Pick up the Hidden Profession Scroll from the loot dropped next to the Iceberg Demon's corpse.

Zhang Yi felt a little surprised.

Although it is said that high-level bosses in the world of Apocalypse will have a chance to drop hidden occupation scrolls, this probability is almost outrageous!

From the moment he started feeding the Lord of the Underworld, Zhang Yi killed hundreds of bosses big and small, and never dropped a professional scroll.

Unexpectedly, this Iceberg Demon King dropped one!

I have to say: "The Lord of the Underworld is really lucky."

After all, the Iceberg Demon King was the one who took the final blow from the Lord of the Underworld. This professional scroll is also equivalent to him bursting out!

Zhang Yi just sent a professional scroll to the Lord of the Underworld, and the Lord of the Underworld gave it back.

Is this a courtesy exchange?

The scavenger on the side was also excited: "Brother, look at what kind of scroll this is?"

"Your occupation." Zhang Yi's blurted answer surprised the scavenger: "Assassin's?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi looked at the scroll in his hand, and then directly handed the scroll to the scavenger who was an assassin.

The scavenger was stunned: "Brother, what does this mean?"

"Here you are." Zhang Yi said, "You have the most credit for the recent tasks."

"Furthermore, the characteristics of this profession are quite in line with your temperament."

"What?" The scavenger was so complimented by Zhang Yi, and his heart burst into joy. He scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother, you are serious, what kind of temperament can I have?"

"Ugly temperament."

As soon as the words fell, the scavenger fell into a moment of silence.

So, he took the scroll in Zhang Yi's hand and looked at it.

Shadow Killer (Assassin Hidden Profession Scroll):

Description: After using it, you can get the exclusive job transfer task of Shadow Killer, and you can get the hidden professional Shadow Killer after completing the task.

Shadow Killer Occupation Features: Shadow Killer walks in the dark, and increases his movement speed by 100% when out of combat and by 50% when in combat. Shadow Killer's frontal attack damage to enemies is reduced by 50%, all damage dealt to enemies from the back is guaranteed to be critical, and the critical damage rate is increased to 400%.

"I rely on!"

The scavenger who saw the job description was so excited: "Backstab 100% crit, 4 times crit damage!! This is amazing!"

Zhang Yi said angrily: "Does it match your temperament well? Don't you like to stab people's butts most in the back?"

The scavenger smiled: "I was discovered by you!"

The scavenger was still a little unsure: "But, brother, do you really intend to use such a valuable thing as a hidden occupation scroll for me? I mean that there are many assassins who are stronger than me in our dragon clan."

If the scavenger can say such selfless words, it can be considered that Zhang Yi is not wrong.

Zhang Yi said: "This is what you deserve, and your strength is not bad. Compared with Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, it is only a hundred million points worse."

"Also, no one is more suitable for this profession than you, this is tailor-made for you!"

Zhang Yi tried his best to be euphemistic about the vulgar characteristics of scavengers.

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "Look back and wait a bit later, I will help you complete the job transfer task, don't worry."

The scavenger laughed and said, "Okay, then thank you brother!"

Having said that, the scavenger held the scroll in love with his hands, and from time to time he had to get up to kiss him. At this moment, he was happier than marrying a daughter-in-law!

Ever since he started following Zhang Yi, the scavengers have always responded to their needs.

His strength may not be very strong in the Dragon Clan, and he can only be at the same level as the peak Huang Shao and Xiao Qiang.

Just as the scavenger himself said just now: there are many assassins stronger than him in the dragon clan.

But he has done a lot of errands for Zhang Yi, and the scavengers have never complained!

This time, the hidden occupation should belong to the scavenger.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi and the scavengers picked up all the other things that the Iceberg Demon King exploded, and then evacuated the Watch Mountain Range and returned to Hell City.

At present, with the help of Zhang Yi, the lord of the underworld has been promoted to the seven-star ghost king, and has obtained the hidden profession of frost warrior.

Next, after only a few days to completely digest the profession of Frost Warrior, the lord of the underworld will definitely lead the army of ghosts who escaped from the demon city and start a full-scale attack on the city of hell!

And that will be the last step of Zhang Yi's plan!

However, it is not known when the Lord of the Underworld will attack Hell City.

So before that, Zhang Yi still intends to clear the world domain first, and then get the domain skills!

So, took a night off.

The next day, Zhang Yi continued to fight the boss for a day.

After all, the play has been played for this sake, and it has to be finished no matter what!

After that, the Lord of the Underworld no longer followed Zhang Yi to eat the boss.

Because the child has grown up, it will explode if fed again.

Until after brushing the boss for another two days.

Zhang Yi just started to attack the realm of heaven and earth!

At this time, under the crazy boss harvest, Zhang Yi's level has ushered in level 250!

It is only 5 levels away from the full level!

In front, Zhang Yi has

After blasting the first four domains of the Heaven and Earth Domain, the progress of the strategy has reached the fifth domain: Daqian World.

So Zhang Yi started directly from Daqian World!

In the Great Thousand World, there are 10 kinds of monster illustrations, and 100 pieces of each type are collected.

Zhang Yi's completion rate has just reached over 20%.

So the next task is to continue to kill monsters and collect illustrations!

In order to act for the Lord of the Underworld, Zhang Yi suppressed it for several days.

He obviously has a 200-star super artifact candle dragon suit, but he can't use it. He can only use the 100-star Tianxuan suit to brush the boss.

And the phantom skills can't be used.

God knows how embarrassed Zhang Yi has been these past few days!

Now in the realm of heaven and earth, Zhang Yi can finally release himself completely without any cover up!

After entering Daqian World, Zhang Yi immediately took out the candle dragon suit from his bag and replaced the Heavenly Chosen suit on him.


A golden streamer shrouded Zhang Yi's body.

Under the blessing of the 200-star super artifact candle dragon suit, Zhang Yi's momentum soared instantly!

The temperament of the whole person from the inside to the outside is different, and it has obviously improved by more than one grade!

He is holding a super divine weapon to judge by fire, wearing a super divine candle dragon suit, and stepping on the sixth-order fire dragon king.

Zhang Yi's eyes swept across the land of the surrounding Daqian World.

He said to himself, "Next, it's time to kill!"

After all, jumping towards the place where the concentration of monsters on the ground is relatively high, riding the dragon!

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