than the cheapskate of the lord of the underworld! This time, we are lucky to meet a bright prince!"

"Really, I joined the underworld with twists and turns. I have been in several teams before, and I have never seen a team leader treat his subordinates so well and distribute so many resources to the people in the team!"

"Go to his sister's master of the underworld! When I was under the master of the underworld before, I was really embarrassed! Now I think about how unlucky he is, bah!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is great!"

"From now on, Yinuo Qingcheng is my boss! I will go through fire and water for the boss, and I will do whatever it takes!"

At the same time, outside the city, there is a level 251 wild area.

Zhang Yi, who was leading the dragon group to kill monsters, received a private message from the god of the dragon race: "Boss, basically all the brothers in the underworld have already received the resources, so there is no need to distribute them any more? I will collect the remaining resources. Get up and hand it back to you?"

The Dragon God is very smart.

What he meant in his words, it was obvious that Zhang Yi distributed resources to the underworld in order to win people's hearts.

At the same time, he is really thinking about Zhang Yi, so he thinks that the purpose of attracting people's hearts has been achieved, so he persuades Zhang Yi not to continue to distribute resources, but to keep these resources for himself or the development of the Dragon Clan.

What he didn't expect was that he underestimated Zhang Yi's determination.

Zhang Yi replied: "No need, all of them will be distributed at one time."

Either don't do it, and since you do it, it will be in place once!

Zhang Yi wants everyone in the underworld to see his generosity!

He just wants everyone in the underworld to understand: follow Yinuo to allure, and have meat to eat! !

Who doesn't like such a rich and powerful boss who treats his subordinates with sincerity?

The god of dragons obeyed Zhang Yi: "Yes!"

After a pause, the Dragon God suddenly asked inexplicably: "By the way, boss, haven't you been fighting bosses some time ago? Why did you suddenly change to normal monsters today?"

"Perform domain tasks." Zhang Yi said bluntly: "You hurry up to level 230, and then the entire domain skills will be available."

The Dragon God looked at his level: 229.

He couldn't help but firmly sent a message to Zhang Yi and said, "Yes, boss!"

Zhang Yi is here.

Unconsciously, it has been brushed all morning.

So far, 48 maps between levels 248-255 around Hell City have been blasted!

There are still 52 tasks left.

According to this trend, the task can be completed in the afternoon!

After just finishing a map, Zhang Yi didn't plan to continue.

Look at the time, it's almost twelve o'clock.

Zhang Yi has not seen his wife for 4 hours and 18 minutes!

He must hurry to see his wife!

So, while evacuating the lv252 Destiny Cave just finished, Zhang Yi sent the location of the Destiny Cave to the Dragon God.

While sending a message to Han Yarou through the Dragon Soul Ring: "Wife, what do you want for lunch? I'll bring it to you."

After a while, a voice that did not belong to Han Yarou suddenly came from the Dragon Soul Ring: "Stinky boy, no big or small, who's wife to call?"

Zhang Yi looked confused, raised the Dragon Soul Ring to take a look, and then suddenly realized: I rely on it! Cut to the wrong channel! Cut to the Viana Channel! !

Zhang Yi suddenly looked embarrassed, and quickly explained to Viana: "Nana, this is a misunderstanding, listen to my explanation"

Wei Yana suddenly laughed: "Okay, I know you sent it to the wrong person!"

"But then again, I found that you seem to be greasy~" Viana said with a smile: "I have never heard you call your lover your wife before, and the tone of voice just now is obviously different from usual. Same, huh~"

"I remember that you didn't seem like this before~"

"Ah this"

Zhang Yi's face turned red.

Just when I didn't know what to say.

Viana smiled and said, "Well, I won't laugh at you anymore, go find your wife! Don't let her wait for you for too long."

"Okay." Hastily ended the conversation with Viyana, Zhang Yi hurriedly crushed the scroll of returning to the city and returned to the city.

After packing lunch in the restaurant, Zhang Yi came to the Dragon Soul Palace.

From a distance, he saw Han Yarou standing at the entrance of the Dragon Soul Palace, as if waiting for Zhang Yi's arrival.

Zhang Yi just sat down on a minibus.

Linger next to her suddenly flew to Han Yarou's side, she didn't know what to say in Han Yarou's ear with Zhang Yi behind her back, and then she saw Han Yarou angrily saying to Zhang Yi: "Good you Zhang Yi, you To actually call someone else a wife!"

"Okay, you Linger, you actually made a small report!" Zhang Yi glanced at him

Linger, speechless.

Linger stuck out her tongue at Zhang Yi mischievously: "Slightly slightly~"

"Wife, listen to my explanation"

"Hmph, I don't want to listen!" Han Ya looked at Zhang Yi softly, and then said to Linger, "Linger, let's go, we'll ignore him!"

After speaking, Han Yarou turned around and entered the Dragon Soul Hall.

Linger was stunned, she didn't expect Mama to be really angry!

She quickly caught up with Mama and wanted to explain to Mama

Only Zhang Yi was left alone outside the Dragon Soul Hall.

As soon as he looked up, he found that Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, who was always stationed outside the Dragon Soul Hall, was staring at himself with mocking eyes, and said, "The dignified and bright dragon campers, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Liga, the Dragon King of Destruction, and said, "Do you believe that I will make you become a dragon crystal?"

Destroy Dragon King Riga: "?"

Zhang Yi ignored Li Jia and hurried into the Dragon Soul Palace.

At this moment, Han Yarou was sitting beside the bed with her back to this side, as if she was "angry"!

Ling'er stayed by Han Yarou's side, blinking her big eyes, looking at Han Yarou at a loss.

Because she originally wanted to make a joke with Mama, but she didn't expect that Mama was really angry!

Linger's little head has already begun to think wildly.

"Mama is really angry, what if Mama ignores Baba in the future?"

"It's all Linger's fault, it's Linger who made Mama ignore Baba"

"What should I do? Linger does something wrong. What if Baba is strange to Linger and doesn't like Linger anymore?"

Suddenly, Linger's light flashed: "Baba said that the one who knows his mistakes and can correct them is still a good boy!"

So, seeing Zhang Yi approaching, Linger immediately came to Zhang Yi, lowered her head, and said to Zhang Yi aggrievedly: "Linger accidentally made Ma Ma angry, I'm sorry Baba, Baba punish Linger. "

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